
6 Reviews
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Family Secrets (2021–2024)
Wonderful, original & simply perfect!
20 September 2021
I've just watched it and I got goosebumps in the end. So exciting from the very beginning, amazing story, brilliant acting, a lot of talent from most actors, especially from Kaan UrgancIoglu (Emir from "Kara Sevda"). I really hope this series becomes successful.
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Halka (2019)
6 October 2020
Ok, so where do I start? I'll leave the choice of actors for later. This series DEFINITELY deserves such high rating (8.7 at the moment), even higher! 1. The story itself is wow, totally different from other Turkish series! I love it, it's so addictive! A lot of suspense and mystery, exactly what I need! :D 2. Actors are really talented, especially the main ones, I really can't complain about this point. 3. I love the graphics, the visual aspect, when they quickly switch from one place in Istanbul (which is soooo beautiful by the way) to another. 4. The choice of actors? Well... Like I've already said, they are all talented but God, they are gorgeous! Cihangir, his fiancé, Kaan,Müjde... Woah! When Cihangir and Kaan are shown at the same time, I can't decide where to look. 🤣 Anyway, I left this for the last point as I didn't want to spoil the real quality that the drama has, because attractive actors would mean nothing if the story weren't sooo good!
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Simply perfect!
4 January 2018
I've been waiting for a show like this for years! I've been crazy about the whole concept of the Punisher ever since I saw Frank Castle in "Daredevil". To make one show completely focused on him is the best thing that could have happened. I really missed this feeling of getting so addicted to something that I simply can't stop watching.
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Stalker (2014–2015)
Such a pity no season 2
14 August 2017
Having seen so many TV shows so far, I still can't believe THIS ONE wasn't renewed for a second season. Such an amazing show, actors are perfect, not to mention good-looking, all of them, but like I said, more importantly, SO good at acting and, I mean, the way the story is developed... it's just WOW. I really don't understand how some stupid, bad quality shows stay on TV for such a long time and this one doesn't get to stay.
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Interstellar (2014)
Why haven't I seen this earlier?!
31 October 2016
Wow!! I can't find another word that would describe my feelings while watching this movie. And I honestly don't remember the last time I was so amazed by something I had seen. Sci-fi movies have never been my cup of tea, but I'm literally angry with myself for trying to find a good movie so many times and not watching this one much, much earlier. I would give it a 20 instead of 10 if it were possible. Such wonderful special effects, not too many, just enough to add to your enjoyment of the movie. Actors, of course - amazing, both Ann Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey have showed so many times that they know what they are doing, but the real genius is the writer! Simply amazing!
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Prisoners (2013)
Amazing, but...
27 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Wow, such an amazing movie!" Well, that's what I was saying for 2 hours and 20 minutes. OK, I still agree with that old me, to some extent. :D But... the last 20 seconds... a cliffhanger like that? Seriously?! OK, when it comes to the whole story, the producer really did a wonderful job, but why on earth do some producers think audience wants this kind of ending? Fine, it doesn't have to be a happy ending, but give us SOMETHING :D we just wanna know how it finishes for God's sake. Anyway, definitely one of the most exciting movies I have seen for quite a long time, and the actors... should I really comment on Hugh Jackman's and Jake Gyllenhaal's acting? I just wish I had stopped watching a few seconds before the ending. :)
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