
26 Reviews
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Vesper (2022)
Great add to the sci fi genre, felt like modern, classic sci fi
19 June 2024
This was a very refreshing movie to experience. It felt like true sci-fi. I don't know what that means exactly, lol, but watch the flick and see if you agree. The acting was great, The world building was awesome. It felt like something that could actually happen with little imagination leaping. The science and technology portrayed in the move were cool and relatively unique. The dystopian elements were captivating, leaving me thinking about it a bit, and the scenes were not overly artistic or trying too hard. Overall, it was a gem with a fresh perspective from typical Hollywood. It focused on the story, featured great effects, and presented innovative ideas while avoiding the typical clichés we often see in movies today. If you like sci-fi in general, I'd say give it a go!
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Started bad, got worse, then I quit.
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had a rough start with the movie. The dialogue and acting were weak, and the costuming and CGI for the deer were downright ridiculous. The narration at the beginning was absurd, with a voice that didn't fit at all. This was all before the opening credits rolled, and I was amazed at my own persistence in continuing to watch. I've never been tempted to stop watching a movie so quickly-I considered quitting three times before the credits even finished.

The sound effects and soundtrack were a huge miss. The audio created a sense of dread and gloom that didn't match the dialogue or the on-screen content, which felt like a lame attempt at a party vibe. It was as if the music was made for a horror film while the acting was out of sync.

The evil deer character couldn't have been worse. The costume looked like it was made by my six-year-old brother, and the acting was just as bad.

By the time I reached chapter two, I was completely baffled as to why I hadn't stopped watching. It wasn't even "so bad it's good"-it was just bad.

Wasn't able to finish this one. Made it 20 min into the 70 min runtime. Not sure how it ended, but it never started.
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Abigail (2024)
Expect the unexpected, little girl big stakes
8 May 2024
I thought I knew what I was getting into here after reading some reviews and seeing the trailer. That was correct and woefully wrong. I loved the throwback to FAAFO tropes and really enjoyed the you don't know what you think you know about vampires concept. Trying not to give away any spoilers, but that will make sense after watching without spoiling. It was a great mix of let's walk into this horror scenario obviously, combined with this isn't a normal horror scenario. Something about a little girl kicking macho ass is oddly satisfying. This movie is oddly satisfying. Just some great vampire fun.
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Great story and fun take on a serious event in a serious time
20 April 2024
I really enjoyed how this movie portrayed the true events it was based on. They managed to insert comedy at the right moments in what is arguably very serious content or situations. The acting was great, the characters were cast very well. The soundtrack was also very well done. While I did not find it distracting, I noticed the music which is something I am not normally super conscious about while watching a flick and must say it matched the scenes and time period fantastically. Totally loved the Swedish hunter character, never have I seen such light hearted, extreme brutality. The smug interactions between the characters was also amazing. I really liked how they took the stereotypical British, James Bond type, attitude and applied it to the dialog. Definitely recommend seeing this one. It also is worth mentioning, the Marjorie character took my breath away in a few scenes. Like I mentioned, the characters were awesome, the story was interesting and the movie was very well put together; had a great comedy, cheeky serious vibe. Hard mix of attributes to merge and successfully pull off, but these guys did it! Check this one out.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Bad choices goes beyond Danish naivety portrayed
15 April 2024
I thought this was overall a good movie, but I was tempted to yell at the screen a few times in utter disbelief on how they portrayed the characters, primarily their responses to the situations presented. I understand from the highlighted review here that Danes live in a safe country, are endlessly pilot and do not inherently distrust others. But come on!! The reactions of these characters in the situations presented in this film are impossible to swallow as reality. I don't want to throw out any spoilers here, but the reactions to me are in now way appropriate or realistic to how parents would respond while on a holiday weekend with people they barely know. It's beyond characters hiding from the likes of Michael Myers (Halloween) behind a bunch of chainsaws hanging in a wall-less barn. Just an analogy of the stupidity of the reactions, there's absolutely no link to Halloween or that type of movie here, just dumb characters doing things that make absolutely no sense. However! That aside, the movie was well done and like the others say, very tense, creepy and mysterious.
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Sting (2024)
Was a good one! Try to go in unaware
14 April 2024
This is a horror movie for sure, if you like horror movies I recommend this one. As the title says, I went into it without knowing very much and that was a good thing. I won't ruin that here. You know it's about a spider and a little girl, that much is from the cover. Is that spider good or bad, is the girl bad, are they friends, these are the things I had no idea about and kept it that way until I had a chance to see it in the theater. I would say this could probably wait for a streaming viewing or DVD/Blu-ray if that's still a thing. The special effects are good, but it's not the type of movie that warrants a larger screen than most people have in their homes these days. If you like horror, give this one a go and try not to read too much on it so you can be surprised as well. If not, it's still good and worth a watch. There is blood, there is some gore and it's a great time.
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Civil War (2024)
Cool portrayal of an hopefully alternate near future
13 April 2024
I really enjoyed this movie, just got done seeing it in the theater. The sound was cranked and I'm sure that was on purpose. One of the things I appreciated the most was how the sound was handled in this movie. It made a great impact and they used the sound effectively to highlight and make scenes more impactful. The war battle scenes were great and realistic. The story was interesting in how they weaved it into an American civil war. I suppose I was expecting some standard plot to get us through the universe, but they took an interesting perspective and it was fun to watch.

In the short time I became invested in the characters and was troubled by the reality potential of what they showed on screen. I highly recommend watching this one if you like action and dystopia type flicks. Also, it was worth seeing in the theater and if you don't watch it that way, make sure to crank the sound when you do! All in all, it was better than I had anticipated.
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Lowest I've rated so far, glad it was not longer
31 March 2024
Good attempt at what appears to be a smidge above a student made film. The acting was not horrible, but also not good. Perhaps the wooden dialogue tripped the actors up. I felt like the sound of the film threw me off. It seemed like the actors were all talking into a microphone in a totally controlled environment and made it seem dubbed without much of the environment included. Once they finally got to the antagonist portion of the movie the camera work attempted to make up for the lack of costuming or special effects. That was distracting and not effective, lots of shaking, weird coloring and darkness to create a scary effect I assume. Would not recommend to any friends, but I did finish it. However that felt like a feat even with the short run time. The idea of the story seemed interesting but it was not brought to screen well. Maybe it was too low budget, but even with that I felt like it could have been adapted better.
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Good campy horror sci-fi here
16 March 2024
I went into this one without expecting much based on the reviews I skimmed. I'm happy to say that I really enjoyed it. Now it's not an artsy, academy award nominated or fly by the seat of your pants blockbuster flick, but it did the job just fine. The special effects were good and used effectively. It had a vibe going throughout that you just know something is off, but when you try to guess it keeps you on your toes. I really enjoyed that part, the writing was original, not totally predictable at every turn like some reviews suggest. I mean granted, at some points you get the feel for what's going on, however it does a fantastic job of turning a different, or slightly different corner than you expect. It had a good tone of dread and left it on an interesting note. I actually would have liked to seen more of it. Recommend if you like unique sci-fi horror type movies that don't follow the typical Hollywood paradigms.
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I.S.S. (2023)
Mediocre - good premise, but felt lacking
11 February 2024
I enjoyed the plot overall. It seemed realistic for the situation, wasn't overtly preachy on anything and had some crazy moments. The hardest part watching it was around how they depicted the space experience. The way the astronauts 'floated around' was very distracting for me. So much so that it definitely caused my review to drop a couple stars. The other aspects were just weird character moves and missed opportunities for some action. The floating was obviously done in a green screen harness and was just silly. I almost wished they would have just made up some gravity as a convenience instead of trying to make it seem like space floating. The other aspects were around the characters and how they responded. While I called it realistic, the characters behaved oddly in some of the interactions, felt like it was against the grain of their character at times. Maybe they tried to tackle too much, but for some reason this movie didn't really resonate with me and I would not recommend it to my friends. It was not horrible by any stretch and had good aspects, but it was just not that fun to watch.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Appreciate the writing, appreciate the acting
7 January 2024
I really enjoyed this series. For reference, I finished season 2 prior to writing this. First, I also loved Breaking Bad which made me fond of Cranston. If you like that character, I think you should check out this show. It's very much a drama that unfolds and while doing so Cranston does his unique way of getting out of situations with words and luck. Very, very familiar to the theme of his character getting out of precarious situations from Breaking Bad. This is a different show, but the concept is the same from that perspective. If you enjoy watching a character use wit to get out of a dire situation, then you should definitely check this show out!
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Another cool sci fi escape by Neill
25 December 2023
I enjoy the style and content of Neill, from what he write and directs so this is biased toward that. But, if you also enjoy his work 'in general' you'll get it.

This is a short, seemingly built on the gaming engine, Unreal Engine 5. The special effects are what you would expect from that technology, I truly enjoy the style, the grittiness of it but it does view like an unpolished flick if you're not ready for it, or even an in-game cinema experience we are typically used to these days. Enough of the graphics, this is a cool little dip into another sci-fi world that feels very much like Elysium meets Chappie. It's a dystopian future that has a quick story around a military style operation. Worth a gander if you like his work! I hope he boxes more of this type of content up into another Oats Studios type of anthology!
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The Creator (2023)
High expectations were not met
13 October 2023
I really wanted to like this movie. It had all the trimmings of something that would entice. Unfortunately, the expectations were not met. The universe created was awesome, the special effects or CGI was spot on. Just nothing really happened that intrigued or mattered. The scenes in themselves were done well, but putting them together did not work. The characters were hard to relate to and the plot seemed to be constantly moving or evolving.

It seemed like it wanted to be in a longer format like a mini series or series. There were so many avenues it could have explored which were not possible in a movie, even though it seemed they tried to touch on them all.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
Very enjoyable flick, great story
26 August 2023
I was not sure what to expect, which is nice going into a movie and truly enjoyed the whole experience. It was nice to see a story without dark humor, violence, politics. I enjoy those elements, but was pleasantly surprised to not get any of those vibes from this movie. The racing scenes were awesome, they did a great job getting the audience really immersed into a race. Truly demonstrated the talent and power involved with these races. The acting was well done, by that I mean there was never a moment where I felt like someone was acting, I never had to look at my watch or realize I was watching a movie. That alone is a win. This movie was able to take the audience out of their reality for a couple hours. Highly recommend viewing this in the theater. I wish I would have seen it in IMAX. Go check this one out. It's a nice feel good story with some crazy challenges and didn't give anyone too much of an impression that anyone can go from couch to professional athlete.
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Emotionally Rich and Entertaining
6 May 2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 manages to strike a balance between its entertaining nature and a deeper focus on story and character development. Although slightly slower-paced, the film remains an engaging experience, especially for fans of the Marvel universe.

One standout example of this emotional depth is the character Rocket. In this installment, we see him grappling with his past and his place within the team. This exploration adds a layer of complexity to the beloved character, making the us feel more connected to him and invested in his journey.

The film did not hold back on action either, with visually striking scenes that keep the excitement alive. The introduction of new characters, along with vibrant settings, and outstanding special effects, ensures that this third installment remains fresh and completely enjoyable.

In conclusion, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 delivers a delightful mix of entertainment and emotional richness, making it a must-watch for fans of the franchise.
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Interstellar (2014)
A blend of realistic science and epic sorytelling
2 May 2023
Interstellar is an epic and surprisingly realistic sci-fi movie that masterfully balances complex scientific concepts with emotionally engaging storytelling. The writers have clearly invested considerable effort in researching the subject matter, resulting in physics that are both approachable for the general audience and deeply rooted in reality. The movie's handling of a complicated subject matter and an extensive timeline is truly remarkable.

A standout aspect of the film is the poignant and powerful dynamic between the father and daughter characters. Their relationship is at the heart of the story, and it's this emotional core that helps to evoke strong emotions from the audience, making the experience all the more moving and memorable.

With its great acting, believable and well-researched science, a captivating plot, and a deeply touching father-daughter relationship, Interstellar stands out as a uniquely immersive and unforgettable cinematic experience. I highly recommend watching it.
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Upgrade (2018)
The AI-Enhanced Action Movie You Need to See
2 May 2023
Upgrade is a thrilling movie that blends advanced AI tech with human power, giving you a dose of realistic sci-fi action. The fight scenes are super impressive, with an AI-enhanced hero pulling off crazy stunts in perfect sync. It's intense and violent, but also surprisingly funny at times, keeping you entertained throughout.

The bond between the main character and the AI is convincing and adds depth to the story, making it more than just another action flick. If you're looking for an exciting movie with a unique twist, don't miss out on Upgrade. It's a wild ride that'll leave you wanting more!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Review for Season 3, let's keep these seasons coming!
25 April 2023
This review applied primarily to season 3. I enjoyed the other seasons, although they had their own different vibe, feel and story arc. Enough so that they deserve their own, separate reviews. Season 3! If you were a fan of Next Generation then I suspect you will enjoy it. Season 3 had many of the Next Generation tropes and very much felt like an updated version of something you would have seen back on the show. The special effects and sets were awesome, much, much better than what was available in the late 80s/early 90s! I enjoyed the show and hope it continues. That being said, Patrick Stewart, while I love him, he is getting a bit old...
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Air (I) (2023)
Journey into the Iconic World of Air Jordans
23 April 2023
Air is a fascinating movie that delves into the creation and rise of the iconic Air Jordans, offering a unique perspective on the consumer phenomenon many of us have experienced. The film showcases the hard work, talent, and leaps of faith that went into forging the partnership behind these legendary sneakers, as well as the mutual respect that underpinned their success. It's eye-opening to see how this collaboration revolutionized the industry.

The acting in Air is truly phenomenal, with outstanding performances that bring the story to life. The movie is set against the backdrop of the 80s, and the filmmakers have gone to great lengths to ensure an authentic and nostalgic atmosphere for those who lived through the era.

With its engaging narrative, stellar acting, and an immersive recreation of the 80s, Air is a captivating and nostalgic journey that is well worth watching for anyone interested in the history and cultural impact of the iconic Air Jordans. It made a seemingly boring subject very captivating.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Great concept, very entertaining actionish flick
23 April 2023
I truly enjoyed the premise of this movie. It had a great sci-fi vibe that actually seemed plausible. The science behind her 'transformation into a merciless warrior' as IMDB describes was believable enough for me not to question it the entire flick. At this point in time, we all know Scarlett can kick butt in the Marvel movies, but before then, she kicked butt in this movie! Her fighting and tactics were awesome and believable. She was also able to change her character's personality over the course of the story to match the transformation which made it all the more believable as to how something like this would actually play out.

Fun movie, good special effects where needed and had a unique story with great action. Check it out.
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War and life, honor and loyalty
23 April 2023
The Covenant is a powerful and moving film that offers a glimpse into a slice of life and death during the war in Afghanistan. While not strictly based on historical events, the plot is inspired by multiple real stories, making it more compelling to watch. The two lead actors as I'd like to call it deliver fantastic performances, bringing the world and the characters to life in a way that allows the us to connect deeply with their characters and the harrowing situations they face.

The film's action sequences are skillfully executed, and the cinematography captures the landscape and environment in an immersive manner, making you feel as if you are right in the heart of the action. The Covenant strikes a balance between intense warfighting and raw emotions.

With its exceptional acting, gripping plot, and captivating setting, The Covenant is a must-watch for those seeking an emotional and action-packed journey into the realities of modern war.
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Such a great mix of genres, watch this one
25 March 2023
I've watched this movie repeatedly, it's a staple of comedy and feel good moments. Let me start with I am so bummed Heath left this world so early in his life and career. He was great and was heading for true stardom.

Outside Heath, this movie was still fantastic! It mixes comedy and mediaeval culture with some contemporary rock soundtrack. The story is fitting of a Chaucer tale done in 'modern' times. The characters are great! The actors brought it! The story is light hearted, but contains great humor, sarcasm and some touching, emotional moments. It felt like a classic Disney story on that front, in a good way. It is by no means a Disney movie, yet doesn't rely on violence or shock and awe anywhere. Give this one a go! It's a great time and a great distraction.
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Dang it, the 4th date just didn't work
25 March 2023
This is hard to write. I'm a huge Keanu fan as well as the Wick character. However, this 4th installment left me wanting and at times checking the clock during the show. You have probably already read that the action and fighting is good. It is, but it's not new or innovative. Assuming you've seen the first 3? There's guns, hand to hand, cool use of the environment, lots of bullet proof clothing and ineffective hits, a dog and some of the other Wick tropes. I guess I was expecting another new style or sweet scenario. I enjoyed the movie, but was expecting a Wick experience and instead got a, 'quest for more money' type of vibe where the scenes and situations seemed repetitive. I suggest seeing the flick, just temper your expectations and hope they don't unequivocally jump the shark on a 5th. Wick is great, but it's not a franchise to simply repeat and this installment feels like the beginning of that.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Damn it, I cried and I'm happy. Let's watch this again!!
19 March 2023
I enjoyed The Last of Us. I gave it an 8/10 which is pretty special and, well, I had to come back and write a review to give this specific episode a 10/10. Damn. Nick Offerman (Bill). He killed it. I call him out specifically because I've been a fan of his for some time. That being said, his partner Murray Bartlett (Frank) was equally amazing in his portrayal of the character. There was something so special about the blending of what I want to call ideologies? Like a mix of machismo and liberalism? I'm not sure where to draw the line which is my point, I think it's the point. They do such a good job of being real human characters in a crazy situation that I had to watch this show twice. I almost started questioning my sexuality and what I would do or truly want in that type of situation. I mean, bravo. Such a great portrayal of a potential situation and how a crazy, good, wholesome relationship sprouted from it. Or should I say fungi'd it? The series is amazing, this episode was spectacular for the reason of crossing boundaries. Each episode is like a mini story into this world which is amazing and sadly, believable.
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Another world awaits
14 March 2023
I enjoyed the first Ant-Man. The second not as much. This one was by far the most entertaining for me. The effects are amazing, my only complaint could be the brightness on some scenes but overall this is one big CGI fest of a movie; and it's done well. There's been some mocking of the plot. It fit, it worked and it kept me interested. Come's another comic movie. It's not to be watched for plot critique, it's meant to be enjoyed. The plot fit, the characters were great. I especially loved the living, protective buildings and wish I could live in one! The villain is good, he's bad, he's super strong but has faults. It's a good movie, worth a watch for some popcorn entertainment.
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