
141 Reviews
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Deadloch (2023– )
Watched for a whole 20 minutes then Redcliffe Arrived
15 June 2023
The first 5 minutes were funny. The next 15 were OK and I felt like the show was going to be about a serious detective surrounded by idiots - like Andy Griffith down under with a bunch of Barnie Fife's and moronic townsfolk. It was hard watching the same blundering cliché played out over and over and over again. I had to check to see if Will Ferrell was a writer. No one can seriously be as dumb as the people on the beach were. You do not get near a crime scene and you do not worry about breakfast brioche. It was just too much stupidity all at once.

Then Eddie Redcliffe / Madeleine Sami arrived in the show. Her character and the character's behavior were appalling. No homicide detective would be allowed to walk into an investigation and start throwing out conjecture and unfounded suppositions. I watched for a few minutes to see if there was a "just kidding" moment and she became serious. I had to end the experience there. Just awful.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Bang then Sputter
6 June 2023
Watched 4 episodes, so maybe it will get better.

Episode 1 was great and had me hooked. It grabbed my attention and kept me engaged. There was a lot of story in those first 45 minutes. Then episode 2 happened.

The story quickly falters. Four episodes in and I still have not figured out who the real bad person is and what is the motivation. Somehow the subway and the Night Watch cross paths. You can start to see that the writers do not have a lot of experience and that shows in the dialogue and character progression

Rose is annoying. I can't tell you how many times I would have hoped the character would be eliminated. She whines and complains and makes everything about her without her understanding the situation she is in. The arguing during a gunfight comes from romcoms but is not appropriate here.

Ellen is crazy and also overly acted - not very believable

Diane is flat. The character has the charisma of a rock.

Peter started off so well but acts more like a rube with each episode. Rose the confused victim now tells the experienced FBI agent what to do. I can see where the writers tried to make this a transition of her becoming aware of the situation but she is not ready to be a "girl boss."

Jamie, Erik, and Ben have good actors but poor direction and dialogue.

Summary - worth the watch but don't think too much while you are watching it.
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Wednesday: A Murder of Woes (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Ending and Story Lost on Youth
8 December 2022
Great cinematography and acting. Thought the story was odd being a school for Supernatural / X-Men. I'd prefer a school of odd characters with unique abilities or quirks - like Wednesday. The freak tribes were never really developed or useful other than to poorly represent a version of common high school cliques. Wednesday was unique and fit with no group - all characters could have been the same.

The perception that Enid and Wednesday are part of a love interest or love triangle are wrong. Both girls are clearly interested in the other gender. It is seen throughout the show for both girls - the girls like the boys. People will see what they want but the girls are friends. The subplot for Enid and Wednesday is developing a strong friend bond. They are opposites with common interests. Black v colorful, quiet v. Outgoing, etc.

Sadly in our modern world girls who are close must be portrayed as romantically involved rather than being close friends who care about each other platonically. It's OK - ending is lost on youth.
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Wednesday (2022– )
It's OK - ending is lost on yourh
7 December 2022
Great cinematography and acting. Thought the story was odd being a school for Supernatural / X-Men. I'd prefer a school of odd characters with unique abilities or quirks - like Wednesday. The freak tribes were never really developed or useful other than to poorly represent a version of common high school cliques. Wednesday was unique and fit with no group - all characters could have been the same.

The perception that Enid and Wednesday are part of a love interest or love triangle are wrong. Both girls are clearly interested in the other gender. It is seen throughout the show for both girls - the girls like the boys. People will see what they want but the girls are friends. The subplot for Enid and Wednesday is developing a strong friend bond. They are opposites with common interests. Black v colorful, quiet v. Outgoing, etc.

Sadly in our modern world girls who are close must be portrayed as gay and sexualized rather than being close friends who care about each other platonically.
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Supernatural: Dog Dean Afternoon (2013)
Season 9, Episode 5
No one needs to watch a cat being eaten
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writers took it too far showing the baddy eating a live car. I know they needed to show a change in the baddy's powers so he could kill again and develop the character. But showing thee consumption of a live animal especially a house pet takes it over the top. It is also lazy writing. They could have executed the scene without that part.

Otherwise the show was one of the funny filler episodes but not as creatively interesting as episodes where they played themselves or investigated a haunting on a sound stage. So many funny filler episodes up to this show and this was odd. Jensen was absolutely great!
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The Crown: The Way Ahead (2022)
Season 5, Episode 5
Charles' world through his eyes
14 November 2022
I understand the show is classified as fiction and takes some liberties with real history to fit into the story framework. This episode was a stretch and shows how Charles felt he was right and everyone else was wrong.

I like Dominic West as an actor but he was miscast as Charles. West has more charisma and class standing in the background of a scene looking at his shoe than Prince (now King) Charles has ever had.

The writers did not review their history or forgot where season 4 left off. Charles was a whiny, petulant brat who had many girlfriends but only wanted to marry the bitter tramp Camilla. Camilla and her husband had many affairs and the Camilla - Charles relationship was a very open secret. He did not want to marry Diana, they had no chemistry, and Charles was immediately jealous of her popularity. He was a dull rock while she was a shining gem.

The Royal Family turned and walked away right after the wedding and ignored the brewing tension between the two. Charles continued his public affair with Camilla and had spies watching Diana to make sure she did not stray. Charles continued to act out against his wife and his family.

The late 80's and most of the 90's Charles intentionally did things to annoy the Queen or act out against her wishes by acting "unroyal." The Princes' Trust is one of those actions - a good program but still not what the Queen wanted. Other personal interests that raised the Queens' ire were talking at length about environmental issues (coal and manufacturing are critical to UK), alternative medicines (UK has a national health plan), and open support of other religions (Queen / King head of Church of England). All good thoughts but Charles was a future king not a member of Parliament and the Royal Family made sure not to openly make statements where they could be seen taking sides.

The Royal Family had low public approval driven by many factors but primarily by Charles. They did nothing to rein him in. The marriage to Diana was a mistake, allowing him to marry a much younger women at the age of 33 was a mistake, and tolerating his complaining about his responsibilities was a mistake.

Sadly this episode supported Charles being mistreated and spied upon by the family rather than showing Charles was acting out and undermining the source of his wealth and privilege.
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Glitch: Perfectly Safe (2019)
Season 3, Episode 4
Chi - nobody cares
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Chi and Belle are terrible additions to the show. They are just filler for the plot gaps and flimsy story. I have to assume this is all going somewhere. No one cares about Chi's backgrounds or his Chinese mysticism. Belle's background took up time early in episodes 1 and 2 are hike everyone left town in small groups just to return broken. Now they just walk around acting creepy and abducting children. Belle can't even keep her mouth shut for two minutes while Chi tries to return back to the dead. Patrick shows up as in Chi's flashbacks as a scheming drug dealer. It's like the show replaced the writers after season two and made a ninety degree turn.
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Glitch: First Times (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
What has happened?
4 November 2022
Series 3 is very different than the first two. The new characters aren't interesting and the story is sooo slow. The whole tone is more mystical and end of days rather than the characters driving the story of solving their deaths. The first three episodes so far have the characters in separate groups rather than working to gather to protect each other and right their wrongs. The power surges and outages, phones exploding, natural disasters happening are odd. So far the story has run about a month.

And I don't like that I have to type 600 characters to describe my opinion of an episode when 250 would suffice.
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My Name Is Earl: My Name Is Alias (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
Danny Glover
15 August 2022
I would have rated higher except for Danny Glover being in the show. He was an average actor in his prime and mailed his performance in this episode. Oh, and Danny Glover spews hate and lies from his wealthy entitled lounge chair.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Liked Soldier Boy so much better
15 August 2022
I know - Homelander is the antagonist of the show and he will not get taken out before the series ends. But I really liked Soldier Boy and Jensen Ackles. Soldier Boy was a great character and hoped we could have found a way to keep him around. We could lose the Deep and no one would notice.
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A step back with C list celebs
11 July 2022
Amy Schumer and Cara Delevingne in episode 1? Such a step back in at power. Or all the people they chose these two c-list celebs. Sad. Just sad. Hope it gets better.
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Rosanne Barr
3 July 2022
Bad. Just bad. She stopped being able to act after her ABC show was cancelled. She took this as a chance to play the character as a joke. Just not funny.
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In the Dark: Somewhere Over the Border (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Evil Murphy is a Hero?
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After losing her mind about the duration of a bus trip Murphy forces the bus to drop her off in some random town. Evil Murphy then manipulates a teen boy into driveling her half way across Canada where she picks up booze and he gets weed. After an accident he decides to change who he is and stand up to his parents (who act like good parents) but wait he doesn't do that. Then he can't actually do a good thing and return her phone. She is a horrible person and should be jailed just for the abuse of her service dog.
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In the Dark: I Know What You Did Last Night (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
Just rubbish
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible writing, directing, and acting. Just poor quality TV even for the WB. Murphy is so hatable and destroys everyone around her. Her friends should have tossed her in a hole.
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In the Dark: Hanging by a Thread (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
Weak writing
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Get rid of the f-I get coat! How hard is this? Someone may or may not find the button but if they do they will be able to match it to the coat of she is wearing it.
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Liberal Writers Dumping on A RINO and Seth Rogan
18 June 2022
Always makes me laugh when liberal Hollywood writers call out or make fun of Lindsey Graham - John McCain's RINO lap dog. Graham sides more with the left than the right and stuff gets made fun of.

Oh yea.... Seth Rogan being a loser sex perv. No, he is not typecast.
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
15 minutes of confusion
6 June 2022
This was bad. So so bad. Bad acting. Bad writing. Only F Murray Abraham was good in this trash heap. I tried to see the humor but it was smothered in tropes.
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Season 4 Sucked
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 4 was rushed and disjointed. Many of the primary characters took a backseat to new plots. The BLM (sorry the BCR) defeated the Japanese occupying force. Yeah right. The Japanese army went from being unnecessarily cruel to being quitters? A poorly trained and armed Marxist militia (BLM) blows up a critical pipeline that is not guarded and the Japanese just a matter of days?!?! The calls to resist and fight. Helen all of a sudden realizes that she is married to the head Nazi in America and is shocked about Nazi atrocities committed in the US? Juliana became a second-tier character when she was the central protagonist for three seasons. She is after all in all of the films. Season 4 could have been so much more.
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Really enjoyed ... until the final episode.
28 April 2022
Good writing. Good acting. Good story. Great sets and costumes. Some awkward directing and acting at times but not distracting. Then there was the final episode. No spoilers but it really unraveled for me. Not what you would expect but a bit absurd.
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Bridgerton: Victory (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
Kate Sharks - the Mary Sue
2 April 2022
Is there nothing she can't do well? She is an expert hunter of English game even though she has been away from England for years. She is an expert equestrian, matchmaker, socialite, and croquet player. Give her a lightsaber and call her Rey.
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Bridgerton: Off to the Races (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte
31 March 2022
So much overacting and over enunciation of every single syllable. It like Danbury is chewing her words and Queen Charlotte has to add extra lilt to each phrase. This is TV not theater.
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Space Force: The Chinese Delegation (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
Why does Erin exist on this show?
21 March 2022
Seriously. She is a high school student and is everywhere on base or in Washington. Her character is boorish and annoying. Her character Is unbelievable in a show that is unbelievable for its story.
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Pam & Tommy: Seattle (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
10 March 2022
All he had to do. All Tommy Lee had to do was pay the carpenter $27,000 and none of this would have happened. Sure his marriage was doomed because of who he was in the mid to late 90s.
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Beth is amazing and something to ponder
23 February 2022
Beth is a power to contend with and sue is purposely written to be the most loyal and devout member of the family in spite of hating the ranch. Now that you've watched season 4 know that C-19 affected the how and timing of filming. There are articles you can read (one below) that outline the difficulty of shooting and having cast and crew together. It did take a toll on the storylines. And explains the family being separated. Could it have Ben done better? Maybe. Was the season slow? Yes. Here's to hoping season 5 goes back to the quality of seasons 2 and 3.
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Yellowstone: No Such Thing as Fair (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
Observations of season 4
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lot of filler this season
  • all of the rodeo stuff is just Taylor Sheridan boosting his ego. Most of his scenes are cringeworthy and while interesting I have no idea what the point of the rodeo or horse reading is beyond what we see on screen. There is not enough depth of content to make it interesting
  • the Indian mysticism takes up a lot of time and does not make sense to the story
  • separating the children detracts from the power of the family on the ranch
  • Jamie has become a waste of time on the show. Still trying to figure out how his real dad set up the attack on the family only to have Jamie discoverer he is adopted when he looks for his birth certificate. I guess he never needed a passport or a real ID license.

  • after all that Beth has done for John and all that a John has done to others - John kicks Beth out of his life because some one night fling got suckered by Beth as part of a plan to save John's ranch? That is the dumbest thing to happen this season.
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