
28 Reviews
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31 March 2023
How great was this third season!? THIRTEEN YEARS later and it didn't miss a step. Adam Scott is fantastic, phenomenal, he simply one of the best. So happy this season came out while I wait for Season 2 of Severance! It's great seeing how everyone has changed and I can only hope for continued success for the actual actors and crew involved with this show which has made such a special place for itself in my heart. The new cast is really great! The stories are so topical and RELEVANT still, I don't know how they do it. If you haven't started this show yet now you have six more reasons! More Party Down, please and thank you!
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Glorious (2022)
What a two-hander!
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Ryan Kwanten in True Blood even if Jason Stackhouse was an idiot, this is a black box theater piece with the looks of a Marvel budget. The plot is a little broad strokes and we're coming in well under 90min, but it's a fascinating movie to watch. I did not like the the cliche of a Person of Color being the first on-screen death, but otherwise bravo all around.
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Bob's Burgers: The Ring (But Not Scary) (2019)
Season 10, Episode 1
This is the best show on tv
28 July 2022
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Even after nine seasons this is the best show on tv. I'm crying after that ending. Jillian Bell and Brooke Dillman are terrific. The Puff Divers were brilliant.
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X (II) (2022)
'X' is a 10
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been following Ti West since House of the Devil, and this is the closest he's gotten back to that. Not that it's important to be in the same vein as a past work but I loved that movie, and I LOVED this movie. First of all it's gorgeous, what he's done with the light and color and shadow is incredible, you are IN 1979 watching a movie about 1979. You could watch it with the sound off and still be captivated. Everyone was good, but I was so happy to see Martin Henderson, 20 years since The Ring and he has only gotten better, easily the best male actor. Brittany Snow was perfect, but Mia Goth worked her behind off in this one. Her character is part Roller-Girl and part Sydney Prescott, but Mia was in the Suspiria remake, which I also loved, and after she must have thought, "one day I'm gonna out-Tilda Tilda," and she did her damndest to accomplish that in this one. Hopefully this is her breakout. I thought it was a *good* movie, until they get to the part where Jenna Ortega says THE THING, and then it became a GREAT movie, bravo, everyone.
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The Office: The Banker (2010)
Season 6, Episode 14
I think I was wrong
14 January 2022
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I remember being FURIOUS that after waiting something like six weeks The Office came back to Season 6 with a clip show. I couldn't believe they were doing a clip show at all. At this point that sort of gimmick was anachronistic. I rewatched it recently and now I realize a clip show is indeed an old fashioned idea because it harkens back to a time before streaming or DVDs or even reruns. Shows would do a clip show as filler sure but you got to see stuff from episodes you might have missed or just forgotten, in this one there is also a lot of deleted scene material so it's not all old jokes. There's the short P&J retrospective, and you appreciate just how far you've watched the two of them come and this season we already saw them get married and in the wedding clip they sort of allude that we'll also see Pam deliver, maybe they had to do a clip show as an homage to what exactly the show had become at that point. Isn't my rewatching of the series the same concept, to try and relive how great it was, twelve years ago?
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The Office: Gossip (2009)
Season 6, Episode 1
Michael at his worst
30 December 2021
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Paul Lieberstein always has Michael descend into the lowest depths of madness, running around whispering about Stanley like some malevolent imp, it's so painful. And then the rumors! When Andy asked Michael if he was gay I lost it.
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Fear the Walking Dead: In Dreams (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
The Worst Fear Episode Yet?
20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, what was this? They have really driven Grace's character into the ground, she already had an improbable survival but what even was happening? Kudos for advancing the plot albeit in a ridiculous way.
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This is my The Apartment, my Some Like It Hot
16 October 2021
It took me about four hours to watch this because I was laughing out loud every ten seconds, sometimes I lost track of how long, so had to keep rewinding. The Baxter and this movie are this binary star of the deconstructed/satirized rom-com but with so much farce added in that I literally cannot breathe, I love The State, David Wain, and Michael Showalter SO MUCH.
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In the Earth (2021)
The ignorant hubris of reviewers never ceases to disappoint
1 October 2021
A psychedelic horror-mystery, a spiritual sibling to A Field in England, Reece Shearsmith yet again holding everything together.

Wrote, shot and released during a time the rest of the world was cowering in fear of an unseen entity to which we ascribe malevolence.

Wheatley never disappoints.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
A mixed bag
12 September 2021
Are both the plot and cast sort of ridiculous? Obviously, but I would be lying if I said I didn't take notice of the cinematography and action sequences, people are saying this isn't scary but at a couple points it creeped the living daylights out of me. I'm honestly not sure what to think, and I think that would imply it's worth watching?
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Don't Breathe (2016)
This movie does not let you off the hook
4 September 2021
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Everytime I was done being freaked out they added another layer, I held my whole body rigid through 90% of it. Stephen Lang is CREEPY AF!
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I didn't like Mayor Humdinger threatening the career of a young Woman of Color
22 August 2021
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Other than that my toddler loves it and refuses to watch anything else.
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What do you want out of a motion picture?
9 August 2021
Why do you see movies? To be entertained? To be moved, to feel *something*? To see something novel and amazing? THEN THIS IS IT, BABY! They might as well stop making comic book movies, the only thing that would top this is a sequel. When I watched it for the third time, I still laughed out loud like it was the first. Why does the rating keep dropping!?
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
The Hunt is Great, Actually
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's unfortunate the cynical motives of bad faith actors combined with unforeseen circumstances caused this movie to be delayed, reviled, and delayed again. It gets a bad rap but it is great. All the most "huh?"-inspiring, Lost-ian Lindelof elements, combined with a TERRIFYING Betty Gilpin. She is incredible. The final fight scene alone is reason enough that more people should be watching and talking about this movie.
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High-Rise (2015)
Wheatley is a genius
3 May 2021
What doesn't this movie have? The cast is superb, visually it's stunning (as are most of Wheatley's films), the adaptation holds true. If you need a movie to draw you a straight line from point A to B to C, all the way to Z, then yes you probably won't like it. And the comparisons with Shivers, it's incredible Cronenberg's movie and Ballard's book came out in the same year.
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World War Z (2013)
19 April 2021
In their misguided attempt to secure a PG-13 rating, Paramount managed to release hands-down one of the least interesting zombie movies ever made, and THAT is saying something. Congrats on destroying the heart and soul of the book, which was the shared experiences of its narrators. Instead we're treated to two hours Brad Pitt mumbling while escaping what are nominally zombies but I can't tell why I would actually be in fear of these creatures.
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The Office: Andy's Ancestry (2012)
Season 9, Episode 3
One of the best cold opens
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's not a lot to look back on season 9 for except for this cold open, "good for you for not seeing race" kills me.
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Willow Creek (2013)
Why did I sit through this?
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Over half of this is boring dreck and then there's a fifteen minute long cut of them sitting in a tent, followed by the end you most likely predicted at the beginning. Why is this so highly lauded by some? Even worse than those Bad Ben movies on Prime.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Worst Episode I've Seen (Yet!)
21 March 2021
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This show lost its way a long time ago, I can't defend it anymore. All the post-COVID episodes have been bad but this one inexcusably so. If you haven't read the comics I can't tell why you would even care about Princess enough to see a Princess-centered episode. And the random holes in the train car? A guy in full armor with a rifle getting jumped by some random unarmed crazy person? COME ON. It was a even dumber then that one where Michonne killed all those kids, more than that guy pulling the pin on a grenade while standing three feet away and all Daryl does is brush off some "human dust" or whatever that was supposed to be. Shame, shame on the writers.
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Altitude (2010)
I don't understand the ratings people give on here.
16 January 2021
Kaare Andrews directed "V," one of my favorite segments in ABCs of Death, so I was eager to watch one of his full length features. Is the story coherent and kept me watching? Yes. Does the movie look like it was done on film and a lot of effects are done in camera? Yes. I admit the actors were the worst part, it was hard to connect with the characters, I wonder what it would have been like with a stronger cast. The guy who does Sal is especially terrible, but I think it is definitely worth a watch, haters be damned. Was it a 4? DEFINITELY not. Freaking Titanic has a 7.8 rating on here - that movie is garbage! Obviously it has not held up!!
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WandaVision (2021)
What did I just watch?
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a little amazed at the manic reaction from the zealots. I would have said it seemed risky to have leaned a little heavily on sitcom humor from a thousand years ago in order to carry the first two episodes over the finish line. I got absolutely nothing out of this so far besides Paul Bettany making it slightly less unwatchable. Where is this going? Will we see something down the road that will make us go back and watch for things we missed the first time? Will the payoff even be worth it by then? Will the chance of that make me keep watching?
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Most underated movie in the last ten years
7 January 2021
The negative reaction when this movie came out was incredibly overblown. Did people think it was trying to be like a Hawks picture? Of course not, but I think it does accomplish everything it sets out to do - the cast is solid, the humor hits, and the technical achievements are remarkable. Bill Barretta absolutely nails the lead. The story is the purest distillation of the noir genre I can think of aside from The Big Lebowski. To be honest, I saw Can You Ever Forgive Me? which came out the same year, and I love Melissa McCarthy but I did not understand the buzz, I thought the movie was a snoozefest.
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Memento (2000)
Incredible storytelling
2 January 2021
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The reverse chronological order might seem like a gimmick but what an experience, one of a kind.
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Insomnia (2002)
Have the people giving this 8+ stars actually watched it?
2 January 2021
Bomb. I loved most of the cast but holy wow, what a disappointment after a movie like Momento. Hands down the worst Nolan film, and one of the worst Robin Williams movies, and that is counting the real stinkers like RV and The Final Cut.
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The Switch (I) (2010)
Premise is absolutely sick
2 January 2021
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I have see A Serbian Film but hands down this movie's plot was infinitely more disturbing. This is funny?
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