
7 Reviews
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It's funny and if you like classic horror you'll love it
30 October 2023
Is this groundbreaking unexplored territory for horror? No. Is this another horror movie preying on the fact humans do not like inanimate objects that move on their own? Yes. But it's based around fun characters with deep backstories. The amount of nods I saw to the books alone were brilliant. If you're coming at this movie expecting a gory horror you'll be disappointed. If you come at it like a fan of the original games would, for its jump scares and "oh that's not good" moments you'll love it. Also apparently they are not cgi, those are really animatronics they made for the movie. High kudos for the actors, the sets, wardrobe, cinematography, props, soundtrack, stunt performers, and the rest of the many people who went into this. You did amazing and I look forward to the next two.
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So infuriating
30 October 2021
Don't get me wrong, love the premise and it was a good movie. But good Somebody I was yelling at the tv. Shut up and listen you moronic characters.

Also who the heck sees a house made of glass with Latin on the walls and doesn't immediately run? Are y'all out ya damn mind? RUN. Love the movie but the characters are STUPID. Good acting even if I wanted to strangle the lot of them.
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Clinical (2017)
They tried
3 October 2021
The lead actress was good, the woman who played Nora showed great range. The acting was good. The idea had promise. But the plot became predictable. Clearly written by a man in several scenes. I knew the ending 30min. Had promise but fell flat.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
So so
3 October 2021
So it was an interesting concept. Well thought out at the beginning and middle. The end is where it dissolved into meh. The acting was good (mostly carried by Fox) but the writing clearly could have been better. I counted at least 12 items she could have used at varied points that would have helped the situation and every time she had to pass them to "further the plot." Overall it's a good way to kill an hour and a half.
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26 June 2021
I haven't loved a movie this much since Birds of Prey. Brie Larson brings Captain Marvel off the printed page into real life. This movie has bada** women, decent men, and a cute cat. It also takes place in space. Don't listen to The whiners, give this movie a shot and you will not be disappointed. And to everyone who gave it a one star review: I don't think we watched the same movie. I would love to see more of this in the future. Amazingly well done.
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Cats (2019)
I don't understand the negative reviews
15 November 2020
Ok I'll admit the opening had me going "What am I watching?" But it got better and it's fun. It's a funny, silly, musical about cats. Once you let go of any expectations of something serious (like Les Mis) it's a great movie and funny comedic musical. I love the music and I'm glad I ignored the reviews and watched this. Props to the entire cast. The body language was very well done, the dances very enjoyable, I loved the cgi, and music was great. Don't listen to the naysayers, you did a great job!
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Vivarium (2019)
24 July 2020
It's not that it's bad. The actors do their job and the set designers did well. It's just that it's confusing on first glance. Nothing is really explained. You can infer but there is no set "this is what happened" to wrap it all up.

If this were displayed in an art gallery it would be that one odd piece that doesn't really resemble anything but everyone is falling over themselves trying to explain "the real meaning" or "this represents..."

Suburbia is weird and parenting will sap the life out of you is what I got. Also props to the kid actor for being a creepy little b*stard.
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