
20 Reviews
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Grimm (2011–2017)
90% filler, 10% main story
17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As I mentioned in the title this series has lots of filler episodes and very little to no main story screen time for most of the seasons. The cases they solve have nothing to do with the main story and are extremely repetitive and boring. I had to skip these parts past season 4 because I had had enough of that. The main story is captivating until the last season where it just is some lame story crammed into the show to wrap everything up in a hurry. The whole season 6 is a mess and a rush to finish the show unsolved.


Repetitive Standalone Cases: As the show progresses, the "case of the week" format becomes increasingly formulaic, with predictable solutions and repetitive tropes.

Rushed Ending: The Red John reveal and subsequent resolution feel unearned and unsatisfying, especially considering the meticulous build-up over several seasons.

Season 6: The pacing in the final season feels rushed, with character arcs left unresolved and plot points seemingly abandoned.
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Beyond Garbage
17 February 2023
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Numerous scenes make no sense in this series. Like the scene when one of the characters falls off a cliff hits multiple rocks on his way down and then proceeds to walk it off with his body colored in red (blood). How do you expect your audience to believe this nonsense? This was just one of the scenes that made absolutely no another scene the lead character is running away from the soldiers carrying a wagon and the soldiers can't catch up to her while being empty-handed. So they're telling us a woman carrying a heavy wagon runs faster than ready-for-combat soldiers. Ah, hilarious. This series is just a joke.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
Boring and dull
1 April 2022
The first season was ok. But it loses it's touch. You stop or don't care about even the main characters beside jesse custer. I for one wanted tulip and Cassidy dead for how annoying and unrelavant they were to the story. We don't know anything about Cassidy's past, who he is and why he came to the preacher. This series is a nightmare and a mess. The producers and the directors mascaraed the comic by turning it into this series.
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Belle (2021)
Boring and lack of Story
21 March 2022
Just remove the music and singing parts from the movie and you end with absolute nonsense. The movie tries to hide the lack of an actual storyline by slapping music scenes into our faces. The music and the singer are great, but that doesn't cover for the lame and scattered and rushed stories jammed into this thing. 90% of the characters were irrelevant and redundant and by the end of the movie i couldn't recall even one of their names because i simply Didn't care about any of them, which is an issue on the writer's side. This movie could have waited another year to develop a decent storyline but they rushed it.
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Joker (I) (2019)
12 November 2019
A true work of art. Heath Leadger is proud of You Joaquin. The only Joker i admire after Heath Leadger. The DC finally gave us a man worthy of Calling JOKER. The psychological storyline and thr Oscar-Worthy performance of the main actor are brilliant.
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A cursed movie I can never unwatch
20 September 2019
This movie is beyond the definition of garbage. At least I'm glad I didn't pay for it and watched it at a friend's house. Poor guy was furious for wasting his money on this crippled movie. It has so many errors that I can write a book about and still have a sequence to it. The actors are so novice and inexperienced with this genre, their very gestures while using their powers is so lame and artificial that you laugh at them for being dull. Crappiest Marvel movie ever. Don't watch it.
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T-34 (2018)
Childish movie. Totally lies mixed up together
9 September 2019
This movie is just a power display of russia. They flex on the military power that they never had. Basically they intend to mention that one squad of russia can conquer the world. Germany is shown totally weak and crippled against one Russian squad. Waste of time and money. Don't even watch this movie if you have self respect and some taste in movies.
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Brightburn (2019)
Waste Of Time and Money
22 August 2019
I wish i could get my money back for buying this movie. It's just worst than worse. It's so bad that you start swearing at yourself for even paying for it. The movie doesn't make any sense. It's not even a horror or a Sci-Fi movie. It's just a crippled movie with some naively written story. Do yourself a favor a never make a part 2 of this movie.
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Pure Nonsense
17 August 2019
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This movie doesn't make any sense even by Fictional Logic. How can radioactive emittor giant bring life to where it sets foot? Then Chernobyl must be the largest forest on earth cause. Do not waste your money and time on this. It just makes you wanna stab yourself with a fork with every minute the movie passes. None of these monsters make any sense. The writer must been on some serious best quality cracks and heroine to have written this. They launch Oxygen exterminator in the sea to kill the monsters, not knowing that water is made of H2O so the bomb should basically make the ocean evaporate but it didn't. They easily bomb cities and these creatures with Atomic bombs without any consequences. They claim that these monsters flourished life on earth again, just how tell me how a walking titan can restore a forest while he simply destroys the forest while passing by it due to it's huge body and his gigantic steps. How do they restore life while they emit tremendous amounts of Radioactive in waters? See? This movie is totally nonsense and written from the mind of a ever drunk person.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
I can't believe that this actually became a movie
16 August 2019
A totally Linear story with no conflict. There are some arguments and bets but they're not conflict. Like i dare you to do something and etc that's no drama and conflict that's just me betting on something with you. There is no Antagonist and protagonist. Basically trash and a cash grab.
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Aladdin (2019)
Completely disappointing and Changing the whole story
14 August 2019
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1- they didn't use Anwar Jibawi as the main male character. 2- Lots of unnecessary Singing and dancing that if you cut them out from the movie nothing would change at all. 3- They Changed the ending. The genie won't lose his powers and become some human. He just gets freed and still hang out with the guy. That's what we watched as kids and teens in the series and how it is written in the books.
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11 August 2019
Just watch it and enjoy the movie it's so amazingly made
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Horrific plot
26 March 2018
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Thanks for wasting more than 2hrs of my time which I could spend on a better movie. You can't simply foul peoole by decorating a hollow movie with visual effects and some fancy sexy images to make them watch this and praise it. It took me 4 days to watch this movie because it was as boring as hell. The movie was just built based on short dialogues and some good scenery, and about plot and story? I'm sorry it didn't have any. First i thought it would worth it to watch the end and I at least can watch a good ending but holy crap, the movie ended right in the climax where anyone would expect joe to fight wallace and defeat him and put an end to this world of slavery once and for all, but instead we see that deckard sees his daughter after many years. Are we so mindless to watch a movie just to see an old man seeing his daughter again? Where's the point? where's the final fight? where's the ending of what you first started the movie with? Yeah right the writer has lost his way and forgot why he even did start. I don't want to write much all i can say is that this movie was horrific in plot and story besides it's good scenery and visual effects. And about the love story within, it was totally unrelated and broken to relate and believe. The writer should have worked more on it, other than that it was just a side story for romance lovers which totally can't satisfy them. I'm done here and i hope you look deeper to this movie and see it's flaws and don't praise it pointlessly.
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Okja (2017)
Good in trailer awful in action.
22 August 2017
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I had heard a lot about this movie at BBC and other channels, so it got me very curious to watch it, but as soon as i watched it all of my imagination of a good movie got ruined i actually faced a terrible movie which is a complete waste of time to watch the ending is so unprofessional and the whole movie had nothing to provide the audience. Im sorry but the movie was awful. But there is a positive point in it the Korea's movie industry is getting bigger and better I'm actually a big fan of their movie industry. Hope for better movies.
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Interesting on Advertisements, Nonsense in fact
18 July 2017
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The only reason i watched the movie was Scarlett Johansson. I like her acts and she's my favorite actress, but this movie made me disappointed. If Scarlett wasn't in this movie then what would it mean exactly? A dead amateur scenario which pathetically struggles to attract audiences of Sci-Fi movies. The story line was simple and monotonous there was nothing exciting and thriller as it is mentioned in the gener list. Next time when you want to write a story put time on it and think of what you write Mr writer. I totally have wasted 107 min of my time. The only positive point in this movie was Scarlett, no interesting story, no interesting city design it was all ambiguous and over exaggeration. I think 1 star is far a lot for this movie.
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Before I Fall (2017)
Boring at first, but meaningful at the end
15 July 2017
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Well I think the movie is worthy to give it a look. At first sight you see another teenage movie with teenage things and parties. Until the minute 40 I was bored and nearly decided to stop watching it but I left for 10 minutes and came back again because I hate watching movies unfinished. It got kind of interesting after 40 minutes this is failure for a movie to get the attention of the audience after a long time. But let's talk about the interesting part I didn't get the concept of the movie I thought that is another movie playing with time to act cool and grab some money from people for being fun. But it taught me something and I finally got the real concept and theme of the movie. Every day is a gift to you; you whether live it or ruin it unconsciously. Sam couldn't see things and people around her; she was just lost in her fantasy until she found herself living the same day again and again. This is the point where she gets angry at first and throws her rage on everyone she knows but she found out that what's the point of ruining a day for others and yourself? Her sight was widened she could see things that once she couldn't see. She cared for people she used to ignore and it turned out they were the people who really cared for her. She sacrificed her life for Juliet it was kind of sad ,but I think it could end up better, but i totally understand the writer she wanted to imply the sadness and regret to people that what if it's your last day of life? What would you do? Sam ended up her life and found peace in loving others. At first i gave 1 star for the movie but I changed it to 8, I guess you deserved it. Nice effort to remind people to live better and love unconditionally. The movie was so touching.
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Worth To Watch
16 May 2017
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Although the movie was somehow childish and illogical but it really could make me watch till the end. First of all, it's a comedy family movie and particularly made for children and family, so we shouldn't be tough on it. I know that there were lots of exaggeration and illogical things there, but cool that's the nature of comedy if it's logical then what's the funny thing? the story was simple but clear and lovely. Everyone knows that it's impossible for USA president to have a low secure house, and it's also impossible to see US and Russia in peace together. At least it's an invitation to peace. When it comes to characterization it's kinda weak and raw except for the dog and the two children the others just look like sidekicks to help push the movie forward, no specific personalities can be found in them. The ending was somehow ridiculous when their own staff came out spies you know that's not possible at least 99% not possible. By the way, they could use very beautiful sceneries to make the film, I really liked that Russian accent that was cute. The comedy was OK it can make people laugh and reach its goal as a family comedy I don't know why it's not listed in comedy category too. After all its a movie that you should watch and enjoy. It completely worth to watch because at the end it won't give you the feeling that why did I even watch this? Hope to enjoy watching it.
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Logan (2017)
Honestly it was a great ending for a superhero
15 May 2017
Logan, as we know, is a highly rich character in personality and background knowledge we know about him. Hugh Jackman, he has done his best in this movie I could easily believe his suffering and acting because he is drowned and became one with his role.Actually, the movie and the story had the certain smell of death since the beginning. When I was watching the first minutes of the movie the scenes and the locations also had been chosen wisely they could inform us of the death, of a dramatic ending. I could see regret in Logan's eyes he is like that's enough of heroic life just let me rest in peace I don't want to fight anymore. As a fan, I've never seen him running away from his enemies he just wanted to stay away from any stress for the rest of his life.He was hopeless until Laura came in he could barely see himself in the girl so he sacrificed himself for saving her.It's hard to describe how dramatic how beautiful the scenario was the love between a father and his daughter.This time we saw a different Logan there was no glory and fighting will in him he was calm he knew it is time for him to go.After all Marvel movies have lost a legend I don't know if its possible to bring him back on the scene because Logan is still alive in comics. I can't write more here the movie is so good that you can talk about its positive points for a whole day.
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Was that supposed to raise the audiences eager to watch the whole movie?
12 May 2017
First of all, I can easily say that I have wasted 1hour and 47 minutes of my time to watch this movie.The scenario is completely a mess.It couldn't reveal each character's motivation for what they do. There wasn't any introduction to the characters so I didn't know who even is that black business man. What was the relation between Andreas and that black guy? Moreover, Andreas was an unbelievable character he had power, money and... but he still wasn't right in the head.The process of shaping characters and giving them personalities in this scenario is awful and incomplete the author really hasn't worked on it.The story was ambiguous didn't have any scheduled or planned plot. A scenario must have an introduction, Peak, and an ending.The visual effects were so weak and unprofessional it was really unrealistic the guy was just moving his hands in the air. They couldn't make it touchable for the audience it was like a low graphic game with terrible visual effects. It's better to attend more time to the process of making a movie than just making it anyway without working deeply on details.There wasn't any convincing reason for why Vigilante has turned to a hit-man. Who was the man who contacted him? Yup no idea, no information is given. They have just added characters without considering the details and working deeply on them. And the ending I can easily say that they had no idea how to end it, yes the writer's team was blocked then the ridiculous bombing idea came to their mind.I assume that its OK but where is the motivation for doing such cruel thing? You see? nothing they just wanted to finish the movie anyway.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
its not a sci-fi movie we don't see any futuristic tech or concept.
7 May 2017
The story was so cliché. They just had replaced zombies with aliens and made another repetitive apocalypse movie. I really expected to see aliens not a bunch of humans who are kinda possessed with aliens.And why is it so wacky? Why do aliens need humans to fight for them if they are so high-tech and can disable every single human tech? Don't they have their own army?why do they use human facilities like planes when they have better things? where are authorities? where are other countries they considered America the only place on the planet? Even having 3 writers didn't help to make a good ending the end is open and unfinished? What happened to that alien commander? He just left earth peacefully? What happened to those children they took? The screenplay was so unprofessional. I couldn't see any sorrow or pain in peoples eyes. Come on they have lost their beloved ones why do they act relax? And about that Evan he just appeared from nowhere and fell in love with just a glance? It's not a romance or love story.How did Evan actually become a half-breed? Why couldn't they force him or program him to obey orders? There is no introduction to him. You should have put More time and attention on the screenplay. Or maybe you wanted to lower The budget needed as much as possible so you started to destroy the Scenario.
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