
20 Reviews
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Increasingly implausible.
17 May 2022
For a start, I know a few teachers who are heads of departments in secondary schools. NONE of them live in an extremely plush,large house set in extensive grounds! And in a no doubt ludicrously expensive area near Ascot? Where did the money come from? Mummy and Daddy? A massive inheritance?

And that's just the first of many implausibilities too tedious to go into.

Thoroughly unbelievable.
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Beautifully acted and beautifully filmed.
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a truly excellent film this is,with so many strands of love,social commentary,politics and so on.

The main characters are all played brilliantly and the photography is wonderful.

Does the butler really have feelings for his housekeeper but is too emotionally repressed to manifest them? Or is he truly wedded to his dutiful calling in service? I suspect the former. When she tells him she can't leave Clevedon because her daughter is expecting a child,Stevens's face changes,almost imperceptibly.

And the symbolism of the bird escaping into the air at the end rather emphasises the point that you have to "carpe diem "(seize the day) in case the opportunity doesn't arise again. A very sad ending but not necessarily inappropriate.
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Deadline (2022– )
I enjoyed it!
9 April 2022
Full of twists and turns. I have now watched it to the end and am wondering if the final revelations are correct or if another series is in the offing.
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The Five (2016)
It got there in the end.
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe a bit too draw out?

Despite nearly all the actors being British and it being set mainly in Liverpool and the Wirral,where I live, it never somehow felt authentically "British " to me. Is it because it was put together by an American writer?

Anyway,at least there was a happy ending for some characters,at least.
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The Holiday (2021)
I liked it!
6 March 2022
Kept me guessing all the way through.l found it intriguing. I may be biased as I fancy the Swedish actress who plays Jenny absolutely rotten! Cor!!

Maybe having been to Malta helped my enjoyment too.
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Hidden Assets (2021– )
Started well but becoming rather slow and tedious.
9 February 2022
I've only got to the start of episode 5 at the moment but it's been getting slower and slower after a promising start. I do appreciate,though,that real life detective work is often painstakingly slow-but it doesn't make for good drama. Also,the only likeable character is the Belgian police boss.

Had enough of it for today. I'll try and finish it tomorrow. Wife already asleep!
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The Responder (2022– )
Depressing but gripping.
4 February 2022
Sadly,I'm sure situations like this exist for some people in all our cities,given that drugs are everywhere. Martin Freeman gave a brilliant performance as a tortured soul caught in a massive mess of a situation. I live near Liverpool and would say his accent was pretty much spot on. Despite the gloom,there were also some wonderful little flashes of Scouse humour too. Excellent if depressing.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Increasingly unlikely.
1 February 2022
I think this was originally set in the USA? It doesn't really translate to the U. K. particularly well,I don't think,but is quite moreish as long as you totally suspend your disbelief and take it with a massive dose of salt.
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Starts well but.....
29 December 2021
I felt it tailed off part way through and lost its umph,as if the writer(s) had rather lost interest in the story. As did I,to be honest.

Some great actors but I started getting bored with it,even though I am myself 76!
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Close to Me (2021)
Rather a tame ending.
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I could happily watch Connie Nielsen permanently-what a beautiful woman.

The story,however,was very slow and not a great deal happened.

We finally discovered what had gone on but nothing unexpected occurred-no neat twist or surprises.

And then she just seems to go back to Denmark to save her bacon... The end.
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Showtrial (2021–2024)
Quite engrossing but fairly unpleasant.
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Both defendants had a rather sleazy lifestyle and neither of them was at all likeable. The spoilt,smirking Talitha was well acted,though. Not sure why her brief was so sure she was innocent. Lesbian attraction? And the twist at the end meant we're not at all sure whether she was innocent or not. She may just have been winding up her brief or she may have got away with murder!
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Angela Black (2021)
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
WHat in God's name is the final episode about?? When was that CCTV footage of Olivier abusing Angela filmed? Did she know it had been filmed? How did she obtain it to show the police? Why hadn't the devious Olivier deleted it?? Am I going mad or is it the writers??
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Cobra: Cyberwar 5 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
Increasingly boring.
13 November 2021
We've been watching the 2021 series but have just given up after episode 5. So boring that I really don't care what happens and none of the characters are particularly engaging,either.

The "crowd scenes " seem to have been done on a budget and featuring a minimal number of people. But,all in all,I just couldn't be bothered carrying on watching.
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The Guilty (2018)
Spellbindingly good.
1 November 2021
After a few minutes I thought "Is this it?" but the longer it went on the more engrossing and intriguing it became. Although all the action takes place in a police call centre,it totally grabbed my attention. Brilliant!
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Annika (2021– )
28 August 2021
So poor that I struggled to even get to the end of episode 1. Won't be watching any more,even though I like and rather fancy Nicola Walker. This series certainly won't be unforgotten!
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Inside No. 9: Last Night of the Proms (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Brilliant as ever.
21 July 2021
All cleverly done and brilliantly acted. Sarah Parrish looking even more beautiful than usual.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Juvenile,comic-book action packed nonsense.
22 June 2021
I think my review title covers it. It's highly predictable with a nauseatingly sugary ending.
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Smother (2021–2023)
3/10 BORING!
19 June 2021
My wife and I mananaged 1 and a half episodes but more or less fell asleep out of boredom with the lack of any pace whatsoever and the total dearth of interesting or sympathetic characters.

Utterly utterly tedious!
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15 February 2021
I'm afraid I hadn't read the book but this is a charming,nostalgic little tale of more innocent times. I was born in 1945 and it reminds me of all the simple fun my friends had in the 1950s when we were pre-teenagers. Happy days!
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Cardinal (2017–2020)
SPOILER. Now getting sick.
12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER. Episode 3 contains scenes of sadism and torture. My wife and I won't be watching any more. Getting downright nasty and sick on the TV screen. I can't see why anyone would want to carry on watching such scenes of casual depravity,torture and extremely sadistic cruelty. This started off as an intriguing Scandi noir sort of programme in the bleak,snow covered wastes of the Algonquin area,c. 200 miles north of Toronto. No excuse,though,for this graphic cruelty on screen.
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