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Fantastic visual but otherwise garbage
26 December 2022
I really don't know what Cameron was thinking in this one. Yes it's visually spectacular and the 3D version is something else. Go see it for the visuals alone if like good visual.

Then we have the problems. Not a single character had any development or depth. There was no back story to any of the characters or events and the movie has little connection to the original (which was also a terrible movie).

The whole story arc was poorly written and more in line with something a child would write. Why Cameron decided to put so much effort and money in a story that is so flawed and full of plot holes is beyond me.

The movie looks good and is selling. Maybe I'm just more of a book guy after all. I thought it was horrible but can't go lower that 6/10 because of visuals that compare to few or even none.

Story wise 1/10, Character wise 1/10, Visually 16/10 which gives this my net score of 6/10. I want to go lower but the visuals are just that good so I wont. Will I see it again? Never. Will it be remembered? No, it will be forgotten and in 20 years people will ask: Was there a second Avatar movie?
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
The negative reviewers didn't get it
31 December 2021
This is a piece of art, if you don't like art or classical novels then just skip this movie. This is Tim Burton interpreting a classic story in a beautiful and elaborate way.

Of course the movie doesn't compare to the book story wise just as the book has nothing on the movie visually.

Burton however comes close to creating visually what you imagine when you read in the book didn't he? My only complaint about the movie is that in some scenes the CGI looked a bit dated but if that is the only complaint... You know you have something note worthy to look at.
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Eternals (2021)
So bad that it failed to fail
12 December 2021
I really don't know what happened with this movie. I've seen better CGI in movies made before 2010. Dialogues, character building and story structure is better in any Michael Bay movie but he at least compensates for it in action, suspense and epic scenes and shots.

I have no idea about what message or ideology this movie was suppose to the audience consider. I've seen deeper social criticism in Michael and Webb "are we the baddies" comedy scene. Was this movie a comedy, adventure or sci fi? I don't know and frankly I don't care.

Who were the characters? What was their purpose and drive? I don't know. I never connected to any character or got any interest in the story. This movie just moved from one McGuffin quest to another. I've seen better story structure in 80's video games.

What bothered me the most was how much of a nothing this movie was. It was bad indeed but it wasn't bad enough for me to enjoy how bad it was. Everything was bad, don't get me wrong, but not epic bad so it's good like Cats or The Room. The movie failed to fail.

Please Marvel, you have many good movies, please don't repeat anything like this ever again. Black Panther and Captain Marvel weren't perfect but compared to The Eternals they were like Shawshank Redemption and Godfather.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
It's stupid but I like it
29 January 2021
I have about 1000 complaints about this show but non of them bother me because this show has a feel good fun vibe. I know every character is naive and I know no detective and shrink would ever be like this. I'm not planning to start on how naive angels and even god him self is made out to be.

This is an entertaining and funny show. Yes you can find everything wrong with the show but somehow you still like it. No hate on Tom Ellis, I liked his performance but if they had James Spader as the Devil I would have given this show an easy 9 stars. This is just to much of a James Spader role not to have James Spader in it.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
What is the target audience?
29 January 2021
Four high schoolers somehow have important jobs with the FBI. Their boss is a guy who talks like captain Kirk but has no character or story arch. It is like he is just a token character. Then you have James Spader as the cool arrogant guy which is a role he's perfect for but is starting to get a bit too much type cast. This is too stupid and poorly written for adults and this is too square and serious for teens.

I always like James Spader playing the cool arrogant guy and that is an automatic 7 stars. Everything else is terrible but because of Spader I simply can't go lower even though I like to.
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Interstellar (2014)
9/10 and I'm considered to be a hater
23 January 2021
This movie is so good that I was mocked when I pointed out a few things why I thought it was not the best movie ever. It is really that good that many people think it's the best movie ever. I think it's visually the best ever and my only comments about Interstellar are all about why I find a few other films to be better all time. Not the best movie ever but damn close!
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Avatar (2009)
4 stars is a bit harsh but I expected so much
23 January 2021
It sounds harsh to give 4/10 to a movie that was the best and most impressive visual work of its time. I had never seen anything as astonishing at the time and this movie was a CGI landmark way ahead of its time. Why Cameron choose a flat lazy story arch with zero character building and no stakes to deliver it I will never know. The visuals were amazing, everything else was mediocre or worse. You can have a good story and characters in visually stunning films. Nolan did so in Interstellar f.x.
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Barton Fink (1991)
Another Cohen great but not as great as you remembered
23 January 2021
This used to be one of my favorites. I watched it today for the first time in years and it does not hold up as well as I remembered. Don't get me wrong, this movie is still brilliant and groundbreaking cinema as almost every Cohen movie but there are flaws. This movie has a style (or a flaw) like many late 80's early 90's movies of way to many dramatic pauses and conversations. It worked at the time but not as well today. The style leads to bad pacing and drawn out shots trying to add drama. It came out as very slow movie. This is a great story with great characters and interesting conversations. The Movie would hold up great today and get a solid 8 or 9 if it wasn't for this pacing problem of it's era.
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Feel good fantasy for Kids
18 October 2020
My 8 and 11 year old completely loved this. I followed this with them and yes it's silly and quirky but it's quite fun, jolly and fast paced. Allot happening, scenes are short and cutting and editing is frequent but really good. I highly recommend for for Kids from 8 to 80. The message is nice, teamwork, friendship and doing your best. I'm surprised there wasn't a second season.
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Great to begin with and then it took a downward turn
17 October 2020
This was a perfect horror for the first shows. Then it started, all exposition, all the drooling backstory. Watch the episode 1-5 and skip the rest. Then it's a great show but if you finish the series it's a complete meh.
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Family Guy: The Talented Mr. Stewie (2020)
Season 19, Episode 2
Worst episode ever!
8 October 2020
Rest assured that I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.
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The funniest movie ever?
29 February 2020
I think I never saw a funnier movie. Dave Chapelle, South Park etc., have similar humor but this takes that to a whole new level. The grand finale to Klovn movies and series, this cannot be topped. Not for the easily offended but for the rest of us this is pure gold.
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1917 (2019)
Why is this movie so hyped?
11 January 2020
This is just your run of the mill war movie. I've seen many like this but this one is hyped (I'm somehow trying to quote a great war movie here, Full Metal Jacket).

This is just so average plot wise and it's very slow paced. It was realistic and cinematography is excellent. The characters were in many ways well executed. SFX were really good and costumes and atmosphere was very cool.

I liked the movie and thought it was very good but I just don't get the hype. Why did this movie win the Golden Globe over the Joker is just something I find hard to belief because I have found the awards credible so far.

The plot is quite shallow and the movie is forgettable. It's similar to Saving Private Ryan in many ways but just not as good. This movie is easy to watch and does not demand anything from the audience. 10 year old can enjoy it just as much as hardened combat veteran so maybe the very broad appeal of the movie is the reason for why it's so hyped.

Go see it I recommend the movie. Don't expect to much and just enjoy on face value as yet just another cool but forgettable war movie.
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Tuca & Bertie (2019–2022)
Incoherent nonsense
3 May 2019
I'm a big fan of most cartoons for adults. This is horrible with no story. It is just a random scatter of events crammed together between stupid music montages. Imagine the worst sitcom ever animated with animals instead of people and this is worse. Don't watch
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Looper (2012)
One of the worst time travel scripts ever
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie a lot but the script was very weak. Action packed and fun but... the nerd in me could not like it. You can't make a one time line time travel story. As a scifi fan this is just a big no no to me because if you only account for one time line then you have to eliminate the possibility of free will. In this movie the actions of Joe's future self led to his current self committing a suicide hence there would never have been any cause of events to lead to said suicide because there would never have been any future Joe. For a 30 million dollar budget that's very weak writing.
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Original and funny
15 January 2019
I loved this one. This movie is not like any other movie I've seen. The script is very good and it is extremely well thought through. The movie gets you many times and leaves you confused. Don't worry when you are confused, you will catch on a little later.

This movie is extremely funny piece of art and a must see for any movie lover.
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Aquaman (2018)
Trust positive reviews
16 December 2018
This is a perfect superhero movie. Constant action filled suspense with a great classic superhero story. Great CGI and great characters. Almost perfect.
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Maniac (2018)
Boring and uneventful
8 November 2018
This slow paced uninteresting scifi drama was a big let down. Don't waste your time
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The Nun (2018)
Disappointing NUNsense
10 September 2018
Where to begin? The movie had an interesting atmosphere and some OK CGI and that is it. It lacked everything you want in a good horror film. The story was uninteresting, the character development was zero, it failed to build up suspense, it failed to make sense or come together in any way, it relied on jump scares that where way to predictable and never had you invested in the story. I was very disappointed and wouldn't recommend this to anyone
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