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Piranha 3D (2010)
How much fun can you have watching a horror movie? Watch Piranha 3D and find out.
9 May 2023
Piranha 3D is a crazy-good time at the movies. Though the premise is straightforward, it boasts some of the most intense and visceral gore imaginable, all the while maintaining a sense of fun. While all of the actors take their roles seriously, some of them including Adam Scott, Eli Roth and Jerry O'Connell are clearly choosing to have alot of fun and ham-it-up instead.

Director Alexandre Aja masterfully subverts expectations with his film, initially presenting it as a conventional horror flick. However, the presence of high-profile actors featuring Richard Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Shue, and Christopher Lloyd cleverly disorients the audience, leading them to anticipate a toned-down, PG-rated horror experience. Rest assured, the movie delivers George Romero-esque gore in abundance.

Piranha 3D has a great pacing, good character development lots of gratuitous 80s-style nudity.

My sole disappointment? The limited screen time for Dina Meyer.

This film is undeserving of the negative reviews it has received. Piranha 3D is a skillfully executed, over-the-top horror extravaganza that showcases expert craftsmanship in its special effects. It is evident that everyone involved in its creation harbors a deep appreciation for the genre, producing a film tailored for true horror aficionados.
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10 December 2022
It doesn't lend anything to the franchise nor take anything away.

It's a family friendly adventure which could have been more fun than it was. Kids might like it but will not understand who Kevin Bacon is, not care probably.

The acting is fine and the visual effects are outstanding as expected, but it feels like the writers didn't care much nor understand anything more than the basics of each character. "Directed" by James Gunn? More like phoned-in maybe. The show feels so standard, straight, and without any real directorial imagination.

I love the MCU but it has taken a serious downturn since Endgame.
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Marvel perfectly trolls the Trollers in She-Hulk
16 October 2022
First, I'll say I started enjoying the show about half-way through the second episode. It started weak, but somehow got me interested enough to watch the second, then third episodes. After that, I was hooked.

She-Hulk was fun and funny, but I was wondering why the CG was very good for Bruce, but only adequate for She-Hulk. Sometimes she looked great, but other times a little distracting Uncanny valley crept in. It was never enough to take me out of the story, but it was a tad distracting.

The best episode was of course, the last one and wow, did the She-Hulk writers ever have fun with this one. No spoilers I promise, but it was great. Marvel perfectly trolled the trollers and other online haters of female superheroes perfectly. Bravo, Marvel!

My review? 6/10 for the first 5 episodes, 7/10 for eposides 6 to 9, and 10/10 for the last episode.
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Retroactive (1997)
A fun time-travel movie
22 August 2022
Ignore the haters - Ratroactive is a fun and visually inventive sci-fi time-travel movie that is worth watching.

Jim Belushi is outstanding as Jim - a good'ol Texan who loves his Caddy, and hates his wife. His over-the-top performance alot of fun to watch. He meets Karen played to perfection by Kylie Travis who in my opinion had the makings of an action star.

The Time Travel aspect of the movie means scenes are shown several times but director Louis Monreau does a great job of this by coming up with more and more creative ways to showcase each set piece.

Worth watching.
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Jurassic World Dominion a fun night out. Ignore the haters.
13 June 2022
I went to see Jurassic World Dominion last night in IMAX and was surprised at just how much I enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting to like it, but I actually like it so much that I want to see it again on the big screen.

Sure, the return of old characters are in place to give fan service to those of us who love the original movie. And ok, the story line is a little light. But if you can get past these 2 minor issues, you will really enjoy the movie. Laura Dern and the rest of the cast all look great, and Jeff Goldblum plays his best Jeff Goldblum since Thor: Ragnarok. Everyone clearly had alot of fun making this movie.

The stars of the movie are of course, the Dinosaurs, and wow the artists and wizards behind the scenes really went all out this time. At a time where we are all used to VFX and where they can all seem kind of bland, Dominion really takes things to the next level. I don't quite understand what I am seeing, but the level of realism has been turned up to 1000. I wish I could describe it better.

There are a few scenes which really stood out. A scene with Bryce Dallas Howard's "Clair Dearing" being chased though city streets and buildings by a Dinosaur, all seemingly shot with hand-held cameras, was especially well done.

Anyway, ignore the haters and treat yourself.
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Ignore the negative reviews. Wonder Woman 1984 is pretty good!
28 February 2021
After reading some of the negative reviews, I put off renting WW84, but I'm glad I changed my mind. There is alot to like about this movie. The story and acting are both good. The movie has just the right tone and pace, and kept me completely entertainned during its entire 2 hours and 30 minutes.

There are a couple of misteps. The opening sequence with the jewelry store robbers seemed week. I was starting to get a little tired of Kristen Wiig's acting as she has played this character in part many times before, but she becomes a nice surprise as her character evolves.

Gal Gadot is... well, perfect. Nothing more can be said about her of course. She does a great job playing Wonder Woman.

All and all, Wonder Woman 1984 is worth renting an in fact, worth seeing in the threatre. I watched it at home but now wish I had sceen this movie in AVX or IMAX format. Now that threatres are open, I may go see it on the big screen.

Ignore the haters and the bad reviews, and treat yourself to some DC Super hero fun.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
William Zabka shines in Cobra Kai
13 January 2021
There is so much to like about this show. The characters are all well written. The pacing is perfect. The story is great, the music is fun, and the jokes and nods to the 80's are hilarious, but its William Zabka acting that elevates the show to the top.

Cobra Kai is a really good, fun show and definately worth watching, even if you haven't seen the original Karate Kid in a long time.
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The worst of the season
9 July 2020
The 2020 Season of Agents of Shield has been excellent. Every episode so far has exciting, fun, and really smart.

That is, until this one. "The totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D" was just rediculous and terrible.

I get that the robots are an obvious 80's reference to crappy 80's robots, but come on. All anyone had to do was knock one over. Mack spent a year drinking beer and didn't gain any weight? Culson is alive and well inside a VCR? No computer? No camera to see from? And back to Mack. A dedicated agent of Shield just lazed around for a whole year without helping the cause?

And who the hell were Deke's bandmates supposed to be? If the writers of this episode were trying to make these characters interesting or funny, they completely failed here too.

LOVE AGENTS OF SHIELD! Hate this episode.
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Ad Astra (2019)
How can modern Science Fiction movies get science and physics so wrong?
29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers.

I love science fiction movies. I always have. One important thing to keep in mind is that sometimes the writers and directors need a pass once in a while in order to move a good sci-fi story forward. But this movie goes beyond that to the point of just being insulting with one ridiculous thing after another.

The Mild: 1) Anti-Matter explosions on a spaceship near Neptune causing CME-type particles to hit the earth similar to solar flares, causing power blackouts, sent there to pass the Heliosphere to detect aliens.
  • The Earth's magnetic field protects us from that kind of thing
  • The energy required would destroy that ship
  • Neptune is much further away from the earth than we are from the sun
  • etc.

But OK, it's sci-fi, I'll give this a pass. What's next:

2) The movie's hero does a space walk to fix an Antenna on a tower that is mounted on the earth, yet high enough to be above the atmosphere, so that it can do a better job listening for aliens.

  • Taller antenna's don't accomplish this. Multiple Dish-style antennas like which are used by SETI would do a much better job at much lower cost.

I'd give this an OK, but the scene featuring this does not serve the story at all.

3) Where is the moon again?
  • When going to the moon, the lead character's ship is pointing directly at the moon which is wrong. Any ship going from the earth to the moon needs to be going in the direction of where the moon WILL BE, not where it IS NOW.

But I can give this a pass because maybe their rockets are faster. Sigh. Anyway:

4) Full Gravity on the moon.
  • Yes, I kid you not. Brad's character goes to the moon and walks around with hundreds of others in normal gravity. No explanation as to how this is accomplished. Just full gravity because audience: stupid.

  • At one point after this some moon buggies take off across the lunar landscape in full gravity again, and oh yeah! Have a gun fight with pirates. Shortly after this, one of the buggies does a semi-soft landing to suggest lower gravity, but its quickly forgotten and back to normal dumbness.

5) On their way to Mars they pickup a distress signal by another ship that just happens to be in the same area.
  • They "stop" in space to answer the call.
  • No mention about the energy required to slow down, stop, accelerate again later.

6) Under Pressure! While on that space ship, a crazy monkey goes on a rampage. Our hero closes the door, and lets the atmosphere out and the monkey's head explodes.

  • UGH! It doesn't work this way. If a human or any animal suddenly found themselves in a no-pressure situation, your blood would boil and the air would be sucked out of your lungs, but you would not explode. (You also would not instantly freeze to death)

7) Ship does a vertical landing on mars.
  • A ship landing on mars, engine down and firing, is extremely inefficient. No parachutes are used to even slow its descent, no gentle orbit is used to burn off speed. Just land.

8) Swimming in an underwater lake on mars
  • Ok I could give this a pass as its interesting. My only complaint is that the distance is very long, and his speed is very low. You'll know what I mean when you see it.

9) Climbing up the side of a rocket, from its base, as its taking off (And opening a hatch, and getting on board)
  • The vibration would kill him.
  • The rush of atmosphere might at least blow him off
  • Opening the hatch while taking off is // never mind.

This isn't a super-hero movie. Its not a James Bond movie or even a Die Hard movie either.

10) Near Neptune, a space ship has a spinning Radar-type antenna. Hero Brad uses it to "fling" himself through the rings of Neptune to another ship.

  • There's not enough energy in the spinning antenna.
  • How did he aim himself so perfectly? He didn't. Of course he didn't.
  • A spinning anything on any object in space would result in a counter-spin of the main object in the opposite direction and -- I give up.

There are more, but you get the idea.

The movie wants to be Part 2001: A Space Odyssey, part Gravity. While those movies had flaws too they at least tried harder to get the basics right.

So OK, I am really knit-picking. I guess its because I was thinking that somehow this was going to be a really good science-fiction movie full of yummy brain-goodness. It wasn't.
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Great movie
7 March 2019
Ignore the bad reviews written by people with an axe to grind against the main actor. A good movie that deserves its place in the mcu. Eagle eyed comic book fans are in for a treat too.
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Geostorm (2017)
2012, but without the fun.
22 October 2017
Geostorm is just like the movie 2012, but without all the fun.

The visual effects are probably the best I've ever seen (clap clap to those artists) but that's about it. Weak story, impossible scenario, and endless mindless meaningless techno-babbble that would make any kid in science class do a face-palm.

And speaking of techno-babble, don't movie studios hire scientific consultants anymore?

Anyway. If you have nothing better to do then sure go check out Geostorm. Otherwise just wait for it to show up on TV.
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Elysium (I) (2013)
Why do movie makers treat audiences like idiots?
16 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(Warning : Contains very minor spoilers so stop reading now if you hate this kind of thing).

Elysium is an OK movie for people who want to check their brain at the door, or watch 2 hours of visual effects eye candy. It looks great, but the movie makers treat the audience like brain dead idiots. There are so many plot holes in the movie that I gave up counting.

Even worse though, there are huge glaring scientific errors.

Elysium is big space station shaped like a spinning wheel. It's inhabitants live on the inside of the wheel getting artificial gravity from centrifugal force. The "top" of the wheel does not exist. It's not closed or sealed off in any way so other space ships can come and go. There is nothing to hold the atmosphere in place. GLARING TECHNICAL ERROR!

The spaceships come and go and land on the inside of the space station near its edge, where it should be spinning its fastest. GLARING TECHNICAL ERROR! Any ships would have to enter and leave from the center hub of the wheel, not the edge.

In order for Elysium to remain in space it would have to be in a Geostationary Orbit which is 22,236 Miles above the ground. Small spaceships lift-off from the earth and travel to Elysium in only a few minutes meaning the ships travel at over 7,000 miles per hour. GLARING TECHNICAL ERROR! Forget the fact that the occupants suffer no G-forces, that the ships couldn't possibly carry enough fuel etc to get there or get there that fast, etc.

I'm no scientist and I'm no math geek but this kind of stupidity in a movie has to go.

Oh and if this isn't enough, the movie also has characters that look at computer screens of pure random gibberish and suddenly realize that "This is the code that will save the day!". I mean it - except for maps and other flight data once in a while, the most important computer screen showing the most important data that is the most important part of the whole movie is just showing garbage - random characters - crap - nada - nothing. WTF, movie makers?

Sure the movie is "just" sci-fi and sure it's "just" fantasy. But really how much does it cost to hire a science consultant so that idiot stupid BS mistakes don't slip into your $150M movie?

Attention movie makers : Hire me and I'll make your sci-fi 10 times better by stopping you from making GLARING TECHNICAL ERRORS in your films.
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Hopelessly dull
8 June 2013
The Memories of Angels is sold as some kind of love-letter of Montreal. To me it is nothing more than a collection of archives spliced together without any kind of continuity, purpose, or reason. All the user can do is watch what seems like 10 hours of clips of bits of pieces of Montreal and recognize a couple of buildings here and there. There's no context at all, and it certainly does not evoke any kind of warm feelings or nostalgia about what a great city Montreal really is. This is not art, this is not movie making. This is slapping together bits of film and calling it a "movie" without any kind artistic vision of any kind. BORING AND POINTLESS. Don't waste your time.
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Machete (2010)
Should have been more fun
5 September 2010
Sometimes RR makes great movies (From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, Spy Kids (Yes its good!) and sometimes he doesn't. Machete should have been a FUN movie. Just like Planet Terror, its heart is in the right place, but also like Planet Terror, it fails somehow. It's funny, but not funny enough. It's gory, but not gory enough. The actors are having fun, but not having enough fun.

Even though the movie is only 1 hour and 45 minutes long, it felt like it was about 10 minutes too long.

On the plus side, the movie LOOKED cool. Danny Trejo looked bad-ass, and Michelle Rodriquez - WOW - She looked fantastic. Jessica Alba though has a really awkward scene where she stands on a car to rally some people together. It just doesn't work. It felt weak. It felt like some 2nd or 3rd unit director was afraid to ask Alba for better acting.

Probably one of the actors having the most fun (or was the most fun to see) was Tom Savini. Savini is essentially playing the same guy he always plays, but so what. It's what you come to expect. He seems like a pretty solid actor though so it would be nice to see him do more in the future.

Anyway, an OK film, but I'd saw wait for video.
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