
4 Reviews
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Trainwreck (2015)
Bill Hader is so much more attractive than Amy Schumer, it's distracting.
14 January 2024
Fun movie with great cameos. I've seen it multiple times. HOWEVER, I am always distracted the entire movie by how much less attractive Amy Schumer is than Bill Hader. Granted, I've always had a crush on Hader. Between her face, hair, and comedy style/stand-up, I find it hard to believe ANY of the men in this movie would touch Amy Schumer with a ten foot pole.

Also, as a person in Cleveland from Akron, I adore LeBron's cameo in this movie. Cleveland is great for the entire family. Everyone should visit.

I need to add 22 more characters to even have this added as a review. So here they are 4 more characters. Thank you.
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Better than the first doc I watched about this
30 November 2023
While this is better than the first doc, I still can't believe this woman is a competent journalist that fell for this blindly. Also, I remember thinking the first time I saw this story all I could think about was how he could've done better. Honestly, hot, wealthy, world-renowned, bad boy surgeon? That's the best he could do? He couldn't managed to land someone attractive? Even his first girlfriend was attractive when he conned her. I guess it probably made it easier to manipulate a woman when she's an unattractive narcissist appearing to be in it for the name-dropping and money. At least this version of the doc actually goes over the unethical aspect of medicine and lack of benevolence over malevolence and vanity.
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
It's a CBS sitcom. So...ya know.
7 July 2022
This show is PRECISELY what you get when you combine a CBS sitcom and Whitney Cummings. Truly embarrassing.

It's more watchable than The Bang Bazinga, but is that even much of a compliment? Also, why did people just start applauding Jennifer Coolidge's entrance multiple seasons into this show? Give me a break, it's on before Friends in the morning.
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King Kong (1976)
This movie is absolutely boring.
7 September 2019
Plus, Jessica Lange rivals Shelly Duvall (The Shining) within the world of worst acting job of all time.

At least Jeff Bridges is young and handsome af.
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