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Shadow and Bone: Meet You in the Meadow (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
One of the worse episodes
13 September 2023
This one annoyed me the most so far. There were just so many stupid discissions made by the good guys, I'm surprised they lasted so long.

The good guys had several opportunities where they could have killed the bad Grishas while they were distracted, (with their backs turned, mourning their fallen comrade, etc.), but instead the good guys sit around doing nothing.

They waste ammo shooting at the bad guys while the bad guys are advancing using wind, instead of waiting for them to stop and shooting then. (None of them ever heard of strategy before? Also, always go for the head shot.).

And of course Alina wont kill Mal, which means if Alexander does, it's all over.
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The Last Bus (2022)
Could be more realistic.....
24 November 2022
I find it next to impossible to believe that a high tech facility like this place has no security guards or locked doors and that these kids would be able to run around wherever they want without getting caught. Also, if you are trying to kill off someone, the smart thing to do is seal the room so that there is no chance of escape.

God forbid we should expect any realism from a kids show.

I have absolutely no sympathy for any of the characters and wish they had all been vaporized by the end of the first episode. The main character, Nas, being the worst of the lot as he is supposed to be the smartest, but also the least disciplined, not listening to his older sister and running off.
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The Brady Bunch: The Private Ear (1971)
Season 3, Episode 9
Sends the wrong message
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, kids, the moral of this episode is: If you do something wrong, not only will your parents not punish you, but they will actually skip a romantic trip that they had been planning for a while in order to throw you a surprise party. (Well, the party may be for somethin good that you did (or didn"t) actually do, but it wont outweigh the bad thing that you certainly did, so you wont deserve it.).
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Y: The Last Man: Neil (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Get over it already
3 December 2021
I'm only 3 episodes in and I want to smack the Hell out of Yorick every time he whines about want to find Beth. Seriously, you could literally have any and every girl on Earth, and you want the bit...ska.....slu...ho...one that would rather be doing every guy in Australia, (although good luck with that now), instead of being with you. Grow a pair already. (of course, that's probably how you survived, whiney little girl).
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Glee: Saturday Night Glee-ver (2012)
Season 3, Episode 16
Obvious lip synching
28 November 2021
Ok, yes, most, if not all the episodes include lip-synching, but at least the majority of the episodes the singing sounded like the actors. (At least in Season 2 and the later episodes of Season 1, hard to tell in the first half of Season 1). But it is safe to say that there is no way Cory Monteith's or Matthew Morrison's voices are that high. This is supposed to be a show about the kids singing, so let them.
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Seinfeld: The Dog (1991)
Season 3, Episode 4
Use a real dogs bark.
26 October 2021
The worse, and most annoying, thing about this episode was the fake, human sounding imitation bark.

Even if they never actually show the dog, they at lest could have recorded a real dog's bark and used it. Also, dog's tend to growl when you are pulling something away from them, (such as a shoe or jacket, as shown here,), which the dog is chewing on and wont give up.
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The Parkers: Mama, I Want to Sing (2001)
Season 2, Episode 12
Exterior changing
5 December 2020
Sadly, like almost all sitcoms from the late 90's, the writers/producers seem to have developed a case of amnesia when it comes to viewing exteriors through the window. When Kim and Stevie first moved in, they had an ocean view from their living room window/balcony. (Prof. Oglevee even pointed this out by saying how they were only paying $450 a month for an ocean view and he was paying 3 times that for no view). Well he can laugh now, because in this episode there is now a house seen from Kim and Nikki's balcony window.
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The Parkers: Grape Nuts (1999)
Season 1, Episode 1
Kill the laugh track
11 November 2020
I always enjoyed this series and its characters, as well as the actors themselves, and I consider it a thousand times better than Moesha, (there were too many things I hated about that show especially Moesha's boyfriend Q constantly calling her shorty, and she was taller than he was, but I digress).

I had to turn the volume off on this episode and watch it with sub-titles after the first 5 minutes because they played the laugh track literally after every sentence.
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Into the Dark: Pure (2019)
Season 1, Episode 12
2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of things I didn't like about this: 1: No one says anything about the fact that Jo's father, a (supposed) devout Christian, cheats on his wife and ends up with another kid.

2: No explanation is given as to why Pastor Seth is always strutting around with a holstered pistol. Shay, the new girl, should have at least questioned it, as she keeps looking at it and we get several close ups, but it is just ignored.

3: Several times girls are dragged off by a group of the men. Why? WHO THE HELL KNOWS because no explanation is given.
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Annoying.....not funny
20 May 2020
The biggest question here is: If you had such a lousy first date with "The Wrong Missy", and you obviously have no intention of ever seeing/speaking/thinking of her, why not just delete her contact information like any normal person? Answer: Because then we wouldn't have this movie to waste 90 minutes of our life with. Watch just about anything else and pass on this.
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Creeped Out: One More Minute (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Something Doesn't add up
4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So...aside from the fact that this was the first episode of Season 2, as shown on Netflix, and not the 5th episode, the writers seem to have gotten lazy with this show compared to Season 1. The kids aren't actually playing the video game, just mashing the buttons on the controller and staring into space. I could actually live with that, but Jack is in Grade 9 in High School when he loses 5 years of his life, and yet he is still in High School. I'm pretty sure he should have graduated by then.
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Arrow: Bratva (2017)
Season 5, Episode 12
Still confused.....
18 September 2018
Still confused with the whole Ra's al Ghul in the Arrow-verse thing, considering he is Batman's adversary, and Talia is Bat's love interest, but one of the main reasons I like to check IMDB is for the Trivia/Goofs/etc concerning an episode. That said, I watched "Bratva" on Netflix/ and whoever contributed to the "Crazy Credits" section "Failed this City", (to quote GA). The end credits are the same as every other episode without being LEGO-fied, and IMDB needs better fact checkers instead of just posting every submission. (in some cases, multiple submissions that re-print what someone else previously posted).
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