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Good! But did not arrive in 2023 but stopped in 1982.
30 November 2023
What a film! It takes you right back to the eighties. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether this is a good film, but for me it was far too weak. The actors are constantly stressing themselves out, as you'd expect from Japanese films. Overacting at every second! But the story is told so slowly and sluggishly that my face literally fell asleep and in the second half of the film I hoped it would end soon. It's actually terrible that I have to report something like this, because the effects are really bombastically good!

The extremely successful atomic breath, with the huge explosion that follows, was simply gigantic every time! I would have liked to have seen more of that. (Speaking of which: I can't help but think that Oppenheimer (2023) could have taken a leaf out of my book 😜).

The drama and post-war history of Japan might have been interesting, but it was told in such a boring way that I lost interest in the characters after the first 20 minutes. In my opinion, the two hours could easily have been shortened to 40 minutes and it would have been a better film. Because even if this film is considered the very first in the Godzilla timeline, new viewers are given absolutely no explanation of how Godzilla came to be and what it's all about.

Although the special effects are extremely well done, and Godzilla often even looked cute in his original appearance <3, I can only give the film a really well-intentioned 5/10 stars due to the weakly told story.
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Revolver (2005)
Wants to look complex, but harms itself with it.
19 July 2023
A film that is initially easy to understand, but then turns around and becomes more complex. At least the film wants to give this appearance. I can well imagine that with many viewers this will also succeed! But I saw through the game very quickly. No, I didn't know what the exact end would be, but I was already aware after the first quarter where the journey was going. The film is well made and very exciting at first, but it then loses itself in unnecessarily complicated scenes and stories in the last quarter. Some would say it's a masterpiece, I found the end rather unpleasant due to this suddenly super intelligent and complex resolution. I'm sure you wouldn't have needed this increased complexity to make a good ending accessible to every viewer. So I can't really recommend the film to everyone, so it gets 5/10 stars from me.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Best Trailer ever!
18 July 2023
The funniest thing about the whole movie is its trailer. Neither the story, nor the spectacle, nor the "humor" are worth seeing this film. I never had to laugh or even grin. Only in the end I grabbed my head and had to smile because I thought what a waste of time I looked at.

The bear is well animated and the blood effects are just as sparkling (haha), but there is far too little of it in the film. According to the coach, it should be really bloodthirsty, which it will only be two to three times for a few seconds. Too bad, you could have done something cooler. I can therefore give him a maximum of 3/10 stars 😂
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Not exciting, but what else did we expect?
14 July 2023
Funnily enough, I already knew from the beginning that this film couldn't be nearly as good as the first part. I was actually looking forward to it because I found the subject matter from the first part exciting. However, my fears turned out to be true and the film is extremely boring. Somehow it still has a fascination for me, because the seen was excitingly tried to implement, but it is just never exciting. The actors are all ok and completely mediocre, no one stands out from the crowd like Sandra Bullock did. I think it's a pity that they didn't take the chance to create a film on par with the first part. Because of all the boredom and the almost 2 hours running time, I can unfortunately only give the film 3/10 stars. According to my rating scale this means "not worth seeing". Everyone must decide for himself whether he does not prefer to watch something else in these 2 hours 🤷‍♂️.
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Absolutely not worth seeing
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In general, it's interesting to see how our world is evolving with robotics, drones, and artificial intelligence in general. My expectation of this 1h documentary was to somehow get more insight into the subject matter. But unfortunately, in my opinion, only obvious things are addressed and shown. Actually, it is logical and clear that if you give an artificial intelligence the task of finding a method to wipe out all of humanity, it will come up with umpteen thousand answers around the corner. That is for me however still far no documentary worth! And to put a gun to the body of a robot and then to say that we will probably all die, if the robot would now also decide independently whether and which people he should kill or not, is for me again logical thinking and no amazing aha moment.

The only thing that was really interesting was the use of artificial intelligence related to forest fires and how they would develop. This would allow emergency personnel to be commanded and deployed in the best possible way. Everything else in this documentary is nonsense. I therefore cannot possibly give it more than 4/10 stars 😏.
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Good, but unfortunately not more
12 July 2023
Our dear Tom has grown old, you can clearly see that on his face, but guaranteed not yet in his fitness. It's unbelievable what stunts were shown and when you know they're all real, they look even more amazing. At least that's what I thought when I saw all the making-ofs! Because in the final film, with so many scenes that I know were shot in real life, CGI effects were scattered over it and below that the scenes simply didn't look real anymore. I wonder why, for example, you had to recreate and scrap a train in real life, if it might seem even more realistic in pure CGI.

The film lasts a proud 2 hours and 45 minutes, but would it really have taken it? In my opinion: definitely not. The story could easily have been told in "only" 2 hours. There are places in the film where you should have deep compassion for characters that have never really grown close to your heart. The slapstick moments in Rome, on the other hand, liked them very much and were really amusing and so to be seen for the first time in this film series! The music was also good as always, but this time they tried to let the main theme run at double speed. I somehow didn't understand why the music had to be "heated" by the film, if they were actually a guarantee of positive points.

But... of course I will also go to watch the next part again, but would I urgently have to recommend this film to my friends because you have to see it? Again: probably not. It's a good movie, with good action and good actors, but unfortunately (which is extremely unfortunate!) Only good. That's why I give the movie 7/10 stars.
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Freaks Out (2021)
Don't have to hide from Hollywood!
5 July 2023
A really good movie that was a bit too long towards the end. 15 minutes less to the film not harmed. Above all, you have to mention the incredibly well-made special effects at this point! There was only one scene where the Uncanny Valley started. I could name dozens of new films, especially from Hollywood, which have a higher budget and worse effects. The whole topic around the Nazis is also fully covered from beginning to end, and I mean that in a positive and funny sense. The story itself is not insanely special, but manages to entertain. I give the film 7/10 stars and can recommend it well.
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Trance (I) (2013)
Exciting twist
4 July 2023
This film is truly masterfully crafted and impresses with its stunning visual effects. It's remarkable that little to no CGI was used, giving the movie an authentic and artisanal feel. The storyline is well-thought-out, and the actors deliver superb performances, showcasing their expertise in the craft.

I particularly found the twists towards the end of the film extremely intriguing. While they may not be overwhelmingly spectacular, they certainly add an extra layer of excitement and keep the audience on their toes. It almost feels as if the villain reveals everything and narrates how they intend to accomplish their diabolical plan. And here's the twist: in this case, it might be essential for the story!

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. However, I wouldn't necessarily label it as something exceptionally unique. It may lack that certain wow factor that would make it an absolute must-see. Nevertheless, it is definitely worth watching and kept me entertained. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a solid 6 stars.
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Arnold (2023)
I'll be back!
24 June 2023
Although I thoroughly enjoyed watching the series and found it to be an entertaining portrayal of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his life story, I couldn't help but wish for a more in-depth exploration of his captivating personality and the profound impact he has had on various aspects of society. The three episodes provided intriguing glimpses into his life, actions, and remarkable accomplishments, but they left me yearning for a deeper understanding of the man behind the iconic image.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's journey from a small town in Austria to becoming a world-renowned bodybuilder, Hollywood superstar, and influential politician is undeniably fascinating. His determination, discipline, and relentless pursuit of success are traits that have inspired millions around the globe. However, it felt as though the series merely scratched the surface of his life, barely delving into the complexities of his character or the challenges he faced throughout his remarkable career.

Given Schwarzenegger's multifaceted nature and the wealth of experiences he has accumulated, it's regrettable that the series only skimmed over certain topics, leaving much untold. I yearned for more in-depth storytelling, a deeper exploration of his motivations, and a closer examination of the triumphs and setbacks that shaped him into the extraordinary individual he is today.

That being said, despite its missed opportunities for greater depth, the series still manages to captivate viewers and provides valuable insights into Schwarzenegger's life, actions, and lasting legacy. It serves as a testament to his remarkable journey and offers inspiration for those seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.

Overall, I would recommend the series as a worthwhile watch, particularly for fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger or those interested in gaining a glimpse into the life of a true icon. With its blend of entertainment and insight, it earns a respectable 7/10 star rating from me.
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A must for every Marvel fan!
18 June 2023
An extremely well-done second part that even surpasses the first. The style, as you already know it from the first part, is extremely well done. I liked the graphics/make and also the sound at all times. The music was always appropriate, fat and captivating. You don't have to think at any time that you desert where the journey is going, because it always comes differently than you thought. The variety of figures was gigantic! You can really imagine how the creative team thought about 500 different Spider-Man during a brainstorming and finally simply decided for ALL 🤣. There were also a lot of laughs again and the humor really appeals to everyone. The only thing I could complain about would be the running length. Towards the end, the whole thing drags on a bit and in the last quarter there is a small slack (very emotional moments). I am looking forward to the third part and can recommend this, as well as the first, to anyone who is romping around in the Marvel universe. So I give him 9/10 stars!
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The Others (2001)
Not enough meat on the bone
12 June 2023
Nicole Kidman plays super convincingly, but the script and the idea behind it didn't really grab me. The film obsessively tries to put a lot on mysterious and tension, but it all didn't work for me, I found it rather exhausting and tedious. In general, I found the film rather dull and lengthy. The twist at the end, on which the whole film is working convulsively, was already clear to me after 20 minutes. I couldn't even say at this point what the film should have done better, because I think the story has too little meat on the bone for you to fill a whole 1h 41m film with it and it also becomes interesting. Unfortunately, I can only give the film 4/10 stars.
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Good aged movie
10 June 2023
A well-done film implementation of a truly shocking biography. Unfortunately, the story is not an isolated case and many children share such a fate. At first I thought that the film would have much more to do with the US Navy, but it only plays a small role as a setting. The film needs much more time to get to the point. After such terrible experiences in childhood, as our main character experienced, it understandably also takes time. I found the film very pleasant in the first half, which the acting and the tempo indicate, but towards the end it became a bit slow and predictable. For his age (2002) I think it's a good movie, which is why I can give him 7/10 stars. But I can't say whether it is really recommended for everyone.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Good idea but boring implementation
10 June 2023
The series was recommended to me by a friend, which is why I became aware of her in the first place. At first, I still thought that the series must be successful if it already has ten seasons! But I was also a bit skeptical about whether the topic can actually be exciting.

In the first episode, everything went really too fast for me. They did not take the time to introduce the characters sufficiently and with sufficient comprehensibility. I found the basic idea that follows the series interesting, which is why I continued to watch.

Very quickly, however, the true face of the series turned out, namely that each episode reproduces its own case and it must be compulsively concluded. I can understand that, but I think this is the biggest weakness of the series! Especially since the villains shown are not really interesting, except for the one in episode 4. I was really happy to see how you would want to decorate this character. I don't want to spoil at this point, but the villain would really be extremely interesting if it weren't for this 'everything has to be completed in one episode' requirement again. When the evil one was overwhelmed at the end as thought, I was no longer in the mood for the series. I still watched the next two episodes and just had to admit that I find the topic itself very exciting, but the implementation is incredibly boring. Personally, I don't see any use or fun in continuing the series.

They may have their audience, but I was clearly not picked up with this narrative style. That's why I can only give the six episodes seen so far an average of only 5/10 stars.

Overview of the individual episode rating: S1E1 = 6/10 stars, S1E2 = 6/10 stars, S1E3 = 6/10 stars, S1E4 = 7/10 stars, S1E5 = 5/10 stars, S1E6 = 5/10 stars.
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The Outfit (2022)
Exciting, but slow dialogues.
7 June 2023
An exciting and interesting film by a tailor who knows nothing and also knows everything. I usually rate my films for the "wide audience", which is why I would actually give the film 6/10 stars. However, it is a really well-made film, with a surprising twist at the end. That's why I give him 7/10 stars. However, it must also be said that it is a rather leisurely film. Although he only goes for 1 hour and 45 minutes, he drags on for a long time in the second half, with slow dialogues. That doesn't have to be bad, but I think it gets a bit too boring for most viewers. A film that can therefore be recommended for people who don't always need crackly action.
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Papillon (I) (2017)
The cruelty of humanity
4 June 2023
Very good and lovingly made film that shows how cruel we humans can be. Even if the story is very thoughtful, you never have the feeling that it seems too put on. So it is never pressed too sentimental or on the lacrimal gland. Nevertheless, one is shocked by the procedure and the harshness that was applied in such penal colonies at the time. The biography has been credibly implemented on film. This is proven by the 2 hours of running time, which was never boring or unrealistic with any action. All actors are also credible and you can empathize well with their characters and their motivation. However, it could be unimaginable for some people to endure the punishments. Imagine being locked away for five years in solitary confinement and not being allowed to speak a single word! I really enjoyed watching the film and can definitely recommend it. That's why I give him 7/10 stars.
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Renfield (2023)
More blood? Yes, of course, more blood!
3 June 2023
The film is well made and entertaining. At many points I kept thinking to myself: Director speaks to the special effects manager: "Don't you think the blood effects are much too violent?😱" Answer: "Yes, let's leave it like that!😎" 🤣 Seeing Nicolas Cage as Dracula was also amusing. However, he should have gotten a bit more screentime. Sure, it's actually primarily about Renfield, yet it would have done the film some good if this had been a bit shorter. Because the character Renfield didn't always appeal to me. Often super boring dialogues, where you hoped that they finally come to an end. Unfortunately, that's why I can only rate the film so mediocre, because I often had the feeling that I could get up now and leave the cinema hall and probably wouldn't have missed anything. This is actually a pity, because a lot of love was put into the production - which you can see. For these reasons, I give the film 5/10 stars. You can watch it, but you should not expect a masterpiece.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Jeremy Renner is going full throttle, isn't it?
28 May 2023
This series starts quite well, you definitely wanted to keep watching. But unfortunately, there was very rarely a cliffhanger that really took you away. For my part, I was able to see the first season well, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for more. I also had the feeling that in the first five episodes I didn't really comply with what exactly it was about and who owes whom a favor. What I also found quite tedious were the often super negative police officers. As if pulled out of the bad cliché drawer, they curse all the time, are always aggressive and don't let anyone say anything to them. I've never been to the USA, but maybe it's completely normal and commonplace that police officers are on such a high horse that they just have to come across as hard. The role of Jeremy Renner somehow doesn't appeal to me either. I realize that the role doesn't have an easy situation and life is tedious, but I don't understand why you have to celebrate alcohol and smoking as extreme as your character does. However, I found the "hidden" product placements from Red Bull funny. A policeman was sprayed with pepper spray in the face, which you logically have to rinse with a can of Red Bull instead of using the water dispenser 20cm away 🤣 - of course 😅.

My conclusion for the first season would therefore be: You can watch it and maybe some will be more interested than the others, but mostly I find it only mediocre entertainment, which I find very unfortunate. On average, I can only give the first season 7/10 stars. I also watched the first episode of the second season, but unfortunately I also had to rate it with a 6/10 star, which is why I decided not to continue watching the second season (and everything that may come in the future).

Overview of the individual consequence evaluation: S1E1 = 7/10 stars, S1E2 = 7/10 stars, S1E3 = 7/10 stars, S1E4 = 5/10 stars, S1E5 = 7/10 stars, S1E6 = 7/10 stars, S1E7 = 7/10 stars, S1E8 = 8/10 stars, S1E9 = 8/10 stars, S1E10 = 7/10 stars, S2E1 = 6/10 stars.
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Fun and good, but nothing new.
24 May 2023
A well-made exorcist film that doesn't deliver anything new either. Russell Crowe is wonderful to look at and really takes his role seriously. I buy every single verse of the Bible! Yes, even the often criticized by me CGI effects are mostly well implemented in this film. Towards the end, the movie really turns up the heat, which is why I often sat there shaking my head and grinning and thinking "WTF, now it's really going down!" 🤣 I also keep imagining how it is for the actors when they are made up into a demon and then have to perform like that. I'm sure everyone involved had a huge amount of fun making the film. I would be really interested in a making-of. From my point of view a good exorcist movie that you can watch, so I give it 5/10 stars. May God forgive me this rating 🙏😇😈
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The Whale (2022)
I expected more...
24 May 2023
I can well understand why Brendan Fraser received an Oscar for this role. Not everyone can play his facial expressions and this character. Nevertheless, I found the film unfortunately only mediocre. I would even argue that the film doesn't contain a single super exciting part. It simply tells about his life, to put it casually, which is very unfortunate, but didn't grab me in any great way. And why his daughter is always so deviantly aggressive and evil, I didn't quite understand until the end.

The only downer: the film does not go two and a half hours, but only 2 hours. Through all the circus that you have witnessed in the media, I just had hearing expectations of the film. Unfortunately, I can only give it 5/10 Stars.
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Solid film, but nothing new.
24 May 2023
A good acting performance by Jake Gyllenhaal, but especially by Dar Salim! It's all filmed well, there are beautiful shots of the landscape and well used drone flights. It's an impressive story considering it's based on true events. Not every person would go to such lengths to save a person's life, certainly not in such a war zone scenario. Also, the efforts against the authorities, which "demands" everything from Jake, is probably familiar to most people when we have to clarify something with the authorities. (I already know a similar story from a German documentary that also shows an Afghan family helping Germany through all the war years, but the German government did nothing when all the troops were pulled out of Afghanistan).

But unfortunately, the film did not go beyond a "good" for me. You can watch it, but you won't miss anything if you don't.

Extremely unfortunate, I think, that this film is another example of how special effects (explosions, muzzle flashes, and bullet holes) were not implemented well. You can very much tell in the movie which effects are real and which are from the computer. Of course, this is always a question of budget, but still I think it's a shame to see/notice something like this in 2023, because I personally just expect more.

All in all, I give the film a solid 6/10⭐.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
Nothing new, but super exciting!
23 May 2023
The series is off to a great start! At least I had to grin a lot during the first episode, because I found the realization good. Sylvester Stallone as Kapo is excellent, the role fits him perfectly. You can say that the series is not the reinvention of the wheel, but you have from episode to episode desire to look further. Not many series manage to do that in this day and age. Apart from Stallone, the other actors are also well cast. The acting level varies a lot, but that's not too bad. It is not a documentary 😉. Only the end of the season was a bit disappointing for me, I expected a bigger bang. Nevertheless, I look forward to the future seasons 🤗. I can recommend the series with a clear conscience, even if it gets "only" 7/10⭐ from me.

Overview of the individual episode rating: Episode 1 = 9/10⭐ Episode 2 = 7/10⭐ Episode 3 = 7/10⭐ Episode 4 = 7/10⭐ Episode 5 = 7/10⭐ Episode 6 = 7/10⭐ Episode 7 = 6/10⭐ Episode 8 = 7/10⭐ Episode 9 = 7/10⭐
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