
46 Reviews
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5 May 2022
This has been one of my most anticipated films since the first Doctor Strange released... and it delivered!!!!

There is so much i wanna say but can't.

All i have to say is brush up on your Wandavision knowledge before watching and enjoy this "thriller" ride of a movie!!!!
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i'm...... concerned for the future
14 April 2022
Alright i did watch this movie with my coworkers and so i don't know if i fully got what i needed for a review out of this movie.

Non-spoiler since i saw it before it's release!!!

Alright i thought the scrip was a 7/10. Couple moments here and there that i didn't think i liked the chosen words. I also (and i'm a hardy potter fan) felt lost for the first hour of the film. It was very fast pacing

i thought the plot was straight forward and made sense from the last time we saw these characters. 6.5/10

acting was phenomenal as always. Our standouts for this movie we're Jude Law (Dumbledore), Mads Mikkelson (Grindewald). But my favorite performance came from (i forget the actors name) Theseus Scamander. Just a well rounded character and he is an unknown actor so he kinda feels more human to me than anybody else. Eddie and Jacob did fantastic as well. 7.5/10

action was awful. Not because visual effects or choreography was bad. Just because there were barely any fights or anything like that. 4.5/10

this movie was alright at best and i'd be able to watch for the marathons but i'm honestly disaapointed. Truly.

Total: 6.5/10.
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Morbius (2022)
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour and ten minutes of this film is top tier sony spider-man content!! It's absolutely fantastic. If the Film was just that, i would give it a 8/10.

But unfortunately the last 35 minutes to this film is utter garbage. The biggest pile of trash i've ever seen.

Matt Smith as Milo is a fantastic casting and he does a great job as the villain! The whole reveal that he also became a vampire is fantastic and i love all of it.

Jared Leto does a great job and in better companies hands i think he can do a great job with the character of Morbius. I HOPE we see his return to this character.

The rest of the cast is also fantastic and i thought those choices were great

another fantastic thing about this film was its visual affects! All the way the powers look to us was fantastic and i love the use of echo location

but i really thought that the action was sub par here. It was fine, but it was a lot of slow motion or too fast moving camera's to know what was going on

i also thought that we had an ending to this film set up, and they completely disregarded what was set up and the film just ended after Milo was killed.

Michael Keaton was a huge disappointment in the film and i'm not excited whatsoever for the sinister six set up.

The post credit scenes (there are two) are garbage and the script was awful in them.

All in all, there are bits and pieces that you can enjoy about the film but i would never watch this film again.
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7.5/10 (C+)
20 March 2022
This film has many great messages and themes, but has a really hard time delivering them. Sacrifice, brotherhood, leadership, and many more are showcased here in this movie. Although is a weaker film, the action is much better in this film. Still a worthy watch.
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Transformers (2007)
8.5/10 (B+)
20 March 2022
I thought this movie had some pacing problems and had a really hard time getting to the point, but once it was able to get to Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, it really picked up. We figured out the plot and we met the leader of the villains, Megatron and then we reached our climax where we had a huge CGI Autobot vs. Decepticon fight. Usually I find that in any big monster or robot blockbuster movie, they overplay the humans in the movie but i actually really enjoyed the human scenes i. This particular movie. All in all, this movie shouldn't work on any levels but the thing that brings it all together is the visual effects on the final fight. Absolutely stunning!
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12 March 2022
I went into this movie as another one of those netflix movies that is so bad it's good and came out like bawling baby...

Ryan Reynolds plays a futuristic version of himself except his jokes are actually really funny here!

And Mark Ruffalo pulls out a performance i didn't think he could do. I can't believe that i'm saying i actually enjoyed a mark ruffalo performance.

If you've got an open Friday night, boot up netflix and get ready for a sci-if adventure comedy that has an overall theme of family and continuing legacy.

Great little film!!!
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7.7/10 C+
5 March 2022
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And we end off with a...... Bang?

Not really...

but there are still moments from this movie that i enjoy and that id anne hathaway and that's about it haha.

I think the ending is cheesy (other then when Gordon finally finds out who batman is)

the villain should have been Ras Al Ghul, it would've been a huge callback to the first film and it would've made Batman's "death" a bigger success and twist when it's revealed he isn't actually dead at the end of the film

good overall, worst entry though.
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9.5/10 A+
5 March 2022
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This movie is a much better improvement from "Batman Begins" and it is one of the only movies that gives me an "empty" feeling after watching it.

Christian Bale is a much improved batman in this movie and he gives one of the best monologues at the end of the film that really makes it for me

i can't do a review without talking about Heath Ledger's Joker. Although he isn't my favorite Joker, he does have the best live action portrayal of said character and he does phenomenal job at playing the psychopath. And i definitely can show respect for how committed Heath Ledger was to this role

my "empty" feeling comes from the ultimate villain of the film, Two-Face. There is a fantastic portrayal of Two-Face in this film and he almost kills Gordon's son at the end of the film and it leaves you stunned

all in all, this is the best film out of the entire trilogy by far and i enjoy it!
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Batman Begins (2005)
8.3/10 B-
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an alright start to what many call, the best batman trilogy or movies ever...

i think this movie would've been better if they stuck with the scarecrow as the villain throughout, and i believe it gets a little clunky when they try and set up Ras Al Ghul as the villain. I think it would've been better if they saved Liam Neeson as the villain of "The Dark Knight Rises"

Christian Bale is an alright Batman in my opinion, but he's a fantastic Bruce Wayne, and i knew that especially going on from this movie... he just didn't convince me on his batman from here. And the problem with that is that the movie isn't called "Bruce Wayne Begins"... it's called "Batman Begins"

other than that, Cillian Murphy makes this movie and i enjoy it every time i watch it haha.
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Batman (1989)
8.5/10 B+
5 March 2022
In preparation for the new "The Batman" i decided to watch the batman movies that only i had seen before hand and that included Michael Keaton's first outing as "The Batman"

this movie is corny enough that i can respect it for what it was when it came out. It's a short story with one of batman's most menacing villains (The Joker) turned not so menacing by outdated camera techniques, and going through the whole "origin story" trope

i enjoyed and it deserves the rating it gets!
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Uncharted (2022)
26 February 2022
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Welcome to a movie that has been in the works sense i believe 2008! Was it rushed? Absolutely!

Did they pull it off...? Of course they did!!!

Follow Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) and Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) as they find the treasure that was lost in the form of a PREQUEL to the games.

The positive: Tom Holland did a fantastic job and i my eyes, i never saw him as "Peter Parker" in this movie. I always saw who he was playing... the story was good enough that i could believe it and the movie had great pacing i thought our "love interest" was good and i like that they used Chloe as that love interest so that if they follow the formula of the games then it'll be a fun reunion for the search of shambala the action was great and i thought Tom did a great job of representing it in this movie i'll talk about the score in a minute but along with that, i loved when they brought in the ORIGINAL Drake's theme from time to time having a short 5 second Nolan North cameo made me smile so much and made me finally realize that i was watching an Uncharted movie

the bad: Mark Wahlberg unfortunately doesn't really play Victor Sullivan here... he plays Mark Wahlberg in a trash low budget action film. And that makes me sad. I hope if they do sequels actually based on the first game that they make sully old and they recast mark they had their own score for the movie that they used most of the time and it was so garbage compared to the original one. It made no sense to me why they didn't use the original one and only teased it

but other than all that, this movie was still enjoyable whether or not you played the games

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C+ (7.5/10)
22 February 2022
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Although i did enjoy the first one a lot more, i still did enjoy this one quite a bit

it gave a whole new sense of horror and it was definitely a little more graphic

this delve into some of the stuff that i personally get more creeped out by and that is nuns

valak the nun is our entity for this film that terrorizes upon a poor family in England through their daughter Janet

i thought the real star of the family was Billy who has to face his own fear in the kitchen

the whole movie has a theme of "sticking together" and "finding someone who believes in you" and "face your bullies" and "face your fears" and "family"

i thought the climax to this film was a little lackluster and is probably why i rocked 0.5 to this film but equally enjoyed conjuring 1&2 and would recommend if you're looking for a good scare.
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Eternals (2021)
it's actually kinda good haha
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really think that this movie could've been trash but they did a good job at balancing the characters and giving them their own time to shine

the thing that really saved this movie was the stunning shots by the director! I was stunned

the choreography also was some of the most dope of the mcu and they had some really really cool fight scenes that i was actually by watching them!

Semi spoiler- little upset that they had to kill off SOME of the characters that were huge in the promotion of the movie

excited to see more Makkari and druig and ummmmm *boy band members*
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it's a 9.5
22 February 2022
This movie is the best origin story in the mcu since doctor strange and spider-man: homecoming (if you count that as a origin story)

it had action, lots of surprising comedy, and phenomenal and stunning shots that made my jaw drop

excited to see more and more of simu liu in the mcu (he might be my new favorite)
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the 2nd best marvel movie...
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The runner up is spider-man: no way home

i remember about all of the rumors considering goblin (dafoe), doc ock (Molina), electro (foxx), lizard (ifaans), sand-man (haden-church), and of course peter and peter's return (garfield)(maguire)

i was scared for the film if they didn't show up and i'm so happy they did. I will remember the theater moment i had when these iconic characters returned and i'm excited that venom can now be in the mcu thanks to Hardy's adaptation

benedict provides another stunning performance as doctor strange (i'm slowly believing he will be the new "robert downey jr." of the mcu.
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the sequel
22 February 2022
The part 2 to avengers 3 and what should've been avengers 3 as well really impressed me

although i didn't enjoy it as much as the first part, i do really think that it was still a good movie.

The problem is that i have to have motivation to watch it and that's because it's 3 hours long

i'm just saying if they tacked it along side avengers infinity war and sold that in stores, that would be the golden ticket move.
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this is supeeeerrrrr funnnnyy
22 February 2022
This movie is just funny

but again, it doesn't help that it's slapped between avengers 3.

But other than that, i actually thought that the "villain" was good and had good intentions

paul rudd does a great job with his character and i thought the wasp was a great addition to the story. Making her be apart of any-man's story instead of her getting her own movie is the right move.

I'm intrigued for the trequel especially with Kang being the villain.
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why did they release when they did?
22 February 2022
This film would be watchable if they didn't slap it right between avengers 3 (infinity war and endgame)

when they did this, a lot of people thought that captain marvel would be a vital character to endgame, but she really wasn't. She didn't add any story development to it whatsoever and the avengers didn't really need her in the endgame.

This movie (like most) has a lackluster villain, but the story is interesting and also provided for a "origin story" for Nick Fury as well

i enjoyed it.
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rotten tomatoes is wrong again
22 February 2022
An 84 is really low for a movie of this caliber...

i like to this is the culmination of everything and i really think that if they would make a cut of infinity war and endgame together to sell, endgame would also be a 10/10 but they haven't done that part yet

this movie really delivers on what we've been building up to since the first iron man

i just thought we would never get this far.
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Black Panther (2018)
the oscar hype has gone tooooooo far
22 February 2022
When i watched this film i really enjoyed it

but then it got nominated for a best picture oscar for the year 2018

so i rewatched it and i remembered the same. Just okay but i don't really see the hype around this movie.

He is a great character and there were some stunning shots within the film but other than that it's pretty long and some of the cgi is pretty bad...
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much much better improvement!!!
22 February 2022
They improved much upon the last two installments giving this film a much more lighthearted and jokey tone to it

they keep that semi- fish out of water comedy -and that's definitely what i like to see in a movie like this

all in all, it did better and it's definitely a fun watch.
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The Conjuring (2013)
well ummmm i now know why it's rated R
21 February 2022
I was always confused on why the conjuring movies were rated R for having NO sex and NO f bombs and barely any blood (until the climax)

this film is purely rated R for the thematic elements and scares and thrills that this movie brings and for a younger viewer audience (4 to 14), it could be insanely scary

as a young adult, i love being scared but hate the jump scares. Most of these jump scares i could tell were coming but were still loud enough to scare the crap out of me (didn't help that i had surround sound airpods in my ears at midnight to 1 am in my very very dark room with my closet door open)

james wan has a very special way of amping up to the jump scares meaning the deeper you get into the movie, the scarier it gets.

Without spoiling this movie, it was fantastic. Really good soundtrack (helped with the scares), na d the scares were much more on a different level than the other horror/thriller movies i've watched (scary stories to tell in the dark, a quiet place, a quiet place pt. 2) but other than the scares, the movie also just had a great story and characters. The family you follow is huge and wan does a great job of giving them all a moment of terror (some more than others) and vera farmiga and patrick wilson play the lead role of the film and they do a fantastic job. Definitely my highlight to the film haha

definitely recommend if you're looking for a good scare one night.
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30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hello, i'm a critter.... just wanna get that out of the way haha

we did it, we did it, we did it, WE DID IT!!!!

The first thing i wanna go over is how accurate this show already is to the arc's they are doing in the show! The first two episodes are a pre-stream arc that we've only heard about, and now we finally get to see it. This arc gives Vax and the other members their first lesson which is... no matter who you are, ALWAYS do the right thing. It saves lives

the ending of the second episode introduces one of, if not, my favorite arc of campaign 1 in introducing the Briarwoods. Here, i love that matt is voicing Sylas, it was the only way to do it!

Overall i think the voice acting is fantastic, and there is nothing to complain about because nobody knows these characters as well as the voice actors. They played them for years before creating this show!

WARNING: this show is more than rated R and has soooooooooo many adult themes and actions as in language (F words mostly), violence and gore, and nudity (as of right now, a short oral sex scene in the first episode that lasts about 15 seconds. Boobs, buttocks, and a slight glimpse at a man's testicles is seen)...

this is exactly what i wanted (minus the sex and nudity)
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26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
  • phase 3 finally gets its first disappointing movie! (HURRAY)
  • i watched this film 4 times in theaters and every time i watched it, i disliked it more.

  • the movie has a bad villain, a better script, and worse performances (other than chris pratt and michael rooker (yondu))
  • yondu's death scene still hits me every single time and is very touching. The rest of the film is just a massive mess.
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the hype is for real
26 December 2021
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  • another movie where even though there is an origin story, they do it perfectly in the film
  • i actually think that stephen stranges origin story is one of the many things that is keeping this story intact and not making the movie complete garbage
  • the reason for that is because kaecillius is just an ok villain and doesn't have much motivation for the film
  • dormammu on the other hand, has this looming presence in the film that makes me excited for a potential return in him from the second film or later.
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