
61 Reviews
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They got married in real life!
14 January 2024
They got married in real life! If that does not make you enjoy this film even more then I don't know what to say to you. The story itself is enjoyable, amusing, realistic and not over the top silly like so many others. Even the mild violence is not unjustified. Everything has a reason to why it is happening. We might not know immediately why, but we will later on. As I'm not familiar with American history, I don't know how faithful it is in that matter. But I think that even on that front, they made an effort to teach something.

Overall, you won't notice the time passing-by and ultimately isn't that the reason why we all choose to watch a film?
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A movie for those who take their time to appreciate the little details in the main story
3 November 2023
This is not a movie for everyone. As a Portuguese, it does connect with me in a way that probably won't connect with someone from another country. It's slow-placed, sometimes too slow..., and the ending isn't clear right till the end. Jeremy Irons is the true star of the movie and was impeccable in his performance.

If you know something about Portugal's dictatorship times, it will be easier for you to understand the whole thing; but even if you don't know anything about it and you just want to spend some time enjoying a good movie, this might be the one for you. At times, I've felt like I was reading a book rather than watching a movie and if you are into this kind of thing, you will enjoy it even more. My advice? Give it a go, if you don't like it after twenty minutes, don't bother. But if you do, you probably won't notice the time passing by.
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Probably the best DC movie ever made
5 October 2023
If like me you are a fan of Superman and if you want to see the best that can be done with DC... this is it.

I have cried with both sorrow and happiness, I have laughed with joy, and I have felt avenged (and no, no "clever" pun intended...). I understand and admit that I'm a fan of DC's work but this movie made me feel such great emotions and truly connected to it in a way that I cannot explain nor is that common in me. I have enjoyed watching both versions, but I consider this the clear winner. I am glad that there are two versions or two interpretations of the same story, but if I had to choose one, I would choose this. Go ahead and watch it. At the end, you won't notice at all that four hours have gone. This is truly an epic one. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I will definitely watch it many times throughout my life.
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Archive (2020)
Definitely a must-see movie!
3 September 2023
This movie raises so many ethical questions! If you are a fan of technology and sci-fi like me you will absolutely love this one!

Its pace is "just right", the backstory is not immediately and quickly explained... it takes its time. However, it is not confusing and we understand what is going on. You will be thoroughly entertained and it does not feel too alien or futuristic either. I think something like this is probably around the counter and will question mankind on the best course of action. I don't think we are ready yet to know how to answer this...

Should one let go? Or use technology and intelligence to hold on?
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Max Steel (2016)
Worth to watch
3 September 2023
It's entertaining, it's different, the characters are likeable and believable, I think it's one hour well spent.

I mean, it won't win any science award... but who watches a movie and thinks about actual science and how much of it could actually happen? This is definitely not the way I watch movies, and if this is your thing then perhaps avoid it?! Or watch the first twenty minutes and then you will know if it is for you or not.

It also reminded me a lot of Superman. I don't know if it is intended or not but it did. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in this. I don't understand nor agree with the negative reviews. I think they got the whole point of this movie wrong... and I'm glad that they didn't not prevent me from watching a movie I actually enjoyed watching.

Have fun!
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I Met a Girl (II) (2020)
I'm glad I soldiered on for the ending
15 August 2023
I was not planning to leave a review on this one. In fact, halfway to the ending I wasn't exactly sure I would watch it till the very end. But alas, I had nothing better to do... and the options were not that great... so, I guess I'm happy that I didn't give up on the movie. And you shouldn't either. The story is not a common one, movies don't usually portray the everyday hurdles of a family like this. Who wants some realism when most of the times people just want to be entertained and forget about their everyday life. However, these movies are also needed as options, and their realism makes them good.

For me, the real hero is the big brother. He is one that every little brother deserves to have. But the big brother also deserves a great little brother, and I will purposely not tell you if he will eventually have one or not. In my opinion, the movie answers this question. The character Lucy is a star and I have to thank her for having waited to see where all of this was going, and how it would end. Give this movie a chance, watch it till the very end, even if you feel like giving up. It all makes sense...
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Get Hard (2015)
This duo works better than expected
10 August 2023
Go ahead and watch it! I know I start this with the way I usually end a review of a movie I enjoyed watching but I think it is fair to go to the point as quickly as possible! Just like one of the best scenes I have ever seen in a movie, where Kevin Hart brilliant portrays three imaginary characters in a quick dialogue succession of how prison can be like! Great performance from him and from Will Ferrell as well.

You won't laugh all the time, in fact some of the gags are such a cliché that they should have been avoided, but you won't be noticing the time spent watching the movie as you are entertained with the story. The whole plot could and should have been better developed, it seems forced and unrealistic at times. But all is forgiven when this very dynamic duo of comedy perform how they know best.
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Fatman (2020)
Why is this related with Christmas and Santa Claus?
10 August 2023
I have to be completely honest from the very beginning... this movie almost made me sleep. It is extremely boring, it tries to be clever and show off an alternate reality but I could not understand at all why they put Santa Claus in the mix. Or how it can be even remotely related to anything about Christmas. A Rambo-like character would be way more appropriate... but even then, it would need a more developed story that actually made some sense and entertained. Is this too much to ask? Apparently it is.

This movie is a completely waste of time but not of talent. The actors did their best with what they were given. However, someone with some sense should have questioned the whole reason to make a movie such as this. I certainly did. And the question made me give up on it.
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A story about love with a bit of sci-fi
9 August 2023
Have you ever wondered how it would be if you could do some time travel? What would you visit? More importantly, who would you visit? Would you change anything about the past or the future? No! I'm not writing any spoilers... these are just questions that crossed my mind while watching this film. Questions that created more questions... until I purposely stopped this exercise so that I could enjoy the film; and it is a beautiful one.

It's funny because before watching it, I came here to read some reviews... and I almost didn't watch it due to the fact that people were complaining about it being unrealistic or filled with flaws. Well, I just accepted the story as it came. I went with the flow and, as I've said, stopped imagining myself as the protagonist and what would I do instead of him. I'm glad I did it. Only then, I could be amazed by a wonderful story of love which just happens to have some time travel in the mix. Those who try to see and point out the unrealistic side of time travel and how it was portrayed are... quite simply... missing the whole point. This is definitely one of the best films I have ever seen because of the way it made me feel and think about the whole situation. The characters are truly realistic and made me believe in everything... such a wonderful performance.

If you are still wondering whether to watch it or not... just go ahead and watch it. It is definitely worth it.
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Go ahead and watch this one
2 August 2023
I'm writing this at midnight... not because I can't sleep but because I have just finished watching this one, and I could not wait to tell all of you that you should watch this too.

For me, this movie is about family; and even if you don't have a family like this one, you probably know someone like them. The family is loveable, the way that all the characters were portrayed seems very realistic, natural even, and gives the whole movie a soul. How often can one say this about anything? Don't get me wrong, this movie has nothing to do with religion, even though it revolves around a Jewish family. A family that grabs our imagination from the very start, and sometimes throughout the movie... we almost feel part of it. It is definitely worth watching and is probably a movie that I will get back to in a few years time... with a family of my own.
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Knives Out (2019)
Go ahead and watch it!
2 August 2023
If you enjoy the "whodunnit" kind of movie, you will certainly enjoy this one!

It is entertaining, the story feels like a puzzle inside a puzzle, there is drama and comedy alike. It has everything to be considered one of the best movies you have watched all year. It certainly is one of those for me. At first glance, it doesn't seem like it... it does start slow but once it builds up speed, you will enjoy the ride. Perfectly executed by all actors, superbly written and directed. This is a must watch. You won't notice that two hours have passed after watching it. And in this day and age, having a movie that captures our full attention from beginning until the very end, it has to be a good one.
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The Man (2005)
This should not work... but it does, it really does
2 August 2023
I came across this movie and I did the right thing, I came here and read some reviews. The one that helped me the most and the one basically saying - go right ahead and watch it! And so here I am, purposely repeating the same line - you should watch it.

The main characters are great and even though the humorous moments are goofy, they do make you crack a smile and even laugh with gusto! It is not be the best movie I have ever seen, not even the best comedy but it certainly was some time well spent! I could even see Samuel Jackson having fun! How often can you say that about a movie where he is in?! Have fun watching this.
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Deserves to be watched
31 July 2023
This movie was a pleasant surprise for me. It's entertaining, enjoyable to watch and, most of all, you end up with a smile after watching it.

Yes, it can be goofy or silly at times but it is nice to be teleported to a place where magic is real and is mostly done for the greater good of all. The story revolves around three main characters which are superbly interpreted by the actors; even the "magic/special effects ones" can be entertaining and surprisingly adorable! Yes, I'm thinking about a certain sofa!... you will understand once you have seen it. Just go ahead and watch it, you won't be disappointed.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
After watching it, I wish I hadn't
31 July 2023
It is not often that at the end of a movie I have personally chosen to watch, I come to realise that I should have picked better. That somehow I should have watched more trailers or read more reviews here.

I have to be honest, I saw "Ridley Scott" and I decided to watch it immediately. After all, he is indeed one of my favourite directors. Still is after watching this movie... I guess even a great director is entitled to have a really bad movie. Prometheus should have a secondary title like "Gratuitous violence" or "Violence for the sake of violence". The story promised a lot but at the end of it all felt very short to deliver anything. I keep asking myself why?! Why everything happened the way it did?

If this was an independent movie made on a shoe string, I would have guessed they ran out of money and had to end it ASAP. Since this isn't the case, there isn't any excuse to it. They know how to do better, and they should have done way better. Avoid this one even if you have lots of free time. Really isn't worth it. Special effects can only do so much...
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2067 (2020)
It doesn't take too much free time
11 July 2023
After watching this, I asked myself a question which surprised me - did I enjoy this or not? I usually am able to answer this fairly quickly. This movie made me think twice on my answer. And the truth is... I don't actually know and that explains a lot.

Searching for a way to save mankind is always a good search in my book. Having a plan to do it seems basic enough. However, this movie relies too much on a single character and that basically means that you will enjoy it or not based on it. I would cut down the cry from it to half... if you don't enjoy seeing your main character crying left, right and centre, then you won't enjoy this. But if you don't mind it, if you make an actual effort to understand that his struggle and pressure can eventually lead to a wonderful thing (does it?truly?) then you might enjoy all of this.

One of the best characteristics of the whole movie is that it doesn't take much more than an hour to watch it. It kills some time but won't be remembered for much longer either.
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The Ark (2023– )
Give it a go
11 July 2023
The harsh negativity here proves to me how mean people can be and how quickly many give up on something brand new. This is a good one and keeps getting better one episode after the other. Although it may be true that it starts a bit slow, it rewards those who by having a bit more patience let the writers and the actors do their thing. Eventually, you start to understand the main characters, know the finer details of the story and looking forward to the next episode. It is a grower and not a shower (can I say this in this context and be understood?... I hope I am). By the way, I'm watching this the old school way, one episode at a week, and I keep coming back for more.
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
One of the best science fiction series I've ever seen
8 September 2018
As a science fiction fan, I find it hard to be surprised by a TV series. But I have to say that having watched this whole series way later than what it was supposed to (2018) I was lucky enough to come across it! Being able to watch it virtually every day without having to wait for the new episodes (I practically watched the first two seasons in only a couple of days) made me better grasp the whole story and realise how consistent and amazingly written / interpreted everything is.

I liked the humour, the banter between members of the team, and how the SG1 team is made of such different people that they actually complete each other. The casting was therefore simply perfect, and I think that the casting alongside the story made the show not only a hit back in the day but also worth watching today for those who for some reason didn't catch it.

Season 1 to 8 were my absolute favourites and understand why some say that the show should have ended on the final episode of the 8th season. But I faced season 9 and 10 as some extra goodies, not necessarily related to what happened until them, and that made me appreciate them more.

The new science fiction writers would learn a thing or two if they watched this.
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Danny Collins (2015)
A future Al Pacino classic
8 September 2018
To those of us lucky enough to have witnessed the best part of Al Pacino's movies, the quality of his performance won't surprise us. What will surprise us is that after a couple of minutes we forget that he is Al Pacino and start looking at him as Danny Collins. I think that for an Actor this might be the best compliment of all. He is so truthful in his acting, so natural, that we follow the story alongside him, and start seeing an ageing rock star dealing with reality.

Loved the movie, would watch it again any day. Congrats to the team who made this possible!
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Cleopatra (1963)
A magnific film that everyone should see
19 December 2017
They don't make it like they used to is a cliché but a true one when it is about this film.

Magnificent sceneries; detailed sets; historical accurate wardrobe; realistic sword fights without artistic martial arts that plague today's films; intelligent dialogs that immerse you in the story; and last but not the least a performance that should be studied by young actresses: the BEST Cleopatra!

Elizabeth Taylor made the performance of her life and after seeing this film I'm not surprised to know that she carried on in real life her love affair with Marc Anthony (Richard Burton).

This film was one of the most expensive that Hollywood has ever done, and it shows. It deserves to be viewed by everyone who likes to see a good film and although it is a long one you won't feel the time passing by.

The very best Hollywood has ever done, and how I would like to see more like this. A 10 out of 10 because I can't give it 15 out of 10.
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An excellent movie to watch over and over again
10 December 2017
Al Pacino is one of the best (I would name him the best) actors that Hollywood was ever lucky enough to have! This movie (which in my opinion displays one of Pacino's finest acting work) is a realistic ride of a depressing man "I'm in the dark here!" that finds himself at one of the most difficult crossroads in his life.

Desperation; rudeness; honesty; anger and love are so intense and passionately displayed by Pacino that everyone can sense them, and as viewers we have no option but to sympathise with his Frank Slade and immerse ourselves in the story of this blind man that apparently everyone hates, but in reality everyone wants to love and understand.

The side story of the Baird student is well put together by Chris O'Donnell but Al Pacino steals the show, as he portrays a blind man so perfectly that we easily forget that he is Al Pacino and we start to think of him as a harsh Lieutenant Colonel.

Truth and honesty are not usual synonyms that one can say about a Hollywood movie but Al Pacino turns himself into his characters, and this movie should be presented in every acting school as the finest example of truth in acting.

I don't know how many times I've seen this movie but every time I do I enjoy it, and appreciate the hard work that was done throughout it. Thank You Al Pacino!
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Mortdecai (2015)
Very amusing and entertaining
10 December 2017
I could almost name this movie as a parody to the 007 genre but I won't do it because I think this is so much more than that. Johnny Depp once again shows us a character that if done by someone else would be quickly forgotten, but his way of acting makes us believe in the character and laugh with it.

The story, the scenery and even the Rolls Royce was a nice selection to a movie that so many people apparently don't understand what it is. Those who do appreciate the constant innuendos and the carefully executed humorous gags do have some fun throughout the movie and know "everything will be OK in the end!"

Is it worth watching? Absolutely!
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Elysium (I) (2013)
A good entertaining movie
5 December 2017
This was a nice surprise as I didn't even know this movie existed before watching it on TV. The main characters and the futuristic science fiction made me watch it.

I think they could have better addressed the issues of an over-populated and diseased Earth (that can indeed resemble our future planet). From a macro story of the Earth's population, the movie focus too quickly on the micro story of two or three main characters.

The golden Paradise of Elysium is poorly shown, it almost felt like there wasn't any money left to show it properly as we only get glimpses of what is going on in there... This is in my opinion the biggest mistake of the movie.

The whole story is a good one, heartwarming even, but sometimes skips logical steps perhaps to prevent the movie from being too long but also making it just one more science fiction story that we enjoy watching but will hardly 'revisit' from time to time.

The acting was great, I felt sorry about Matt Damon's anger and troubled life. It is definitely worth watching but not good enough to be remembered.
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Someone really wanted to make an homage to the Terminator series
5 December 2017
And there is nothing wrong about homages... When they are done right! Which I don't think it is the case with this one.

The story line is borderline chaotic going back and forth and sometimes left (yes, weird) and tries to be way more appealing to those who have never watched a Terminator movie than to the Terminator fans.

I understand that there is a whole new generation that never saw one Terminator, let alone all of them... But they did call this one Genesis (spelling mistake and all), which means that they want the Terminator fans to see this. When someone tries to make something great for two completely different groups, they are asking for trouble as they want to achieve the impossible!

Adding insult to injury they have also decided to constantly repeat the lines that made this movie popular even if they don't make sense in the context, and use CGI tricks that define logic to the core. After watching it, and as a fan of the Terminator, I don't think I've wasted my time but I know this could have been done way better than it was.

I'm sure that even Schwarzenegger wasn't happy with the end result, as during the movie his acting was too weird, almost feeling like he went with the 'don't care' flow and just gave up. The 'Mother of Dragons' Emilia Clarke impersonated today's woman of I can do everything and be a bad ass of a Mother but again the end result is just weird as a sequence to the 80's and 90's movie of "we have to protect her" (and the whole human race!).

This should have been called 'Mum and Pop against the machine' or something else rather than Terminator. Other than Schwarzenegger and some androids that look like the old ones, there isn't a true Terminator vibe in the movie, just a collage of materials that supposedly made Terminator what it is... But they got it all wrong.
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One of the most realistic westerns I've ever seen!
27 November 2017
A great story that will surprise you till the very end despite being unfolded right before your very eyes.

Is it violent? Yes. Is the violence graphic? Yes. Is it unnecessary violent at times? Oh yes. Nevertheless, it can be enjoyable to watch as the violence is an integral part of the Wild West, and why this movie is only suited for a more mature audience.

Tarantino enjoys taking us to the middle of the action, and we feel part of the movie. We follow and understand the main characters, and we feel sometimes touched by their life's story. But life in the Wild West is harsh (and if we don't know this, we will figure it out pretty quickly).

It definitely is a movie worth watching and you won't even feel the time passing by.
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Barefoot (I) (2014)
Simple movie about love
27 November 2017
What I mean by simple is that the story is easily understood, doesn't take too many turns that we might miss and be lost in the middle of the story. It is pretty straightforward and even heartwarming sometimes.

The acting is magnificent and Rachel Wood steals the limelight from the very first moment she appears on-screen.

The whole movie depicts love and life in a way that we don't usually see being portrayed by Hollywood but one that is much more sincere and natural than the usual passion route most movies take.

It is quite easy to enjoy this movie and having watched this by chance on TV, I'm glad I came across it.
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