
11 Reviews
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7 June 2021
This movie made me cry like 100 times. Also made me appreciate life.. So please, watch it in case you have one of those days when your life seems like crap and you feel way better. Thank me later.
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Moneyball (2011)
Recommend it strongly
6 June 2021
Loved this movie. Brad Pitt made some amazing act and at certain point I started to see him just as Billie.
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6 June 2021
As much as I loved" Becoming" by Michelle Obama and their love story, I did not enjoy this movie. I didn't even watch it to the end.
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Normal People (2020)
Can't believe I wasted my time with that
3 June 2021
I give 3 stars because of the sex, which was the most interesting thing to watch in the episodes.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Why God why
22 April 2021
At the beginning I was fascinated.. Everything was like in the book.. But then the dress, the Court.. Whyy? I just hate it when they make a movie based on a book and then they decide to change the key parts. If you can't be creative and think of a scenario, then at least respect the original authors work.
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The Fosters (2013–2018)
Why Callie
25 January 2021
The one thing I hate about this series is the main actress Callie. She is soo annoying, always messing hers and other people's life, wanting to save everyone. 😠😠😠
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1 November 2020
I have to say I first wanted to read the book. And after 80 pages I realised I liked the story but I disliked the way its written, it made me confused about the time and space. He started telling the story about Africa and 3 sentences after that - bam - he is in Italy with the nurse, and that kept going page after page. So I decided to watch the movie and I enjoyed it much more. Its one of the few times I'll say the movie was better.
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Not bad, not great
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well If I did not read the book before I would say its a great movie. But unfortunately the book wins. They cut a lof of the parts of the book.. Also she never admits to Philip that she lost a baby. He finds that from his cousin letter - The last one that makes him very suspicious about her. I couldn't sense the great love he has for her. Everything happens so quickly. I would like it more if they had included some parts when he says how he looks at her and how he admires her.. My whole impression is that they made up a lot of things
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Carol (2015)
Not my movie
19 January 2020
Sorry for the fans of this movie, but i think it was quite boring . I like movies about the 50s, but god i can't believe i got through this one.. So disappointed
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Kazantzakis (2017)
Good way of describing his life
21 January 2019
Its very difficult to describe the life of an author like Kazantzakis, because his life is full interesting, beautiful and painfull experience. Thats why I think they did good job l. Always support the biographical movies ❤✔📽
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The Exes (2011–2015)
9 December 2018
One of my favourite tv shows. Super fun. I feel so bad that they stoped it and I wonder why..
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