
8 Reviews
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Caveat (2020)
Great visuals and concept but loses suspense and pacing with poor ending.
25 October 2020
First off I relish watching any Irish horror film being from Dublin and a big horror buff I'm always on the look out for a great Irish horror film and there have been at least a couple. I really wanted to love this film after seeing the great trailer and poster. Top marks for the trailer and poster. This film had my full and undivided attention up to the first hour passing and unfortunately it really began to lose me thereafter. I really wondered why that was. I think the story is gaining momentum for the first hour, it's really well shot, it sounds great and the story is original but when it boils down to it the characters in the film were quite difficult to really relate to and emphathize with. I didn't care what happened to the main character in the latter moments of the film and the suspense had vanished. 'Caveat' feels like a great idea for a short film that was then used for a feature film instead. It feels very long and a bit repetitive after a short period of time. I wasn't interested in any of the characters and I think that's the film's downside. There wasn't any bad acting or anything like that I just didn't feel anything for any of those characters. Maybe such a small cast also added to my feelings of disinterest. The ending in particular felt very weak, there was no pay off at the end at all. Great photography, great sound design but uninteresting characters, a muddled narrative, very light on any horror of any kind. I really wanted to love it but the last half an hour lost me completely. There is certainly real talent behind this film in particular behind the lense but it won't be a rewatch for me. 5/10
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10 June 2020
Definitely doesn't touch the magic of the original despite a great performance and look to the new Freddy he definitely looks dark and scary and the voice is great too a different direction but prefer Robert Englunds Freddy. I thought the lead characters who survive until later in the movie didn't really do it for me I didn't feel engaged by them. I think Thomas Dekker's character should have had a bigger role to play. Great giving the back story some time but the whole film just doesn't do it for me certainly proves there's no need for a reboot and a reboot will never surpass Wes Craven's original masterpiece . 5/10. Some great scenes definitely worth the watch but overall doesn't hit the spot for me.
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As good as a crossover movie can be!
10 June 2020
As a huge fan of the Friday the 13th franchise and the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise when I first heard of this I didn't want to watch the movie because I usually hate all these crossover movies made for money alone which are usually terrible in my opinion! When I finally watched it I definitely thought it was a lot better than I had expected all things considered. Obviously the special effects are all great and all that but there is an Ok story to it with some really great set pieces as big budget horror movies go. Characters aren't the best which I suppose would be expecting too much from a movie like this. What you'd expect in the line of characters just there to be fodder some of them a bit OTT in the obnoxious department towards their girlfriend who looks like a supermodel etc. Definitely worth the watch if you love both the biggest franchises in horror or at least 2 of the biggest 3 the third being Halloween of course! A good 6/10 for entertainment value from someone who doesn't usually like the crossover genre!
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Stung (I) (2015)
3 February 2020
This film was a weird one for me. A great cast really who do a good job in the film. The effects are great. Location great. A good idea that could have been executed better. I found myself very interested at certain times in the film and other times found myself zoning out of it completely. Maybe the characters weren't likeable enough or relatable enough to really hook you in to the story and care what would happen. It really felt like this film could have been so much more it had the makings of a great film and it didn't quite get there and entertaining watch nonetheless. Definitely worth a watch though!
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Great acting. Carpenter-esque character driven horror
3 February 2020
I was quite surprised with this film. A very misleading poster alluding to a slasher of sorts. If it's a gory slasher you want this isn't what you're looking for. Very light on gore and on screen kills Beyond The Woods does character better than most horror films. A very naturalistic ensemble really sells the story of a group of friends who haven't been in touch as of late. The acting is really outstanding and the small number of special effects are solid too. My only niggle would be I would have loved more horror early on particularly out in the woods during daytime. Best scene in the movie is a guy getting lost in the woods early on which was gripping it really built suspense to breaking point for me. Would have loved to have seen the holy well at some stage too. More horror and I would rate higher but a great film nonetheless. Atmosphere and tension in spades.
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The best sequel of the Halloween series
3 February 2020
It's ridiculous to see a 5.7 rating for easily the best sequel of the Halloween franchise. A really great horror filming location in a private school Jamie Lee on top form with some great supporting cast. It's easily the best sequel for story, substance and performances maybe 2018 being the second best sequel that features Myers anyways. Shame there isn't a wide blu-ray release of this film!
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Fantastic thriller series
3 February 2020
Fantastic thriller TV series will keep you gripped all the way to the brilliant finale. The strongest performance and best character I thought was actor Shaun Dooley who really delivered a strong performance here. Most of the actors are great in it and it is extremely well plotted by author Harlen Coben. A must watch!
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Doesn't touch the magic of the original
3 February 2020
First of all this remake is a poor attempt to capture the magic of the original film. It doesn't even come close especially where the characters are concerned. The death scenes are fantastically done and Jason looks great in the film it all looks great but that's as much as it has going for it. The characters are hollow and quite one dimensional. Dialogue is corny and cliched. Nothing touches the original Friday the 13th and part 6 is also much better than this reboot.
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