
39 Reviews
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
All the hate for no reason
7 July 2022
This show is good. Not the greatest show to come out. But it is definetly a good show.

The problem seems to be more about it being about a Pakistani muslim girl. We've had many shows and movies go into African culture, Chinese culture and Egyptian culture and everyone has loved them shows. But as soon as it is Pakistani there seems to be an issue. Even in eternals where kumail was hailed for bringing Indian bollywood vibes it was amazing, but now its Pakistani and muslim background then theres an issue. I suspect a lot of the bad reviews and hate come from Pakistans neighbours and have nothing to do with the show.

This show is a good show give it a go.
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Locust world
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would you ruin a franchise like this. Lets make a dinosaur movie about locusts. Seriously who came up with this story and who in the world green lighted it.

This is a kidnap movie and a movie about locusts that can end the world which also has some dinosaurs here and there.

Imagine leaving the last movie at dinosaurs being in the world needing to integrate into the world. And then coming up with this movie.

And then lets talk about the superhuman unkillable cast. Always in some ridiculous scenario but somehow still come out a live and unscathed. Also the clone girls story was lame.

Really bad movie. And especially a really bad dinosaur movie. Too long and boring because not enough time on dinosaurs. I would rather of had a movie with just the bigger t-rex and the usual trying to beat/kill it before it kills everyone else. But noooo i got locusts attack with little bits of dinosaurs inbetween.

This movie also felt like it was two different movies, with one side doing a kidnap movie and the other trying to get info on locust.

Im so annoyed by this movie. Sorry about the rant.

To end the review ill use a quote from the movie. "Seriously? You made a promise with a dinosaur?"
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Sword Art Online: Administrator (2019)
Season 3, Episode 24
Really stupid
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Im sorry what? Eugeo turns into a sword? Seriously who wrote this rubbish. One of the dumbest things ive ever seen. And can we please talk about how dumb it is to have the administrator naked and covered by hair only in the whole fight? Honestly pathetic.
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Kids movie
13 January 2022
This movie was just okay, decent enough to watch and nothing special. Monster and ghosts look really stupid and the movies just non stop throw backs to the original.

And the bad guy is the dumbest thing ive seen, just stand and watch while everyone is talking and trying to kill it. Terrible plot.
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Go back to basics please
17 December 2021
All i want is 3 similar cars going to some destination with some normal tests and some funny tests inbetween with bickering about who has the best car. Stop changing the winning formula you guys had and go back to what worked best.

I would rather see best luxury hatch and see an rs3, A45 AMG and a golf r or who has the best 4WD and hear how everyone thinks they have the best and doing tests to prove it.

I miss the old topgear days tbh.
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My Hero Academia (2016– )
5 seasons and no progress
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show and was a massive fanboy and made all my friends watch this show to. But since about half way into season 4 this show has gone downwards.

The main problem with this show is the lack of improvement or the lack of going into the future. Just finished season 5 and we learn they are still in their first year. Im sorry what? 5 seasons and still haven't finished their first year.

Then lets talk about how every single season starts off with some school tournament or camp where students fight each other. What is this meant to be? Season 5 was the worst of them too. Oh wow class A vs B and lagged half a season, then move to the slow learning with a hero agency to then all these episodes on Todorokis family problems.

The only two good episodes were the shigaraki back story and fight, might be one of the most amazing episodes ive seen the back story was so dark and gruesome.

Im really over the filler and time wasting in this anime, move along faster so your fan base doesn't get bored and start watching something else. And please stop with the still learning and show some positive growth in the students.

Plus the whole children are our first line of defense is laughable atleast make the students strong enough to be like these students are stronger then pro heroes we have to put them on the front lines.

Just please stop filler and lagging progress in the show and get back to the fast pace action we loved in the first place.

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Ted Lasso: Headspace (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7
Getting worse
3 September 2021
The show is nothing like season one. I think the show would've been better if they had some goal to achieve as a team instead of random bits and pieces of growth or political agendas in the episodes.

Should've just made the goal to get back to the premiership and actually have the team to grow with ted and get ted's coaching style to improve and then see the appreciation from the outside fans and press.

And Nathans character is just annoying now.
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Better being an Hour each
12 August 2021
Terrible pacing, the visuals are good but the pacing is really bad. I found the episode to be rushed and boring because rushing made the story really boring and uninteresting.

These would've been better being an hour long with proper stories. If this what the whole series is gonna be like, then i don't think anyone will like it tbh.

Don't understand who is rating these so highly, everytime something from Disney comes out there seems to be alot of high reviews for no reason.
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Attack on Titan: Above and Below (2021)
Season 4, Episode 16
29 March 2021
After a very long build up i was expecting some action this episode. But to have no action and end on a cliff hanger is so disapointing. Really wasn't expecting this episode to be so dull.
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WandaVision: Don't Touch That Dial (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Absolute CRINGE
16 January 2021
Yes i can see the clues that there's something wrong, i can also see the clues like the hydra watch and the other clues. The problem is this is so cringe to watch. Im sorry but it's great to have mystery but at least make the show surrounding the clues interesting.

I can only assume that the high reviews are all paid off. Absolute trash so far. Really had to push thru to watch just cause I love marvel content.
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28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Story = Boring and confusing.

Action = where was it?

Visuals = terrible. I have not seen a movie where someone flys or jumps really high but still looks like they're connected to some rope in a long time.

Acting = Really wooden.

Run time = way too long.

And I'm sorry the ending was so bad, everyone just says i renounce my wish? Seriously everyone? I renounce my wish to have watched this movie.
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Felt extra scripted
17 December 2020
I know this show is always scripted but this one just felt like it was done way too much. Just the whole finding treasure left by pirates was a meh idea and having captain slow acting like his interested or believed it to be real was weird.

I think the main problem was that because the cars were so different from each other we didn't get the normal banter of my car is better than yours, or any proper challenge between cars.

James May especially seemed out of character for me in this grand tour special. I still found this to be enjoyable but just felt like it was missing something.

Hope the next episode doesnt take forever cause i feel that contributes to lower reviews also. I know its hard cause of covid but maybe they can make a special in England/Europe.
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Terrible Ending
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Im sorry but the whole Deku giving one for all to Bakugo and losing his power all for a convenient Bakugo passed out while transferring so it stopped, and then the whole Bakugo couldn't remember anything was just stupid and pathetic. Just got to say why? What was the point, they couldn't just have the two work together to win or Deku access more of one for all?

The rest of the movie was fine, the ending ruined it for me. Also how do none of the other classmates ever talk about how strong Deku and Bakugo were? Like their power levels were crazy and caused so much damage to the surondings.

And then you watch season 4 and Deku is finding it hard to beat the weakling magician guy and says that was one of the hardest fights his had? I swear this anime is just mocking its fans lol
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Top Gear: Episode #29.3 (2020)
Season 29, Episode 3
Good fun
21 October 2020
I don't know why everyone is still sooking about this show not being as good as it was before. Obviously it's not as good as when Clarkson, Hammond and May were on. But this still a good show the provides a good laugh.

The three presenters have the best chemistry of any of the hosts that have come after the original crew, and the show is fun to watch. I think a lot of people are just stuck in the past and don't really remember that what made Clarkson, Hammond and May good was that they had good chemistry and gave us a good laugh, they also had a lot of fake scripted jokes constantly and it was fine then.

And sorry if your a 60 year old not liking the show, it's most likely cause your not really part of the target audience mate.
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The Boys: Proper Preparation and Planning (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Just meh, blackmail made no sense.
13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why A-train would fall for starlights blackmail? He could of easily restrained her and then got homelander before she would get a chance to leak the information. Plus theres no evidence of A-train even having a relationship with his gf or that he did it. Also abit over blackmail being used as the get out of jail card every time.

Rest of the episode was really slow, and i don't get the in fighting, or why butcher wouldn't just tell his team about his wife the first time.

Need some better writing.
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Plunderer (2020)
Just shocking
22 September 2020
Show is creepy and disgusting. Way too much fan service and border line rape. Watched two episodes and it was to gross and unpleasant to watch.
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Fire Force (2019– )
Could be great
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fire force is a good anime that i enjoyed watching due to its pacing, but had certain things that stopped it from being great.

The good things about this anime are:

  • The story is good, and the world that has been made is quite interesting.
  • characters are interesting.
  • the show has good comedy.
  • the fight scenes are amazing, some of the best animation ive seen.
  • the pacing of the show is amazing, its a great relief from animes that just lag out the show as much as possible. Great change of pace to see a show that moves at a good rate.

The bad things about the show are:

  • The fan service, I'm not a fan of it in general in anime, but this was another level. There was a fights where the main character is in a serious fight and some how end ups touching a female colleagues chest. It is just weird and is not called for, especially in a serious fight scene. This is just one example, there is continual scenes like this that just make the anime seem sad.
  • The animation for fight scenes is amazing, but for the rest of the show is mediocre. Constant still images, the characters don't blink, and for some reason when they are speaking you see a still from far away and the characters eyes go missing.

Overall, this anime is enjoyable but could become much better if they fix the issues mentioned above, atm i would give it a 5.5 but this could easily be a 7 with a little tweak.
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21 May 2020
Could not even finish the first episode, had like 4 mins left and still turned it off. Save yourself time and skip this one. Hopefully netflix just put up adventure time.
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Good but not great
10 May 2020
This anime is a good watch but is defs not 10/10 as alot of people are saying. The animation absolutely amazing, some of the best ive seen. The story is also good, but it seems alot like naruto, in that theres a villain that needs to be killed and every villain has a sad back story.

The annoying things about the show are the villains powers, some are throwing balls, some have drums they touch and the room flips. These powers are kind of lame and lead to kind of battles that aren't as exciting as can be. Also the guy with yellow hair is really annoying, is actually one of the most annoying characters i've ever seen.

In conclusion this anime is a good watch and i do recommend watching it, but i can't say this is on the level that everyone is saying.
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Pls make a live action on this
6 May 2020
This is what superhero movies need. A good story with some gore and not being afraid to kill off heroes.

This movie is one of the best animated superhero movies I've seen and I'm sure if this same movie was made live action it would kill it at the box office.

And i loved what they did with king shark, some really good laughs from him. Also Constantine was great in this movie.

There are some things that don't make sense like power levels because i don't understand how a lot of characters could take on doomsday monster things and characters like Louis being so badass all the sudden, but it all went together really well at the end.

King shark is a shark!
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My Hero Academia: His Start (2020)
Season 4, Episode 25
14 April 2020
This episode was amazing, great visuals and great action. Its a shame the rest of the season was lackluster and felt extremely boring half the time. Wish they spent an episode on the stupid festival and spent more time showing us these episodes and more of Deku's dream.

Id probally rate the whole season a 5/10, because i think there were about 8 good episodes this season, which really isn't great for a 25 ep season. Especially the back half of the season barring this last episode.

Hope the next season is not this boring, and that the filler is taken out. MHA felt like a well paced series until this season. Hope they don't make this into Naruto and milk as many episodes as they can by boring filer eps being played instead of moving forward with the story.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Great childhood memory
11 April 2020
This movie is great, and inspired my love of dinosaurs. I recently watched it and have seen the dinosaurs are now CGI. I have got to say the original Dinosaurs looked better and the new ones often look cheap and out of place.

But nothing can take away what an iconic movie this is.
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Community: The Science of Illusion (2010)
Season 1, Episode 20
Best laugh
9 April 2020
The scene when Pierce reads Jeff's mind is honestly one of the best laughs i've ever had. Deadset one of the funniest things i've watched on tv.
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Worst Second half of a season
27 March 2020
I have never seen such a weak second half of a season in any anime.

Like what was the second half this season meant to be exactly? I'll tell you what it was, it was childish and boring.

I know a lot of people won't agree but thats because they just blindly support the show. I agree MHA is a great anime, but be real this season hasn't been upto the standard we've seen before. Laggy, slow, filler and boring are not how i would describe any other season of this show.

And don't get me started on this episode. It was rubbish. And to top it off a half season was wasted to for this. Wow.

Very disapointed.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Ding Dong (2020)
Season 7, Episode 7
14 March 2020
Great episode with a lot of laughs. This season has not lived up to the nine-nine standard, but this episode was great. Hope they keep it going. And the ending with Charles just topped it off.
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