
15 Reviews
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The star turning movie of the 80s
15 October 2019
Risky Business made Tom Cruise a star, and then there was no looking back. As for the film, Risky Business was unique in some ways, but comfortable enough not to chase away its core audience of 17-to-25-year-olds) This was one of the first '80s teenage romantic comedies. In an era when the teen film was gravitating toward the sex comedy, Risky Business bucked the trend by using the skeleton of a tried-and-true "boy meets girl and falls for her" formula. The production employs some drastic tone shifts that are not entirely successful, but they make for an interesting viewing experience. The least effective aspects occur when the story shifts from its core lightweight, fairy tale elements to the ones involving Guido. The unnecessary car chase is out-of-place and the late-film gambit involving the "buying back" of household items strains credulity beyond the breaking point. All said and done, however, this is a great teen movie.
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The Rum Diary (2011)
Interesting failure due to the screenplay
6 September 2019
Johnny Depp in a Hunter S Thompson movie? It seems legit, but The Rum Diary falters more often than it shines. Most of the problems relate to the source material and the fuzzy, hazy nature of the narrative. From a cinematic perspective, it's an impressive production with an evocative re-creation of 1960 Puerto Rico. Depp is suave and charismatic, Aaron Eckhart, one of the few working actors who can convincingly wear a white hat or a black one, is in full mode. And Amber Heard is as sexy as a woman can be, especially during a nightclub dance. The Rum Diary fails because of the screenplay, and the screenplay stumbles because it shows too much reverence to its source material. The contrived romance is half-presented. The comedy is hit-and-miss. The main character's arc, which transforms him from a drunken libertarian to a crusader for the undertrodden, is half-described. The conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is left unresolved. In fact, the entire story has an unfinished, half-baked sensibility.
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One of the better scifi films of the past year
28 May 2019
I am not a die-hard fan of this genre but will notice a good movie when I see one. Chimera Strain (when I seen it twas called Chimera only) is a great debut film by the Indian Maurice Haems who manages to not just make a good film, but also a bold one. One of the things a science fiction film should do is make the audience ponder, and this one does that effortlessly. One could say it's a meditation of sorts (especially with the blueish ethereal hue that emits from the set designs) on the nature of scientific ethics. If this is the debut of Haems I would love to see his follow up.
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Passable biopic starring Kevin Spacey
17 January 2019
): Kevin Spacey goes one up and not only stars but also directs this biopic on the singer Bobby Darin. Beyond the Sea is a passable biopic but when there are better options such as Ray(Ray Charles) or myriad of jazz musicians one wonders if this was needed. Granted Spacey is a fan of the tragic singer and wants to give his homage but the one glaring issue with the film is with the casting of Spacey himself. Put it bluntly he was too old to play the boy singer who reached his highest accolades in his early 20s and passed away when he was 37. On the other hand, Spacey does something Jamie Foxx never attempted: sings. Darin's performances are all Spacey. The musical sequences deliver an extra jolt of energy because we're aware that the actor playing the singer is actually doing the singing, rather than lip-synching to a recording. Great music and a few good scenes do not a movie make, but if you're a fan of Darin or his era, Beyond the Sea will likely represent an undemanding place in which to try the water.
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The Patriot (2000)
This is no Braveheart or Kingdom of heaven
20 December 2018
This is a misfire from Mel Gibson. I won't use the director Ronald Emmerich here as we all are well aware of his prowess. This is a derivative and relentlessly mediocre motion picture. The Patriot suffers from a series of potentially fatal flaws: poor character development, a lack of tension, stifling strains of political correctness, a rambling screenplay, manipulative and emotionally untrue "big moments", and wretched pacing. Most war films, no matter what their setting, build gradually to a momentous climax. This doesn't happen during The Patriot. There is a big skirmish at the end, but it doesn't seem like the culmination of all that has preceded it. Great battle scenes in movies stir the blood; this one left me cold. Overall, the pacing is uneven and the tone monotonous. With only a couple of exceptions, Emmerich fails to generate tension. The Patriot is a disappointment. Caleb Deschanel's gorgeous cinematography and John Williams' score give the film an impressive sheen but that's about all the good I can say.
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Space Cowboys (2000)
Eastwood's foray into science fiction
12 December 2018
Its great to see legend Clint Eastwood broaden his horizon into space with Space Cowboys. He is the embodiment of the ever seeking, curious polymath who only grows with maturity. This is a great sci-fi but those expecting aliens or shoot-out sequences beware- this is a different kind of film. While somewhat overlong Space Cowboys is not a portrait of cinematic perfection, it is consistently engaging, features likable, irascible characters, and does not descend into the shoot-and-scoot idiocy that has marked far too many recent outer space endeavors. While there are definitely a few plot point similarities between Space Cowboys and Armageddon, in tone and approach, Eastwood's effort owes more to Contact.
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Spy Hard (1996)
A comedy film that isn't that funny
27 November 2018
Udging by Leslie Neilson's involvement I was hoping for a second coming of the Naked Gun films but I was wrong in my assumption. Spy Hard may have tried to cash in on Leslie's name but the fact that I cannot remember anything about this movie says everything. To be fair I am rating it a 4 meaning there has to be some redemption factor, probably a few scenes. I will watch it again but I feel that you can give this one a pass if you have better comedy films around. Better films out there that are funny.
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So bad it becomes good
17 November 2018
Queen of the Damned seems to have been assembled using the discarded pieces of music videos and other movies. It's 100 minutes of MTV-inspired filmmaking, with a metal soundtrack that would wake the dead and a video style that demands all sort of filters, odd angles, quick cuts, and other, assorted trickery. The plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It will confuse those who haven't read "The Vampire Chronicles" and will infuriate those who have because of the number of omissions and changes. There are no characters to care about or despise. The only reason the movie can occasionally be considered watchable is because individual scenes are so outrageously dumb that they are hilarious. .
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I Am Legend (2007)
Great Will Smith science fiction movie
25 October 2018
The first two-thirds of I Am Legend are superior to the fast-paced, action-oriented final 35 minutes. There's a key event that occurs just past the hour mark and, after that, the movie feels more like a typical Hollywood adventure than the introspective, thought-provoking production that graces the screens for the first 65 minutes. The ending, while not a complete cop-out, diverges from that of Matheson's book and feels a little too convenient and facile. For most of the movie, character drives plot. The closer we get to the conclusion, the more plot drives character.There are some top-notch action sequences, such as one in which vampires and vampire dogs attack Sam and an injured Robert.
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A Ghost Story for Christmas: The Signalman (1976)
Season 6, Episode 1
One fine short film
17 October 2018
Based on Dicken's story this is a short film- highly atmospheric and with an incredible undercurrent of dread and looming disaster. The story concerns a signalman who was witness to a train crash inside the tunnel along his post, and who keeps seeing apparition of a figure desperate trying to warn him about something. He is joined by the traveler who greets him as he lies staring at his silhouette against the sun. The traveler is intrigued by the signalman's condition when he hears about the story of the crash when they sit down in the tower to share. What works are the real locations and production values embedded in a practical approach to filmmaking(building sets and models instead of computer recreation) and the gentle pacing. At barely 40 minutes you can enjoy this short easily.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
Hauntingly beautiful with great execution
9 October 2018
One of the most beautiful looking historical feature films Barry Lyndon is one of Stanley Kubrick's lesser known films but even a lesser known film from a director like Kubrick is worth finding to watch. This is a great period piece and contains some great cinematography and overall visuals. Ryan O' Neil stars as the titular character who is an opportunist who fools a high-class woman into marriage thus attaining a position in that society. The pacing is slow- as is the case with every Kubrick film but it keeps you invested. The direction is crisp, and some scenes are so good they look like paintings from the renaissance period. The scenes involving candlelight should bring about goosebumps. This is a period drama you should watch.
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Braveheart (1995)
The beginning of Gibson's directorial talents
26 September 2018
Based on the Scottish independence movement Braveheart invokes passion and zeal- and not just from the Scots. Mel Gibson has crafted an incredible film full of moving images and fervor based on revenge. Of course, most of the film is very loosely based on actual events and some are downright made-up but that does not deter from the film at hand. The acting is top-notch and led from the front by Gibson himself. Cinematography is lush with the Irish and Scottish landscapes photographed in stunning glory and the battle scenes are raw and unflinching which add a certain realism to the proceedings. When the film was released it created a sensation in 1995, winning multiple academy awards and even being accused of Anglophobia by the media. Take all the opinions aside and this is filmmaking at its finest.
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After Hours (I) (1985)
One of the lesser known Martin Scorsese films which needs to be rediscovered
8 September 2018
This is one of Scorsese's lesser known films which is a travesty. Griffin Dunne plays a cubicle working blue collar- the type that was so rampant in the mid 80s, who accidently experiences a series of bizarre misadventures in New York City. This is not typical Scorsese fare and one reason it works is because of the legendary filmmaker's deft skills- the atmosphere is amazing as is the pacing of the film. The protagonist is relatable in an everyman lost and confused kind of way. Like a bad dream or surreal experience After Hours is one hell of a ride. As stated in the opening line of this review- it is a travesty that more people aren't aware of this film.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Watch it for the way it looks
27 July 2018
Sleepy Hollow continues the well-established collaboration of director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp. However, this film isn't as memorable or good as their previous endeavors such as Ed Scissorhands or Ed Wood. What is absolutely staggering is the cinematography by future academy award winner Emmanuel Lubeinzki(spell?). The cinematography combined with the use of fog and lights, and a stunning recreation of a gothic village is what truly makes this film special. Hauntingly atmospheric is the right word to use. The acting is good and the flow is decent but as stated earlier this isn't the best Depp- Burton union. But worth a watch.
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The beginning of a saga
20 July 2018
Lien is a great film though I personally feel that James Cameron's Aliens is a much better film. It starts with seven crew members aboard a towing hauler, who are suddenly awakened from their deep slumber in cryo because of a distress signal they've received. They land on a distant planet only to find a massive derelict ship which has probably crash landed. There they find an alien organism- one which has acid for blood and grows at a menacing pace. This film reeks of atmosphere and to this day many films and video games have been directly inspired by its production design and vibe. Alien also holds the distinction of having, what many people consider the greatest tagline and trailer.
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