
54 Reviews
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One Piece (2023– )
I enjoyed it
1 September 2023
Overall, I enjoyed it, and you can tell that alot of hard work has gone into this series. If you enjoyed the anime, you'll enjoy this. I haven't seen the anime in roughly 15yrs, and I still enjoyed it.

The only negative things I have to say are....some of the fashion styles didn't look good on a non animated character. They looked a bit too fake, and didn't suit the actors wearing whatever their character was. That though is nothing new when it comes to live adaptations of anime and computer games. Also, the clothes seemed a bit too clean, and looked brand new. That just didn't look right considering a lot of the characters are technically in poverty.

Overall though, it's a sold Netflix series, and I'd say it's not just for younger audiences, but all ages.
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Expected more
6 November 2022
I'm not really what you call a Harry Potter fan, but I am a fan of good movies. Unfortunately though, I didn't find this movie all that good.

Maybe you had to be a Harry Potter fan to truly appreciate it, but with it being a 2 parter, I feel like that this was the more boring of the two, with plenty of boring and irrelevant time fillers. Also with making it into a two parter, I felt like it more more about making money, than giving the general audience what they wanted.

It did have its good moments, but it's alot different compared to the previous films, where they where students and the majority of it being set at Hogwarts.
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
Wow!!! He's still got it.
4 September 2022
I think this is one of Jackie Chans best films. Realistic action drama based on a retired Chinese special forces soldier, taking on the IRA. The story was very believable and well researched. Also the casting was spot on with alot of the agents. They really do look the part.

With it being a Jackie Chan movie, you expect it to be action packed and it definitely was. Also the fights where very realistic and believable. Couldn't fault it. It's not a action comedy, like most of his films, it's a powerful action drama and does get a bit political at times. Very well researched and good action scenes. If only he did more films like this. Just shows that he's also a very good actor and not just a exceptionally good stunt actor.
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Day Shift (2022)
Keep telling yourself it's only a movie and it's watchable
2 September 2022
I enjoyed it, but it was nothing special. It's one of Jamie Fox's weaker films. It was him and the occasional appearance of snoop, that actually made it watchable.

Film is very predictable, but has good action scenes. Only thing I didn't like was the idea that his ex wife for some reason has alot of control over him and he's just fine with it. For some reason she wants all these expensive things for their daughter, but he has to pay for everything himself. If he doesn't, she's moving to other side of the country with their daughter. I didn't like that.

Has a few comical moments, but there is also some cringe moments. If you have a couple of hours spare, it's worth a watch, but don't expect it to win any awards any time soon. It's as good as it is bad.
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It's marvel but, not the marvel I know
25 August 2022
I've just finished 2nd episode and It's not really for me. If you're a single we'll educated woman that always seems to have a problem about something, then I guess it's for you. It's the only audience I see it appealing to.

I'm only watching it because it's probably cannon in mcu.
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I really did enjoy it........ Except for one thing
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I want to go to cinema and watch a major mcu movie, I expect it to be an enjoyable film, with the occasional touch of drama. With "Thor love and thunder" the occasional touch of drama, was more like a massive punch and it really dampened the mood at times.

The overall story was great and had lots of comical moments which I really did enjoy, especially the ones with the goats. In a whole It really did open up the mcu so much more and saw so much potential for future movies. The acting was great, especially Christian Bale being Gorr. Overall I did really enjoy the movie, but it was the big C that ruined it for me. Its something that everyone has experienced at least once, whether it's themselves or a loved one. When I go to the cinemas to see a film I've been looking so forward to see, it's not really something I want to have a major factor in whole film. The first guardians of the galaxy movie included it, but in a more appropriate way. It was right at the beginning and the film moved forward from it. If I was given a heads up about that illness in this movie, like in a trailer or interview weeks prior to release, I probably would have approached watching the movie differently, but as far as I'm aware there wasn't and it was a surprise. If they have a version where it wasn't included, I would have given "Thor love and thunder" an 8, easily.
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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
By far The best episode
24 June 2022
Brilliant from beginning to the very end. The last 15 minutes was in a league of its own and kept me on the very edge of my seat. If I could rate higher I could. Didn't think this show could get any better and it definitely did by my opinion.
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A weaker episode, but with a nice couple of surprises
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've thoroughly enjoyed watching "The Boys" but I will say that this a one of their weaker episodes.

It shows bit of a contradiction on how Compound V and Temp V effects the mentality of the person using it. You see Butcher and Hughie starting to behave like a textbook supe, but then, why do characters like Starlight and Supersonic know the difference from right and wrong? Even A Train is starting to see it and is trying to become a better person, but In a failing way.

There was a couple of parts that where canon as well as pleasant to watch, especially kimikos theatrical moment and also how the episode finishes.
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A Violent Man (2022)
Deep prison drama
29 March 2022
A quiet, but dangerous lifer shares a cell with a new young inmate, which he develops a liking to. Its set in a violent prison and as the film progresses, they both fend off rival gangs whilst looking out for one another.

I can't see it winning any major awards anytime soon, but I did enjoy it, due to how well the script and actors where. If got a couple of hours spare, I'd recommend it, if your into gritty prison dramas.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Enjoyable from beginning to end
14 February 2022
It's the lock stock of the 2020s and there wasn't one part that I thought dragged or was not entertaining. Also Hugh Grant played his part so well and didn't know it was actually him until I looked at the cast on It's your typical London gangster movie with alot of dark humour.

The Gentleman has been out on Netflix for a while and only gave it a try because I was struggling with something to find watch and I'm glad I decided to watch it. The whole cannabis industry was one of main reasons why I gave it a miss for so long. Not because I'm against cannabis, which I'm not. But mostly because I was getting a bit fed up with the whole genre. But you don't really see that much of it and its more about what goes on around it, from the protective and financial side.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Something different
3 February 2022
I remember when "Black Mirror" first came out. For some reason I gave it a miss and didn't get round to watching it, which was a shame. Now in 2022 and with Netflix, I thought id give it another chance and was not disappointed.

It's an anthology series, where each episode is different from its last and takes place in a near futuristic reality. Some episodes are in a futuristic reality, where you could imagine how that's how the world may be in the next 30+ years and then there is some where it goes into the bit extreme and surrealism.

Most of the episodes I did enjoy and there was a few that I didn't, but that's probably one of the good things about this series. There's an episode for everyone and they try and explore all different aspects and scenarios of what all kinds of different people, from all aspects of live life could face in each of these different realities.

There's alot of big names in this, before they actually made it really big and also there's alot of Marvel stars which I thought was a pleasent surprise. It makes you wonder, if this is the show that got them more recognition for their career.

Non of the episodes really join up and you can watch them in any order, or just the ones you fancy the look of and it won't make any difference to the overall outcome to the series. If you have a day free, or even a couple of hours, I recommend giving this a try.
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Calibre (2018)
Realistic thriller
24 January 2022
This is proof that you don't need a big budget, special effects or big name actors to make a decent movie. Was stuck for things to watch one afternoon and randomly thought I'd give it a try and was not disappointed.

Its about two guys that go on a hunting trip in Scottish wilderness and they have a very unfortunate accident. They're staying in a very remote village, where everyone knows each other. What makes things worse is that half are nosey and the other half arnt too welcoming.

I don't want to give away any spoilers or too much info, but due to what happens in the film, it is very realistic and believable. If something like this ever did happen in real life, alot of it probably would happen the way that it did in this movie.
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Its something different
17 January 2022
If you where born in the late 70s or 80s and like stuff like family guy and South Park, then there's a good chance you'd like this.

Remember when you where a little kid and on weekend mornings, you'd be sat in front of the TV with a big bowl of cereal? This is what this show is about, but with a twist for more grown up audiences.

They really managed to catch the essence of that era, from how the animation was done,m and Alo the costumes and sets was all 100% spot on. There's so many little hidden/obvious ( depending on viewers age) references to characters and people from that era. Plus the two Californian bogus style presenters was the icing on the cake, due to how stereotypical they where.
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Eternals (2021)
Something was missing
16 January 2022
By opinion, this is Marvel Studios weakest movie yet. Don't get me wrong, it did have some good parts, but just felt like it was lacking something when it came to the story and actions scenes when the characters where in combat. It did open up the MCU even more with some impressive characters and and how they come to be and also opening up new potential movie ideas. But I don't want to give to much away.

The only reason why I give "Eternals" a 6.5/10 and not a lower one was because of how it opened up the MCU, so that you have a good idea of what's to come in future films. If it wasn't for that, I would've given it a 5/10. I'm quite disappointed with the story and action, and that's why. I think Marvel Studios was trying something and unfortunately it just didn't work.
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Step Brothers (2008)
Pleasantly funny throughout
11 January 2022
Sense of humour is an acquired taste and this was definitely mine. At moment I'm going through a Will Ferrell phase and this is another one of his movies that has made me laugh throughout.

Two middle aged men children become step bro's and get up to all kind of shenanigans whilst making their parents and step parents lives hell in the process. As well as the main story, there's a few little side ones that are comedy gold. Don't want to give too much away, but if you are a fan of Will Ferrell or John C Reilly, it's definitely worth sparing a couple of hours because it's worth watching.
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It thrives off the previous trilogy and that's about it.
26 December 2021
It started of well with the whole Surreal reality thing and the concept that the previous trilogy was a game. You can also tell that there's alot of money has gone into it, But that's about it. Everything else was a disaster.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Another Korean masterpiece
23 November 2021
I don't like the whole zombie genre, but I really enjoyed "Kingdom". The creators took a whole different approach to it and rather than do the whole apocalyptic dystopian future thing, they did it in a historical setting with skilled warriors.

Also a small detail, but makes soo much of a difference, is the dubbing. Its done really well and with a more authentic accent as if they are speaking English, unlike alot of dubbed programs where its either/and off sync, or has voices that clearly don't match the actors appearance on screen.

Over the recent years, Korea has made some amazing movies and series and this is definitely one of them.
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Legion (2017–2019)
The dark horse of the superhero genre
20 November 2021
This show is just brilliant in so many ways, although it can get a bit complicated at times.

The way the creators actually bring Davids character to life, from the comics to screen is just genius and have pretty much nailed it and actually make him live up to the definition of its name. The show is actually loosely based on professor X's son, but won't officially take place in either the Xmen universe or the MCU, but if you look closely at its title and episode titles, you will see an X on, referring to the Xmen.

They've actually managed to somehow show the viewers what its like seeing things through a broken persons mind. Also I love how they actually manage to bring and make many metaphors real and use them as an obstacle or as an actual physical example etc. It is really well made and arguably better (by my opinion) than alot of the more well known shows and even movies of the same genre.
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Record of Ragnarok (2021– )
Has alot of potential but is too time consuming
8 November 2021
In a way its like a mixture between "Kengan Ashura" "Baki (during the raitai tournament" and "Drifters". I definitely don't dislike it, but I can't see it winning any major awards anytime soon. If your having a lazy day/night and fancy binging on a anime series, I'd recommend it. There are other shows out there that get straight to the point or are quite predictable, but I like how this one drifts from the main story and has a very detailed back story to each method or technique etc used while a character is in either combat or explaining something.

I've noticed there are alot of bad reviews on here about this show, but I'd say thats probably down to people expecting it to be alot more fast paced, which it definitely isn't.

If the fights were somehow edited to be shorter without the back stories, then the reviews would probably be alot higher, but you'd be able to watch the whole thing in only a couple of episodes.
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What If...?: What If... Ultron Won? (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
What if...? More like Wtf...?
30 September 2021
By far the best episode and this is a series, by my opinion gets better each week.
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Loki (2021–2023)
WOW.....I think it's marvels best work yet
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Even though you only get a taste of what Loki is getting himself into in the first episode, you know that there's so much for him to explore in this knew reality which he has encountered.

Just when you think Marvel studios couldn't get any better, they have. Even though ive only watched one episode, I'm getting the impression it's Marvels best work yet.

Without giving away too many spoilers, you get to see the whole MCU in a different perspective and actually see how weak and insignificant, even some of the stronger and more powerful characters actually are, in comparison to who and whats happening where Loki is.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Great film, great action scenes.
5 May 2021
Great film with great action scenes. If your in to your typical Hollywood action movies, then I recommend this. Before this, I never really pictured Bob Odenkirk playing a tough guy but he played the part extremely well and he managed to prove he can pretend to be much more than a cowardly corrupt lawyer. Without giving away any spoilers the only way I could describe it is, it's a mixture between "The Equalizer" and "A history of violence".
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Invincible (2021– )
Good story... Not so good animation.
30 April 2021
For decades whenever people have thought about the superhero genre, they naturally think of either Marvel or DC. In more recent years other brands have entered the genre and have been just as popular as the two big names and invincible is one of them. If you look past the lazy animation, it's actually got a really good storyline. If you had to imagine what the justice league would be like if superman turned bad, this is it.
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Much better than original but is much much longer
26 March 2021
This has to be one of the longest films I've ever seen...... But was well worth it. Don't go in to it expecting an identical, but longer version as the original, because you'd be wrong like I was. It's pretty much a different film altogether with a few similarities here and there and a nice few bonuses which I won't spoil.
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Not what I expected
16 January 2021
From what I thought was going to be 30 minutes of typical Marvel viewing actually turned out to be a stereotypical 1950s-1960s cheesy sitcom, with a very common much used scenario. I'm guessing with the whole black and white thing, the more they realise and figure stuff out, more stuff will come to colour and they'll also possibly have flash backs or even wake up etc. I've given it a 5 because It wasn't what I expected. I knew that it was going to be in black and white, but thought that the opening episode could of had a bit of action or even Wanda and Vision been made aware of the possible threats and enemies that they may have have to face throughout the series.
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