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There is no logic in the storyline, which causes a terrible story narrative.
24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After a series of remakes, the Sonic movie finally came out this year. You probably still remember the behind that scene story, when first trailer came out with that weird version Sonic. Disappointing wouldn't be enough to describe it. But after the remake, thankfully the production company gave the team a second chance to modify the character model, a 3D Sonic appears on the screen this summer.

With the finally got it right Sonic, Jim Carrey, James Marsden and Tina Sumpter, a very good cast, you probably think there is no way that the movie could go wrong, however, it went really wrong.

As always, there will be spoilers in the following text.

Whatever characters do, they need to follow the logic, which is an important part that compose a story. Having no logic in this story makes every character lack of motivation and weaken the links between every chapters of the movies. In another word, the story goes like "because the director said so" not because in that situation what the characters did in the movie is reasonable.

For example, there is a scene that a meeting in the Pentagon, generals are discussing what they should do about the huge blackout. Why the head general chooses the Dr. Robotnik, who is he, what's the relationship between him and the government etc. Director and writers left so many questions about this one scene and keep telling next chapter without any explanation about this scene. Left a black hole in the logic line, making the whole story doesn't make any sense. A problem like this I can keep going, all those problems making the remake of Sonic model in vain. 'Cause even a real-life real Sonic cannot save the movie, if the story is a bad apple.

But yes, for fans, watching your childhood hero running on the big screen, might still let you have goosebumps, well, about that I didn't.
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1917 (2019)
New, breath-taking, and touching, a brilliant and creative way of storytelling, bringing the war to the audience or another way around
24 August 2020
Having 7 nominated in Oscar, and won 3 of them, this fantastic war film 1917 is finally on the big screen in China. Although having Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 4K rescreening as its biggest rival which has earned 31 million dollars since the rescreening, 1917 has earned 9.7 million, a not bad grade.

Even though China is one of the victorious countries, the main battlefield was not taken place in China, this film may not raise any emotional feeling or appealing audience by using emotional feeling in China. But its talented and well-known cinematography and screenplay did the job.

Using long take is dangerous and difficult, which require many times of rehearsal in advance and all units, not only actors but also the lighting unit, camera unit, sounds and many others cooperating closely than ever. One tiny mistake could ruin the whole take and all unit need to reprepare the set for another take. So how about the whole film is a long take, no other takes, one take and one long take only? Of course, the film is not really a long take, it just looks like a long take, but still, it needs lots of long takes combining together, using few cameras and lightning tricks as the "glue" to glue up different parts, all of these are brilliant and brave. Thanks to the marvellous cinematography technique, the audience is like the third soldier in this "suicide-like" mission with other who, not as a watcher but more like a witness.

Back to the story itself, comparing to the technique, the story seems too simple, the audience may be surprised by the long take but when the film over, rethink the story, it's hard to find a highlight in the story but all are talking about the technique. But the character building, especially some characters only have a few seconds scene, the writer and director know how to introduce a character in a very short time and did a very good job on this part.

Overall, 1917 could be a phenomenon film, calling it one of those films which can represent the industry in the past ten years would be quite fair.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Find the deep of your heart and that is the only thing can define what you are
9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jojo Rabbit from Taika Waititi, the talented New Zealand director who brought us Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Thor: Ragnarok. This time, Taika used a new way to tell the WWII story, and this time via a boy Nazi's eyes to see this human tragedy. With Best Adapted Screenplay as the golden guarantee, Jojo Rabbit, without any doubts, should in your top 10 films of the year.

In this film, labels are the key topic of the story. Without too many narratives about Nazi's offences, this film once has been criticized as may mislead the audiences about WWII and the true face of Nazi. However, in my opinion, WWII is just a background set, using this special time to discuss the key argument about humanity.

Twentieth Century Fox Film Jojo, a young boy who brought up by Nazi education, within that special environment, all the behaviour of him could be explained. But Jojo is just as same as other kids, no correct knowledge about the world or Jewish people. But in the deep of his heart, he knows what a right person's behaviour should do. Hurting innocent would definitely not on his list.

If over criticised Jojo would not willing to hurt innocent, because of his age, that would be so wrong, as captain K, who I believe joined the force with no choice or finally realized the true face of the Nazi, what he has done on the battlefield is unforgivable, but saved Elsa's life and protect Jojo which need great courage cannot be forget (I do believe that Captain K knew the tragedy about Rosie then he realized that Jojo may in great danger.)

Twentieth Century Fox Film Take off their labels, Jew, Nazi and anti-fascism, I saw humanity will shine, in China, there is an old saying, "There are no good or bad people, only good and bad behaviour. Having a conscience, even the most ordinary person could be a saint."
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Gemini Man (2019)
The new technology brings the story to the next level
5 November 2019
Ang Li's new film, Gemini Man, once again starts a cinema revolution all over the world. Like last time, this film also shot in 4K, 120FPS, which you many not able to see in your local cinema. Since the upgrade fee is too high for those cinema companies and only a few High-Tec films each year, there is not enough reason for them to spend that money. And which ii think is the main reason that reviewers don't like this film, this film must be seen in a 4K&120FPS cinema. Luckily, there are some High-Tec cinemas in China, well, actually quite a lot. So, I experienced Li's new High-Tec work, and to be honest, it's brilliant! The story is not the spotlight, just a very classic Hollywood style story, but the car chasing scene and the fighting scene on the 4K 120fps screen, it is so extraordinary. "Cool" won't be enough to describe it. I think I should explain what is 4K and 120FPS. Well, you can wiki or google it, of course, but I would like to explain them to you by myself, which will make this article looks not too short. 4K means the resolutions. It is much clearer than those films we usually watch, as those would be 2K. So, yes, double it. As 120 fps, this may hard to explain. FPS as short of "frames per second". The movie also called "motion picture". One short clip of video actually contained maybe thousand or hundred of pictures, when you watching the video, actually, you are watching those pictures flipping in front of your eyes every quickly. So, normally, in film, 24 pictures will be slipped in front of you in one second, but in this film, there will be 120pictures in ONE SECOND! This really is amazing, all the pictures are in 4K and 120 in one second, which means you can see everything in this film clearer than ever, even a pore. With this technology, the characters on the screen will be more real and lively. Watching this film in a proper cinema may be a challenge, but it will be soon available in a DVD store or online store, try it on your best screen at home.
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Unlike other Quentin's film, but other Quentin's film. It more like a mixtape, all Quentin elements you can find in this.
15 August 2019
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Once you heard the name, Quentin, the first thing in your head definitely are those massive violent scenes. Blood splashed everywhere, broken human parts laid on the ground... If you have those expectations, want to watch a classic violent Quentin film, then this may or may not let you down. I have to tell you that this film does have blood splashing and other violent parts, but this film is not about violence. Although this film is based on the real incident, Tate Murder, but the story of the film is telling you a different story. By the way,


This review will have slight spoilers, just a wee little bit, please feel safe to continue your reading. Quentin is still that Quentin, as I said above, all his elements you can find in this film. Quentin used two fiction characters show the whole picture of the last century's Hollywood. In this film, you can see two normal Hollywood actors (Well, an actor and a double) set in this golden age background, they try to fight for their future, want to have a new start back into audience's sight. But Hollywood is Hollywood. It never lacks talents. The director used these two "normal" guys and the story between them to rebuilt the 1960s Hollywood. The story flow has its own speed, and each chapter connects to each other smoothly. The whole story from beginning to the end, every part of this film seize your attention tightly. But the length of the film could be a challenge for people who not usually watch a film for 3 hours, This film can easily lose him at some point of it. Overall, this is a very classic Quentin style film and totally worth to spend your time on it. I can't spoil, so, not much can say, but just go watch it.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
other horror films, Crawl's way to express the horror element is more like a lucky draw.
2 August 2019
After a long period of silence, the horror film finally returned to the cinema. However, audiences are getting pickier than before after recent horror films' training, the audience began to get tired of the traditional jump scared. Crawl provides a form of horror that is not new but is rare in recent years.

Let the characters aside, 'cause people always act stupid in horror film. The way that Crawl control the atmosphere is other horror films don't have. Unlike ghost haunting, you may don't know what is next shock for you, Crawl told you from the very beginning of the film, gators, they hid in the water, in the dark, in the corner of your eyesight. And you always know what they capable and what way they are going to jump out. Because the audience knows, it makes the film even more horrifying than others. Just like Jaws, you know what they can do, so you know the shock is anytime now, which makes the atmosphere tenser and really bring the audience into the scene.

However, this film does have a weird character building. The daughter and his father's background story did not help the film show the beauty of humanity, compared to the cold-blooded crocodiles. There is no effective emotional interaction between the father and daughter. The film is too focused on giving the daughter a reason to save her and explain why she can swim so fast.

Overall, Crawl is a horror film with a relatively novel theme in recent years. It is especially brilliant in a pile of ghost films. It is worth two hours of the weekend to experience the nightmare from the deepwater crocodiles.
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Anna (II) (2019)
When the whole KGB is speaking English, that's how the Soviet Union failed
9 July 2019
This summer, Luc with his new movie ANNA back to the cinema. After the failure of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, which has massive investment and a not optimistic return, this movie will decide Luc's next few years fate of creating. According to various reviewers' review, apparently that Anna won't be their match. The worst thing is that only 3 shows a day in the cinema where I lived nearby. And that cinema has 15 screens. Low score and low showing rate are enough to kill a movie. But how is this movie? Really that bad? Actually the whole story is quite fascinating. If you familiar any other Luc's works, you will know his films usually be underestimated. His special French style narrative skills does not very feed the American reviewers' taste, but that can't he is bad at directing or writing. Anna, this movie with a great story and marvellous camera, every second is beautiful, superb. The nasty thing is the time-shifting structure. Luc used time-shifting to set twists and surprise the audience, makes the audience could not guess what is the next in the film. However, when the whole movie is based on the time-shifting to narrate the story, making unpredictable into predictable. On the one hand, the audience waiting for the next twist, on the other hand, the audience tired of the twist and wish it stop. Overview of the whole movie, the first half hour of this film is could be too slow, comparing what will happen next, the first three chapters really not fit in this film. Twice in that half hour makes me want to press the forward button. But once you calm down and keep watching it, the next few chapters will WOW you.
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Guess we have the "winner" of Golden Raspberry Awards this year
9 July 2019
Using music to lead the story is not new these days, somehow using music leads the story can have a very good result. However, this film will be the example of "how music can ruin a film". The whole story over-used Bruce Springsteen and his song. Two long music videos in the middle of the movie, expressing nothing but a boring atmosphere. Hearing Bruce's name or songs every five seconds, literally drove me crazy.

If you wanna make a song and dance film, then go on that path. If you just want to use music lead the story, then just use it at an important point. The whole film stuck in the between of those two different kinds of film style.

The lead character, the boy, his whole behaviour is unbelievable. What an idiot.

Really not recommend this movie.
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Another disappointing ending of a film franchise
5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
2019, what a year. The original six Avengers finished, the Game of Throne ended, the long-life comedy The Big Bang Theory finished as well. After a long time waiting, the last FOX's X-MEN movie, X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX finally in theatre today.

Fox's X-MEN movies' quality steep down so fast after the X-Men: Days of Future Past. The X-Men: Apocalypse is a total disaster. Lots of fans gave their hope on this one, the dark phoenix, however, it fails again.

Consider the title is "Dark Phoenix", this film should be talking about how is Jean Grey turn into the dark side, and what will the rest of X-Men handling this situation, taking account of that Jean was their friend. While this film only achieved part of these. The director gave Jean reasons to trigger her to turn bad: embrace cosmic power, father abandoned her, and prof. X lied to her. Then should be how powerful she could be, the fight in the community shows her power. So, how dark could she be? This film did not answer this question. Powerful is not equal to dark. The movie is Dark Phoenix, you have to make her dark enough. In the fight scene in New York, the Brotherhood and the X-Men are much darker than Jean! Their fight definitely will hurt or kill those civilians. Jean only killed Raven(Mystique), oh and cops. But which number is doubtlessly lower than the people in the subway or the bus in New York!

If I am the writer, I would let her kill more X-Men or innocent people in front of the camera. Because of the Alien control her brain, brainwashed her, she killed a lot of people, the rest of the X-Men and Brotherhood divided into two sides, kill and capture. No matter what sides they are on, they have to deal with the alien first and together. The more they after Jean, the more mutants of them died. At last, only Scott and Prof. X still wanna cure Jean, other rest of mutants want her dead. That Alien use Jean to hurt the Brotherhood and then want her to kill Scott(or prof. X) which wake Jean up, then she decided to perish together with the alien.

I am not an expert, but making mutants fighting "Groot" is not a good idea. IMDB gave a 43 score, quite fair.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Bold but need work
22 May 2019
The bold innovation of the biography type film, the song and dance use the vision and hearing to bring the audience's senses away from the real narrative and enter Elton's heart. However, it is such a shame that the song and dance sometimes only stayed at the level of song and dance. Elton's internal feeling not only did not get a good interpretation, but also disrupted the original narrative rhythm.
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SS: 6.5/10 As a fandom movie, it achieved the greatest success in the history.
25 April 2019
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After more than ten years planning and 21 movies, Marvel studio finally released their first ten years finale. No doubt it is a great success, or maybe the greatest commercial movie success in the history. From the data of pre-book tickets box office, it is not hard to tell that how successful is this. However, back to the quality of this movie, it is also hard to make me want to rate it a high score. The biggest problem of this movie but also of the directing skills of Russo brothers is that when narrative multiple characters storylines.


In this movie, avenger are divided into three teams to find infinity stones from the past. Each avengers have their own mission or I should say that each avengers has their own storyline. 8 avengers, nearly equal number of storylines, to tell these story right is a very difficult job. To this whole story, these stories are equal important, which means directors cannot let one or two storylines steal other's thunder. But equal importance storylines are easy to lose audience's attention. Audience will get tired when they finish digested the first two story and found out that other storylines may have the same mode. To be honest, this movie is made for fans and only fans will like this movie. In the movie, directors nearly brought back all the actors and actress that fans may want to see. Besides the surprising actors and actress, Pepper wear in the iron man suit, Captain America said "Assemble", finally. These element only fans will understand. So, here is the million dollars question, fans finally waited to an ending of 10 years long story, will they continue watching Marvel movie after this one? Especially, this movie almost wrap up everything and solve almost all those unsolved things. This is a huge test for Marvel studio. Are fan being loyal to the past 10 years story, actors and actresses, or Marvel Studio's brand? Btw Surftechy.com may will shutdown by the end of this month due to short of money. I will try keep this on.
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Shazam! (2019)
Say hi to superman's crotch
28 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, another classic DC either not a good or too bad movie, and IMDB definitely lost its mind for giving it 75/100. And say hi to superman's crotch.I would say that I really looking forward this movie for a long time (yes, I do have a life) and the high score on IMDB, which is 75, makes me feel that this may be the one, the one finally can success. However, no this movie has terrible logic, terrible line, terrible storytelling skills and terrible fighting scene. All of these make me think this movie does not equal to 75 on IMDB. But yes, this movie is brighter and funnier than before. It does make me and other audiences laugh in the cinema.


Let's skip discuss why choosing a 5 years old child as a successor at the beginning, but the dad as an adult should stop the car immediately when his son gone crazy (Background knowledge: the boy was chosen and teleport into Shazam's place from a running car and got expelled back to the car, because of he does not have a pure heart to accept Shazam's power. He was so upset when he back to the car and force to open the door of the running car. This boy's brother try to stop him and their father distracted by them. So here comes the car accident. Boy's father squeezed out the car.) And that line "You did this." said by his brother to the boy after their father was broke out of the car. I mean...WHAT??? Genius? That is all you want to say to your young brother? First, it is not the time to blame each other, your father is bleeding on the ground, and if I were him, I would just stare at him angrily instead of saying that lame line. The fighting scene is horrible, wait, didi they fight? The only thing i remember is those people hit other into sky or ground, just like the superman movie again. Yes, we get it, you guys can fly and super strong. The Shazam family should be the biggest surprise in this movie, and this movie do give relatively quite lots scene to them. One thing for sure, they can be invisible. They are so ordinary, and they are inconspicuous in a bunch of special effects just like their superpower, invisibility. The good thing about this movie should be the horror scene. The director is from Annabelle and the writer also is known by writing horror movies. So they really know how to make a right atmosphere when there is a need to be horror and how to scare their audience, well slightly, this still is a PG-13 superhero movie.
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A series of short but interesting animations. Very suitable for on a bus, waiting for a train, or during a coffee break.
27 March 2019
Create by Tim Miller and David Finch, a 18 episodes animation TV show. Each episode is around 10 mins, the shortest one only has 5 mins. All these episodes have different style, 2D, 3D or 2D rendering 3D, and all these episodes came from different studios all over the world. Although each episode is very short, the content in one episode is definitely not shallow. From the environment to politics, from gender equality to the biosphere rule. Almost every hot trending topic right now you can find it in the show as well. Meanwhile, various elements from famous IPs(intelligence properties), Ghost in the shell, Indiana Jones and many others could found in the show as well. I think the creators are trying to pay tribute to those marvellous works in this way. So far, it is a good show, but the reason why I give 8.5 not even higher is that some episodes are not finish their job as a story teller, leaving too much blank to audiences. I personally really hope that those studios could make a full length movie finish telling their story.
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Vice (I) (2018)
You got be kidding me.
17 January 2019
Christian Bale's performance, really made me speechless, in a good way speechless. And Amy Adams presents a really awesome performance in this movie. Actually, all the actors in this movie are great. However, as a biographical film, this movie is very not serious. The director seems want this movie become an irony comedy. Well, jokes on him. Those supposed be funny parts in this movie made me feel nothing but bored. This is the main reason why I gave this movie a 6. This movie does not deserve those Oscar-level performances. If you want to make audiences believe the story you are telling, try to be serious. This does not mean you can not use joke in it, on the contrary, you can use but take the whole story as a serious thing instead of trying to think about how to mock the character in real life. The character you are filming about is a politician, not a comedian. If you just joking around, how should audiences believe your movie is an objective criticism not a bias show?
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Waste my life on watching crap like this
29 December 2018
Full of dull humour. Embarrassing story. Holmes looks like an idiot. Totally waste time.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Bumblebee, good fiction movie release in a wrong time
15 December 2018
Bumblebee directed by Travis Knight, from Kubo and Two Strings. A very talented director who bring the Transformers series movie finally into a brand new place. Comparing past five transformers movies, no doubt this is the best of the series. The story have a very clear main line, combining with many side lines make this bumblebee much more real than ever. Movie like Transformers, Godzilla, King Kong are all facing a same problem, where to place the human characters? When big monsters like those above fighting together, human beings like an ant to them. People cannot directly fight them also need a perfect excuse to help them which under the limits of human beings. In this movie, writers give Charlie the perfect job, wake up bumblebee and disconnect the alien energy stuff. It's not a very easy piece for her but totally she can do it and without big logic loophole. The relationship between Bumblebee and the Charlie is quite beautiful. From afraid each other, to bounding together, to the eventually trust. When Charlie history the alien energy on that tower, Bumblebee looked at her for one second and then decided continued fighting with Shatter (Red robot). Bumblebee trust Charlie can do it and decided to fight with Shatter, buying her some time instead of destroy the alien stuff by himself, leaving both of him and Charlie in a danger of being sneak attacked. But this good movie really in a wrong time. All those cinemas are playing Aquaman in their IMAX or 3D screens, only a few screen for bumblebee which is a way better movie than Aquaman. Again, Aquaman that movie sucks. Please buy a ticket for Bumblebee, which definitely not a waste of your time like Aquaman.
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Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman, awkward man
13 December 2018
Aquaman movie full of business movie element and cannot tell the whole story well. I have to admit it that Wan is very talented. He know how to use elements to attract audiences. Nicole's 45s long camera fighting scene, thriller elements, hero moment, fantastic camera, and highly restored comic character settings which can attract comic fans, but a good movie need to use these elements to tell the story right, to decorate the movie in stead of steal the story's thunder. The film originally had a very clear main line, but it was influenced by the cumbersome elements of the story. Especially, those hero moment. The film is about the growth of Aquaman, so there should be only one real hero moment, that is, when he gets the king's trident. However, this Aquaman seems to be posing from beginning to end, but the real hero time is inferior, because by then the audience has been tired of watching him pose.
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Jump into the Spider-Verse with the new Spider-Man, Miles Morales
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Best Spider-Man movie ever!!! The best animation movie of the year!!! See 6 Spider-Men saving the world together, see how Miles Morales, the new Spider-Man, from a normal kid to a responsible and skilful hero. The whole movie using a unique style, feeling the audiences are reading a comic book, feeling like those old comic book but because of the printer error, everything looks a little bit obscure. Feeling like that the director and producers bring the comic book s back to life and in 3D. The speed of this movie is so good. A new kid got bite by the spider and from an idiot to a master is the base line of this story. And then we give him the family line. Father issue, best friend is his uncle who we all know will die. How to fix the family problem is another line. Then writers give him the third one, bad guy Fisk, other Spider-Man as his teachers, I would call this the motive line, why he want to become a real Spider-Man. Although, 6 Spider-Man in this movie, Miles Morales is the absolute protagonist. Also could say it's such a pity that the movie did not using too much part to talk about other Spider-Man. But luckily it did not, otherwise this movie gonna lose its focus. See, 6 charming, unique, special Spider-Man but still cannot let other steal Miles's thunder. I'm surprise about the way they manage that! Here comes to the flaw. The BGM really loud, even cover the line sometimes. Okay no other flaws, just buy your tickets and go to watch.
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Classic Disney movie, love and friendship forever.
8 December 2018
After six years waiting, Ralph fans finally got what they expected. This time, the adventure of Ralph and Vanellope took place on a bigger stage, the infinity internet. So after R&V build a great friendship last time what will happen this time to threaten their lovable friendship? Well, I cannot tell you that. Let's focus back on the quality of this movie. For building a well background of this movie, writers sure do a great job of research, anthropomorphic and cartoonise the internet in a perfect way for understanding. When you set a story on a bigger stage, what do you want? Definitely fully using it! Well this movie not using those wonderful factors, the story still to small, comparing the bing stage. It is like if u tell this whole story without internet, this still can work! I felt pity that this movie did not dig more about the part when Ralph saw the comments about him. That is the true internet! Internet got good people and bad people. Every thing have a dark side. I do believe that Disney does not want to show how dark could the internet be, especially they are using so bright colour to describe this world, after all this a Disney movie. Anyway, I fully recommend this movie, laugh and tears, relax yourself in the cinema for 2 hours. Just go.
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Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
5 December 2018
Really disappointed. Really really....I don't want to write more about this show. Please give us one good episode!
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Green Book (2018)
Friendship on the Road
4 December 2018
I went into the cinema for 10 minutes and saw a lot of people leaving. I thought the movie was definitely not good, but to my surprise, the film was not bad. Maybe the film was opened for more than 10 minutes. Character has been laying the ground for too long. The Green Book is a distinctive road movie. I never imagined that a black people affirmative film would be conceived from the perspective of road movies. The road movies have a strong characteristic as narrating a story. The emotional relationship between characters becomes strong with the increase of mileage, and the personality of the characters is clearly revealed with the increase of mileage. Dr.Don Shirley and Tony Lip are gradually becoming friends on their road of tour. Some people think that road movies are very simple, because the clues are clear and the narrative is simple. Just make clear what is happening on the road. In fact, road movies are the easiest to become a self-speaking film without any focus. In fact, this movie has not completely escaped this threat. It is true that there is a constant episode in the film on the road, showing the relationship between the two, and then Tony understands Don's practice for him to come forward. But after all, there is no major outbreak, and the whole story lacks a core chapter. Several equally important chapters have made the film without any major ups and downs.
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Folks, it's a movie for children!
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As you may heard it before that The Nutcracker and the Four Realms only got 39 on Metascore. However, I don't think this is a fair score. TNFR is a typical Disney PG movie which made for children. It means that you cannot judge it by using a adult's view. I fully agree that if you are an adult, you will find it tell a so simple story with a terrible way. But if consider yourself as a children which you may find every factors are special designed for this group. First is the time, only 1hr 39min, which also is the longest time that a child may sit still. Every line and the way tell the story are all easy for a child to understand. You may find out that sugar lady is the villain as soon as you saw her, but kids can't as smart as you. Additionally, I want to criticize the media review here. They do give a fair score sometimes but sometimes they just ignore some important factors like what kind of audience is this movie facing to? Can not blindly pursue the artistry of the film with adult eyes, especially such fairy tale movies like this. At last, Foy need to working harder on her performance, a great job she have done though.
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J. K. Rowling please let the professionals do their job, and u just write ur book.
21 November 2018
The new Fantastic Beasts movie finally released last weekends. For two years waiting, fans of this magic world finally can see the latest story of Newt. Like the first film, the film has superb visual effects, especially in the IMAX3D, the jump effect is amazing, let the audience feel in the magic world. As a work of the big world view, this film incorporates more characters, and each has its own separate story line, but the obvious shortcoming is that Rowling is only good at showing different people's stories in books. However, in the movie, the story cannot be well balanced, and the story cannot be smoothly switched between the stories. Even the same story line cannot be smoothly told. Frequent jump cut in the film have greatly discounted the entire story. Additionally, the big world view, many roles, it is difficult to explain the identity of every characters, but the film does not seem to care, perhaps because the audience of the film is mainly fans, so it is not necessary. The good thing is that the film is still the same as the first one, the first-class clothing design, so fabulous. At the same time, as a writer's Rowling, how to leave a suspense is her magic weapon, the final big surprise of the film is really amazing.
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Outlaw King (2018)
Big story in a limited time make film incomprehensible
12 November 2018
As a historical feature film, it is important to choose the right part from the whole story. Robert The Bruce has a lot of stories to tell in his life. It is certain that if a film wants to tell his story, it must talk about he leads Scottish independence. But from which time frame of his life to start telling his story is the main question should be considered. The producer chose to start from 1299 is a good choice. The story will not make the film out of focus because of the failure of the previous war, but also succinctly explain the background of the story. However, the story still too big and long to tell which make the audience feel that the movie is incomprehensible.The director's love for the blood battle scene has made the film has great part description of blood and sword. And at last feeling so excited when I found out I am studying at the this film set. This film set few scene in University of Glasgow and use the Glasgow Cathedral as well.
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
just another ordinary DW story
11 November 2018
History mixed with DW adventure. Nothing new, nothing so good. Just another ordinary episode. Still waiting for one surprise episode can blow my mind.
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