
14 Reviews
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I believe in woody
15 April 2022
I can see my world view in woody's every film. He is genius. The suffering he brought through art is amazing. Woody is breathtaking in conveying the fragility of human. Fast paced screen played. Complexity of love has been portrayed. I believe woody Allen's film will be subject to study human nature.

Some how i am having bad time in life. Thank you woody to help in escaping my painful reality by making this film.
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Comment on Farrow
29 March 2022
I gave a review already. I am going to share some of my analysis here.

I am not going to comment if Woody did that or not. I am not going to share my assumption in it even. Let the court prove it.

I found some of the inconsistencies on Farrow. Let me share.

1. Why farrow would adopt too much babies. What kind of person she is? Raising baby who is biologically connected is exhausting even. Not one or two. It is nine . Does she idolize mother Teresa? Remember mother teresa's kindness is dangerous. If any normal person has 9 babies. There is high chance, some baby will get uneven care. It is not logically possible giving fair level of attention to this high number of babies.

2. Once she suspected woody does awful thing to Dylan. She should have been isolated woody at first when she gets hints instead of waiting such thing to happen. A person who is very irresponsible can let such event happen repetitively.

3. Farrow seems more interested to punish woody by destroying his reputation & film career rather than by putting woody into prison or such punishment legally.

4. I dont know who kind of person farrow is personally. But this documentary shows, she seems very soft hearted, sensitive and fragile who can be easily manipulated & victimized. Is she really this type of person?
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Allen v. Farrow: Episode Four (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Well made documentary but
28 March 2022
It was well made documentary. Director intends to portray both party's perspective. It is difficult to come in conclusion what happened actually.

But it is obvious that farrow family's motivation is to stop making of woody's film. Their concern should be woody's personality. Like woody did that. So lets keep him prison & punish him or something like that.

Instead farrow and their family are more interested in destroying woody's public reputation. They are attacking woody's film again and again. At first, learn to distinguish a person from his creation and his persona.
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The Departed (2006)
Thrilling , Exotic & nihilistic
17 July 2021
I think I saw this film for First time in 2011. Awesome crime thriller. The plot is very interesting. An undercover cop from the Police Department, Billy Costigan, was sent as Kind of Spy. His main responsibility is to play the role of an internal member in an organized crime group. His job there is to pass all the information of car crime activities to the police department.

Again the head of the organized crime group, Frank Costello does exactly the same thing. He raised one of his sons, Colin Sullivan Ray, from his childhood and sent him to work in the police department. His job was to collect plan and inform the police in advance. So that Frank can smoothly execute his crime. At one point, both groups realized that there were secret spies in the opposite group. But both sides were unable catch who is the actual culprit doing this. It was thrilling plot. I was very entertained to see it in 2011.

Now 2021 is going on. Suddenly I wanted to see the movie again & watched it. After watching this time, I got some deep realization along with being entertained like the previous time. I did not get this realization in 2011.

Every character here is very complex and the story is deeply developed. The movie shows how helpless human himself is to their own desire. Everyone is driven by their own selfish motive. No one is loyal to anyone; everyone is loyal to their own survival. Their situation is such that if they want to survive, they have to be cynic & selfish. Even if they want to, they cannot be sympathetic to one another. As soon as they are sympathetic, they will end up there. They choose selfishness for Survival. Everyone murdered others whenever they get a chance. However, this selfish choice did not work for them. In the end tragedy happened.

Director Martin Scorsese did not keep any moral lesson at the end. The dark side of humanity is shown in a raw way. In the language of philosophy, this world view is called cynicism.
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Lolita (1997)
Just Spectacular
17 July 2021
I would like to start this review by thanking director. The way director portrayed 'Lolita'. WOW.. Spectacular

secondly, Brilliant casting I would say. Dominique Swain was the center attention of this story. I think, casting & directing her wisely had done 50% work of this film.

Her innocence, child like activities, mysterious vibe sometimes, violent behavior, Erotic fitness & at a time childish nature. Too conflicting & complex. There was always a thrilling sense in entire film. Yeah Director Adrian Lyne could maintain the suspense. The Last conversation was tragic without being loud & meaningful which left me in melancholic feeling & empathetic at a time towards both of them. It was well made intense drama.

I didn't read the book but heard this film maintained the rhythm with original novel. Stanely kubric version was presented in satire tone . I found this version more touching .
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Fan (I) (2016)
Flawed script after 2nd half!
2 July 2021
Incredible performance my shahrukh. Shahrukh's charm was so visible that we somehow forget the flawed of the script & still enjoy. Shahrukh u deserve better director. Just wait. I will cast you. Doesnt matter what your age would be i will cast you and people will understand ur value as always.
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The Spy (2019)
11 June 2021
First of all Thanks director for casting sacha baron Cohen. It ended his 50% work. He played effortlessly yet so convincing. He was charming and well tuned in his role.

Brilliant adaption. Intelligent camera work, captivating screen play and cinematography. It left me tears in my eyes at the end of it.

Thanks dear director for giving such experience.

I saw some review here criticizing about he historical accuracy. Guys ,Please try to understand this not documentary .It is fictional work. It has been made ,based on someone's life story. Creator can change according to his wish & add dramatic elements. Nothing wrong with it. Point is if this creation left you speechless, entertained & depressed.

One more thing this is pure spy drama and not sort of spy action drama thriller like james bond which you watch to entertain by eating popcorn. It has emotionally depth . Thats the point.
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Bard of Blood (2019– )
Sorry Emran hashmi!!
30 April 2021
I heard in a interview of hashmi , He doesnt like too noise,unnecessary background sound. It ruins the nuances of drama. Poor screen play, improper sound score.

Great cinematography, proper casting, great story choosing but poor execution. I loved the attempt. Hope it will improve. Dear emran hashmi, Good luck next time.

I have a advice for Hashmi be relaxed & more spontaneous while you r doing acting. I am his fan since murder.
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Midsommar (2019)
Great story but incoherent execution.
7 April 2021
It is a great story no doubt. Director introduced us with different ancient ritual & gave some symbolic message. But he presented in very incoherent way. Brilliant story, cinematography, theme but ruined by poor execution. I am feeling so disgusted to waste my time which i can get it by 20 minutes video. I had been disgusted by his previous film also hereditary.
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You (2018–2024)
Contradiction between 1st & 2nd Season is horribly disappointing
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hated the second season the way i loved first season. I love the building of the character and premise in the first season. It promised something incredible ended up with catastrophe in season 2. Wonderful actor, cinematography sound , even brilliant screen play got ruined just due to incoherence storyline and characterisation. Watching season 2 seemed like, they was in hurry to make it. I can't describe how heart broken I was to see the lack of ingenuity in second season. Does the maker know, In reality there are detective, polices ?? Very weak implementation of story.
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Succession (2018–2023)
'Nuanced conversation & strong storyline'
2 May 2020
HBO's ferociously satiric series sets its sights on a family at conflict, a business icon's children struggle for power in the family business... Speciality about this series is the subtlity of their communication.

I get the same feeling when I watch any woody Allen's film. Conversation often reveal more than what they say. Most Intelligent and realistic show .

Wisdom in few words: No amount of possessions can fill your void !! Doesnt matter if you are slave or owner, if you are not well settled inside, nothing can stop you from facing crisis
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The Raven (I) (2012)
Feeling cheated!!
3 April 2020
I just watched this film being aroused by the other work of this director. Director could do much more thrilling by this brilliant plot but ended up doing a simple straight thriller.

Discouraging audience to watch it. Strongly recommending to watch the series of 'messiah'. You will be amazed .
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Emptiness, absurdity, melancholia
2 December 2019
People who seek story, meaning or instant thrilling in any film, I am discouraging you to watch cause it will end up disappointing you. May be, I can make you realize the whole movie by just saying 4-5 sentences. Even most of the IMDB review is terribly discouraging to watch this film. But thats not the essence of the film. This movie tried to introduce you with some perspective on life and self you didnt get right language to discuss with anyone.

Watching this film will make you feel some unknown feeling. Like you will feel melancholic and meaningless. You are nothing to this world, doesnt matter how intensely you are trying to build your legacy.

There are few conversations in this film. The entire film communicated with audience by objects movement, body language and events. Audience need meditative calmness with the intention to not anticipating any ending or meaning. It is about the exploration of absurdiness of human existence.

At the end, we all are just nothing, pointless
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Annie Hall (1977)
Wow !! What a masterpiece I have watched !!
5 December 2018
Annie hall is romantic comedy film with unusual and compelling story telling technique .Watcher will feel like woody allen is just having a casual conversation with him .. Soulmate is myth thus relation goes through struggle ,crisis, incompatibility. Doesn't matter who is your partner she might be someone you wanted or didnt want, you can't avoid the side effect of romance ..

Director tried to show those inevitable crisis in a satire framework . People might pretend various charismatic persona in society but when it comes to romantic relationship it is so difficult to hide real flawed persona which causes dillema and crisis .

Woody allen here played the role of a pessimistic ,over thinker and anxiety disorder guy who sees conspiracies and complexities in everything .I enjoyed every monologue in this film . Those were captivating and totally situational. This one is best ..

I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable.
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