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One of the worst.
15 February 2022
Bad acting. Next to no script or plot. An uninteresting cameo from Warhol. Pretence turned up to 11. If you don't like the album this exploits, it's an expensive student film style disaster. I would sell it to you only on the condition you never press Play. It would have been interesting as a late 70s postcard of New York but it's shot so tight, that you see precious little of it. Abominable.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
Hasn't aged well.
31 January 2022
I watched this in High School andmade a point of watching every week. Returning to it 25 years later...yeesh. The pilot is enjoyable and the first season is OK before running out of steam half way through. The second season is uneven but has enjoyable moments. Move over to season three and it's just brain dead soap opera. Pretty scenery but low on calories.
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South Park: South ParQ Vaccination Special (2021)
Season 24, Episode 2
South Park has crossed The Simpsons threshold
28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As indicated by the "Bro's" sub-plot maybe it's time to tie things up. Weak jokes and obvious plot. QAnon and Adrenochrome were too obvious: where was the face-ripping SP twist? I agree with many that the writing was just lazy, akin to later seasons of 'The Simpsons' which begs the question 'why keep going?'.

The ending was just filler-like fan service and Mr. Garrison's sign-off suggests Trey had no idea how to finish.

Overall a weak turnout and worse than the 'Pandemic Special', that only started well. The in-fighting of the boys was a good metaphor of the breakdown of the social fabric at present, but not enough to hang a double-length episode on.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Leave your brain at the door
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had been tying to watch this on YouTube but found it mysteriously inaccessible. I tracked down a badly marred DVD at last, to digest. I always knew this was a fluffy popcorn flick but this one makes Lost In Space (1998) feel cerebral in comparison. Despite my copy glitching I could still piece together the plot, or what little there was. After the 1 hour mark Laurence Fishburne appears - must not have gotten enough royalties from Apocalypse Now or Matrix or whatever - assesses the production underway and promptly dies (smart call). Our two heroes - a journalist and washing machine repairman(?) switch up to rocket scientists and inexplicably vent the ship reactor and save the day. And just as well: Andy Garcia was resuscitated, with a full beard, to Captain the ship and collect an undisclosed pay check for a brilliant non-speaking cameo. Consuming your favourite beverage, to your own specified level, helps to appreciate what entertainment level is on offer.

Not the worst movie I have ever seen but hardly a recommendation.
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High Fidelity (2000)
I don't wanna hear old sad b_____d music
25 August 2019
That's it. I searched for this movie because I kept hearing this Jack Black sound bite on the radio. This is a film I passed by at the time of release, but decided to rent it to say 'yes' I had seen it. It's OK in part. I felt like I was watching a cinematic, though darker version of How I Met Your Mother and can see this might have influenced the character development of that show or at least Mosby.

Some viewers, will say it's not funny - I heartily chuckled in places. Tim Robbins, the love rival, gets too small a part, a sub-plot. How much of this feature was haphazardly left on the cutting-room floor? At no point are we informed as to why Cusack needs the girl and they have zero chemistry. Cusack wears the same hang-dog expression throughout, often whilst standing in the rain in his Brando leather jacket.

I like music. I like indie music. So what. Yes I know of Belle and Sebastian, but this in no way makes the film more relatable and shouldn't alter anyone's appreciation of the proceedings. The problem I found was the uneven pace and loose structure. It's slow and feels like an almost 3h feature but I persisted. The last half hour feels rushed and seemingly attempting to squeeze in a large section of the book, with sparse dialog. I was enjoying it, but then it ran out of steam so noticeably that I scored it a 4 rather than a 7. It's overrated.
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More than I was expecting
3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was suspicious of the trailers and of critic's summaries: this was a re-scanned Re-Dux omitting a scene with the Bunnies. Wrong.

Yes that scene is gone but other scenes are edited, noticeably the french plantation scene, where a line of Willard's is cut, which gives more credit to the viewer's intelligence. Another short scene where Willard is captive in a shipping container is missing.

In this new version, the film is more visually cohesive and the mood gradually builds with less of the distractions of before. With a 4K rendition, shots are more obviously out of focus on rare occasion. Coppola has made a legendary film as near to cinematic perfection as one could imagine, especially considering it was shot on film, with no digital trickery to fall back on.
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The Voices (2014)
Not a Comedy
2 May 2019
I like a black comedy on the rare occasion they appear. 'The Lobster' being a solid 8 for me and I've chuckled through it 3 times. Then there is this.

Marketed as a comedy, it simply is not. The trailer is very misleading. I made it to the hour mark before quitting. It's dark, gory but won't elicit laughter for the simple reason, that there are no jokes and humour is not the intent. This a character study film of a mentally unbound person turned murderer.

Shame on the marketers of this film.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
A mutt
26 December 2018
So much potential wasted. I so enjoyed 'The Life Aquatic' many years ago, but am afraid to visit it for fear of disappointment. 'Moonrise Kingdom' a faint piece of whimsy I might score a 6, but this one evaporates after 30 minutes. I have to wonder why Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum signed on, because any meaningful dialogue disappears for them at this point.

I was underwhelmed by the theatrical trailer but, thought why not when home release was made available. My original summation was proven correct in that this piece is style over substance. The plot in the latter stages becomes somewhat convoluted or perhaps I was too bored to concentrate. As other reviewers have asked 'Who is the target audience?', I am left with the same quandary - too dark for kids, too predictable and unchallenging for adults.

This production appeared rushed. All the animation was excellent but it hung off of a script that felt it was at first draft stage. Not recommended.
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