IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite Multilingual TV Series (Part II)

Each of the following series uses two or more languages. Whether by creating authenticity, enhancing atmosphere, or illustrating how dependent we are on communication and how interdependent we are on each other, which series uses the changing languages to best effect?

Feel free to discuss this here.

Vote in Part One of this poll here. Vote for Multilingual Movies here and here.

Note: Series are listed in alphabetical order. When possible, languages are listed in order of approximated usage in each series.

Results of 214 votes:

  1. 1.

    Chernobyl (2019)

    English, Russian, and Ukrainian
  2. 2.

    The 100 (2014)

    English, Mandarin, French, and Spanish
  3. 3.

    Lost (2004)

    English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, French, Korean, Latin, Russian, and Japanese

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