Not much terror from 5000, let me tell ya.
5 March 2003
The movies title is a bit misleading in that there isn't much terror in this movie. In fact, there isn't much of anything going on till the last maybe 20 minutes of this flick. A museum curator gets a mysterious statue and is asked to test it for its age. Somehow he finds out it comes from the future. I don't know if I am right on this point, but I don't believe you can tell if something comes from the future...only how old something is. Well, he also finds out it is highly radioactive so he goes to this professor's house where the statue came from. There the professor and his extremely stupid assistant are doing, of course, time travel experiments. Since the statue was radioactive the professor wants to stop the experiments for the time being, but the stupid assistant wants to keep going. His fiancé eventually goes with the curator and the assistant summons a mutant from the year 5000, which kills people for no reason and then convinces the assistant to go with her to the year 5000 and help out their people. She steals a nurse's face before this and uses it as a mask as she is a bit mutated. All in all a pretty lousy sci-fi flick that has so many inaccuracies it is pathetic.
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