This Film Absolutely REEKED of Scream!
18 February 2002
Watching Halloween H20 for the first time in 3 years last night, I realised how much this whole thing just stank of Scream. A very basic plot gives way for a somewhat cliched Michael Myers and predictable scenarios. It must be said though that performances in the film were all excellent, especially John Hartnett who has since gone on to bigger and better things. I felt I could relate to some of the characters and I liked everyone, which is always a good thing. There are some great scenes where tension is often built up to unbearable levels, but the fact that this is done every 5 minutes tires the viewer down (certainly did me anyway). Although I think that this sequel knocks spots of every previous sequel, I simply felt like I was watching a totally different kind of movie. The atmosphere is totally different and the music score is very weak in places. Perhaps the biggest letdown though was the throat slashing in the first ten minutes, where it was blatantly obvious that the knife was indented to fit around the womans neck!

H20 is certainly a film worth watching, but then again, there are far better films out there. I give it 3 out of 5.
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