Back to the basics
24 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sequel we have been waiting for! After a little slump with Halloween 5, I think a lot of Halloween fans were worried that the Halloween franchise was going to be like the typical Friday the 13th series, that as the sequels went on the stories would just get worse and worse. Why is Halloween H20 different and better than the other sequels? Because they went back into their roots, most sequels loose touch with what the original movie was trying to produce and get into goofy characters. This movie delivers in perfect scares, the story is awesome, and we have Jamie Lee Curtis back! What more could we ask for? I do have to admit that there was a disappointment that they killed the original nurse from the first Halloween movie, but the way Michael did it was classic. This is my favorite Halloween sequel because Michael is back and he's scarier than ever. We have some new great actors like Josh Hartnett, Michelle Williams and even LLCoolJ was fun to have around, they were all great additions to our Halloween story.

The movie features the return of Laurie Strode, now revealed to be living under the assumed name "Keri Tate". As Tate, Laurie has a seemingly perfect life with an intelligent son and a boyfriend, a great career; however, Laurie is far from happy. The tragic events from 20 years previous still haunt her mind, and strongly take effect on her parental capabilities. To everyone, this is "just another Halloween," however Laurie still lives in constant fear. But this year is different. Marion Chambers and her neighbors are murdered by Michael after he steals a file on Laurie Strode. Michael leaves to find Laurie. To mark the 20th anniversary of the happenings of 1978, her brother, Michael Myers, appears, and starts killing off her co-workers and students one by one. And for the first time in two decades, they meet again. Laurie escapes, but chooses to go back to the school to challenge Michael in a fight to the death. She finds him and attempts killing him several times. But after all, this is Michael Myers, after several sequels you know it isn't going to be that easy.

Halloween H20 is a great sequel that is sure to give you good scares, laughs, and it keeps you interested. This is one of those rare movies that made me cover my eyes in terror, I know it sounds a little cheesy, but when Laurie is having a bad flash of Michael coming towards her and she keeps trying to close her eyes and say it's just a dream, but she opens them and he's still walking towards her, yikes! Also I absolutely LOVED the ending, this was a great closure to the series, even though sadly they created another sequel, I just have to forget about that one because this is the way they should just leave the Halloween franchise. So not only would I recommend this movie if you were looking to complete the Halloween series, but just watch it in general, this movie goes back to the basics and is just a great movie. It was a lot of fun to watch and see Michael terrorizing the new cast, even after 20 years he's still got the touch to even make us sympathize with him, ooooo, Michael, where will you take us next? Well, hopefully a much better sequel then what I had to put up with in 2002.

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