Review of Brown's Requiem

A film for the videomarket!!!
15 May 1999
First I want to say that I love James Ellroy. You will certainly find L.A. Confidential in my top 10 for best movies of the 90's.

So I really looked forward to this movie, but it really disappointed me. The story concentrates the most on the main character, here played by a decent B-movie actor: Michael Rooker. Unfortunately, he just can't handle with his personage. The film could have greater, with a lesser depressing tone, a bit more tempo and a better written adaptation. The actual crime story is hard to follow and is told here on a very uninteresting way.

I saw this in the movie theatre, but I think this should have been going directly on video. I can almost certainly say that almost every Ellroy fan will be disappointed. A shame, a pity, just forget about it...hopefully the next Ellroy film will be better. The first thing I wanted to do after seeing this film, was watching L.A. Confidential again...
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