Best movie I've seen in awhile
12 July 2002
When I saw the trailer for "Minority Report" and later heard the plot, I instantly figured out how the movie was going to end. Or at least I thought I did. The movie actually went in directions I never could have imagined. There were times when I would predict something ten minutes before it happened, but when it did happen, there was a twist to it that made it much different than what I expected, and took the movie in a totally different direction. What I was most impressed with was Speildberg's vision of the future. It was a clever and seamless joining of modern life, with incredible futuristic visions of a world we can't imagine today. It was nice to see a vison of the future that didn't take place in the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a nuclear holocost, or in a world where machines or a totalitarian govornment has taken power. Tom Cruise was great as a pre-crime officer framed for murder, while Spieldberg's direction only makes the film greater. I loved the contrast between the futuristic surealism of the pre-crime headquarters, and the seemingly present day suburbian style setting we see in the film's opening seen. When you combine the twisting and turning plot with the action-packed chases and the incredible settings, you get a summer movie worth seeing. See this movie before you bother seeing anything else this summer. 10/10.
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