The Brotherhood (2001 Video)
I'm Just Kidding
16 March 2004
Wow. This movie is amazing! I had no idea one man could put so much homoeroticism into one movie! My friend and I rented this movie and realized it was overly gay with hot chicks but with no boob nudity! The movie is great! It is soo bad that it is good. Just watch it. There are three reasons to watch this movie: 1. The main actor says "I'm just kidding" to his roommate like 3 times! This is funny because his stupid jokes are delivered horribly. 2. The main actor is riding his bike and falls on his face, it is unintentionally hilarious! and 3. There is a scene where the main character is in his new gay frat. His roomie is worried about him but only has suspicions that there is something amiss, no actual proof. So he walks up to the security guy at the outside of the fraternity and tries to get in. The dude won't let him in so the roommate, without any idea that these guys are evil, pulls out a pin and stabs the guy in the neck, killing him!!! It is soo funny because the kid basically committed murder because he thought his friend might be hanging out with bad people. It makes no sense. I have tried to rent all of David DeCoteau's movies because they are bad. He loves the cock. And by cock i mean a rooster, not a penis. Oh, and if you haven't seen Big Trouble In Little China, you should see it. It is the best movie ever made.
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