You can simply avoid to see this movie, move to something better!
5 November 2004
"Hommage to Hitchcock"? Are you sure people? Hitchcock has been one of the greatest film directors ever, and his movies are still evocative and compelling today. This is something that we cannot say about "Entre las piernas", for mainly two reasons:

1)It completely lacks in imagination. The plot is very predictable at each step, except the last scenes, when we discover the identity of the killer. Overall, we are never thrilled by the story.

2)The main characters are flat, not to speak about the secondary ones... The story starts in the psychotherapy room, but it fails in really explaining the "why" of their illness, which could have been very interesting. The secondary characters are simply ridiculous.

Overall, I was very bored by the movie even if the content was meant to be pruriginous. The only notable thing is the skill of V. Abril and C.Gomez as well. You can simply avoid to see this movie, move to something better!
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