Seinfeld: The Boyfriend (1992)
Season 3, Episode 17
The Boyfriend is an absolute favorite of mine, and a classic Seinfeld episode, as the story in it is one of my favorites!
18 April 2006
(plot). Jerry's friendship with his baseball idol Keith Hernandez makes him act like the two of them are dating. Kramer and Newman despise Hernandez for having spit on them after a game, though Jerry suspects the involvement of a second Spitter. Jerry gets jealous when Keith begins dating Elaine. George schemes for an unemployment extension by lying about his job interview with the fictitious Vandelay industries and dating his counselor's daughter.

The Boyfriend is an absolute favorite of mine, and a classic Seinfeld episode, as the story in it is one of my favorites!. It was really funny when the cab driver got sick of George's demands and threw him out of the cab, and this is very well written by Larry Levin and directed by Tom Cherones, plus this was the 1st ever episode two have 2 parts in it and be an hour long. The opening segment was hilarious as George claimed Keith wouldn't know he was, but he did after all, and I loved the ending too as George finally got his wish about having sex with a tall woman, plus Keith Hernandez is excellent in this episode and was very funny. Jerry's stand up's were very funny,and I can see why this is one of Jerry's favorite episodes, because it's one of mine too, plus this is one of Seinfeld's most clever episodes in my opinion. Jerry's explanation about the spitting segment was very funny, and This might just be the best episode on Season 3, plus Julia and Keith made a cool couple. The Boyfriend is an absolute favorite of mine, and a classic Seinfeld episode, as the story in it is one of my favorites, and I say go see it immediately if you Haven't Seinfeld fans!. ***** out of 5

Favorite quotes.

(Opening segment). Kramer: Wide open!, I was wide open underneath, I had three inches on the guy, see you two were hogging the ball. George: Me? it Wasn't me, I never even saw the ball, (George to Jerry): All you do is dribble. Jerry: I have to dribble, If I give it to you, you just shoot, your a Chucker!. George: Oh I'm a Chucker?. Jerry: That's right every time you get the ball you shoot. George: I can't believe you called me a Chucker, no way I'm a Chucker, I don't chuck, never chuck, never have chucked, never will chuck, no chuck!. Jerry: You chuck!. George: Kramer am I a Chucker?. Kramer: Oh your a Chucker!.

Kramer: Hey you know this is the 1st time we ever saw each other naked?. Jerry: Believe me I didn't see anything. Kramer: Oh you didn't sneak a peek?. Jerry: No did you?. Kramer: Yeah I Snuck a peek. Jerry: *laughing* why?. Kramer: Why not?, hey what about you George?. George: Yeah I Snuck a peek, but it was so fast, I didn't see anything, it was just a blur.

George: You know Keith what Iv'e always wondered is with all the ball clubs flying around all season, wouldn't you think There'd be a plane crash?.

Jerry: Vandelay industries Kell Varnsen speaking, how may we help you?.

Keith: You know I hate to brag about it but I did win 11 straight gold gloves, I wouldn't have brought it up but since you mentioned it. Elaine: I didn't mention it. Keith: Well I won them anyway. Elaine: Well so what?, I mean you played 1st base , I mean they always put the worst player at 1st base, that's where they put me and I stunk. Keith: Elaine You don't know the 1st thing about 1st base. Elaine: Oh well I know something about getting to 1st base,and I know You'll never be there. Keith: The way I see it Iv'e already been there, and I plan on rounding second tonight at around 11:00. Elaine: Well I'd watch the 3rd base coach if I were you, Cause I don't think He's waving you in.
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