Touched by an Angel: Psalm 151 (1998)
Season 5, Episode 9
My favorite episode
19 June 2006
This is by far my favorite episode of all the touched by an angel shows! A truly touching story about two best friends, one of which has a deadly disease and makes a small list of things he wants to do before he dies. As Monica, Tess and Andrew help him and his friend Celine acomplish these last wishes, he has two strong wishes that he wishes to do for his Mother and his best friend Celine. This story of a selfless boy who uses his last breath to accomplish his mother and friends wishes will leave even the strongest people in tears. With Wynona Judd as the sick boy's mother, not only does this show have amazing acting (which is no surprise in this show) it has heart wrenching, beautiful music. You have not expereanced "Touched By an Angel" until you have expereanced this episode!
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