Lameness has a new name. . .
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There's something innately irritating about a horror film where the protagonists have guns at their disposal, but can't hit a radioactive mutant from ten feet away. In this movie it's so blatant that it actually smacks of a PC liberal Hollywood anti-gun message . . .Am I the only one who dosn't want a lecture on social reform from a B-rate gore-flick? In this particular gem, the people with guns manage to kill exactly '0'radioactive mine mutants while the anti-gun PC Hollywood liberal mows them down by the dozens with an ax, a screwdriver and a dog. (the screwdriver scene is stolen from Tarantino's 'True Romance', just in case the films makers thought no one noticed). You may want to rent it just to see the stupidest scene ever put in a movie (here's the spoiler) towards the end, one of the gun-toting protagonists becomes riled because a cannibal mutant has stolen his mother corpse from his vehicle. In a fit of blind rage he follows the bloody footprints to a well lit open area where he finds the alleged offender feasting on his mamma in broad daylight. (keep in mind that the mutants are just ugly humans; if shot they will die.) The mutant charges the lad, and he turns and runs away, spraying the canyon walls with bullets as he does so--you see,he does not want to shoot the mutant, because he is leading it into a super sneaky explodee trap instead, and shooting it would spoil the trap. . .clever huh? He leads it back to the trailer which his sister has already filled with propane gas. They rig the door with some strike-anywhere matches and wait for the mutant to stick his arms through the window which they quickly bind to the trailer utilizing a bungee cord. They then escape out a window. The mutant frees himself and then decides to use the front door, which blows up the trailer.

I'm not kidding, this scene is actually in the movie.

We can all learn from this. If being chased in the middle of nowhere by a cannibal mutant, don't shoot it! instead lead it to your only source of shelter and blow it up.

Oh, and there's a crying baby in it. . .I guess they figured the thing didn't stink bad enough already.

Anyone who liked this desert-loaf needs to remove their crash helmet and have their head examined.
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