Come Blow Your Horn blew it
25 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie truly stinks. Not much better than an Elvis cookie cutter film of the same period. One wonders what Frank was thinking coming off Manchurien Candidate, Some Came Running, Joker is Wild, Man with the Golden Gun etc. It would only appeal to a loyal FS fan such as myself. The movie appears to be a remake of Frank's earlier "Tender Trap" of the late fifties. The concept really did not need to be revisited in 1963. Regarding the previous reviewer's comments about Frank's hat and coat in the era of the Stones, the Stones hadn't happened yet, in America. Kennedy was still alive. The British invasion was still months away when the film was released. So Frank's outfit was still in vogue for a swinging single of the early 60's. Further, Frank was not 51. He was born in 1915. Try 48. He still lacked credibility as the swinging 39 year old with a 21 year old brother. Perhaps a better lead for the movie would have been Robert Wagner or even Steve McQueen. Later
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