WWE Armageddon (2006 TV Special)
very good pay per view
31 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Surprising opener: Kane vs MVP Cool match with nice visual fire effects. Cool moves include flying clothesline to MVP from top rope to outside, lighting up a turnbuckle covering, and that kinda stuff. But not enough stuff to get a 10/10. Kane forces MVP into the fire lighting up his back and butt. 7/10

Teddy's Xmas present: to turn a boring tag team match to a 4way ladder match!!!

Crazy! This match must be seen since almost every moment has a dangerous move! Scary moment: Mercury gets his face torn up by a see-saw springboard-like ladder BAM to his face! One wrong move and he could've lost his eye. He looks like Chucky after that - forgot who won... i think Paul London 10/10

Miz vs Boogeyman I like this worm eater but the same act is getting ridiculous! Miz ends up getting choke bombed and gets a free worm dinner. Crowd was dead silent, like the twilight zone. 3/10

Benoit vs Chavo Chavo is so boring! The storyline is dumb and messed up. But Benoits cool. I forgot who won... Benoit i think by roll up 4/10

Helms vs Yang High flying i guess, Yang is cool! See this for yourself, you'll have a good time chasing them around. i forgot who won, i think helms 6/10

Kennedy vs Undertaker Match starts: Kennedy hits dead man again & again, he keeps sitting up.. love it when he does that- makes their way to the top... taker gets thrown to a crash mat. Kennedy ends up getting choke slammed on the hearse and a vicious tombstone. Awesome!!! Bye ken, u know u dead 9.5/10

Cena/Batista vs Finlay/Booker T the stupid king Batista and Booker is HORRIBLE together. Cena is turning Finlay's green butt to whipped cream. Batista wins by power bomb. please Lord, please end this boring rivalry of Booker & Batista. 3.354/10

Ya know? a pay-per view is not worth $40. Don't watch it unless you are desperate..or if the DVD is on sale. :)
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