a British nick and nora charles
30 April 2007
This is clearly a British take off of the Thin Man series.A young couple investigate a series of murders.They even have the same drinking habits as the Charles couple.They get drunk on champagne at night and breakfast on brandy and soda .The murder plot is very sinilar to many British films of the period,but it must have hit a chord with the public as there was a sequel "This Man In Paris".Alistair Sim very early in his film career gives a charecteristic performance as a harassed newspaper editor.From a production point of view this still has the look of a quota quickie even though the 1938 Cinematograph Act tried to persuade film companies that spending more would be more beneficial in quota terms,double and treble quota,than spending less.This sort of film tended in any event to die out for a few years as the war brought new subject matter to the screen.
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