One of the best animated movies of ALL TIME - classic status, STAT!
23 October 2007
First off, if you're at ALL a fan of animation, Studio Ghibli, or even just catching a movie that will bring you back to times when things were simpler and people weren't just up for the 'snatch and grab and screw everybody else', you need to see this movie RIGHT NOW. I will admit to being biased, since this *is* my favorite movie of any (animated or not), but honestly, whether you're 7 or 70, this movie is a guaranteed delight. Every time I see this movie, I'm immediately overwhelmed by feelings of wonder, delight, creativity, and hope, and I must say I've definitely seen this movie over 60 times. It doesn't get old, and it's one of those movies where every time you see it, you see something new in the background you'd never noticed before.

Okay, on to actually telling you about the movie! The animation and musical score are so far above average it's not even funny. I could watch this with it on mute, and I'd still be struck by the wonder of all the scenery, and the excellent emotional responses of the characters. I could listen to the music from this for HOURS, and if you're any sort of creative person (writer, poet, musician, artist, etc.) it WILL inspire you. Also, I haven't seen the subbed version yet, but unlike many dubbed anime, you will NOT feel like you're being talked down to!

Now, this movie is based on a book by Diana Wynne Jones. This is one of the handful of movies where I've watched before I read, and unlike most book to movie adaptations (I loathe nearly all of them), this movie stands on its own with excellence. The book is most certainly a bit different (you will get more of a background on the characters and plot), but for once, I can actually say I loved both equally. It's not necessary to read the book first by any means, but make sure you don't neglect to do so! As a writer, I work with words and their nuances constantly, but even I have immense trouble trying to find words to describe the utter fabulousness of this movie! I'm honestly trying to take a step back and take a critical look at it, but there are NO flaws, no things I would have improved. I wish this movie had actually been released to the public to see in the theaters (I would have had to drive 7 hours to see this when it first came out, and I live very close to a large city - we're talking practically NYC and LA release only!), so many more people could have been struck by the wonder this movie inspires.

So if you need an uplift, rent this movie ASAP. Better yet, buy the DVD - it is quite difficult to obtain outside of stores that specialize in anime and the internet, but it is VERY worth it - the DVD has awesome extras and lots of artwork used in the creation of the movie. I PRAY this isn't the last movie Hayao Miyazaki directs!
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