Transcendence From Genre
30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A major issue with horror films is their inherently being trapped in some corner of the genre. Vampire films are to a degree less prone to this because they are almost always based in relationships. Their power at times depends on the quality shown in these relationships developing, both human and not.

From the moment this film steps from the eerie softness of the snowfall, you know you may see something different if not extraordinary. This tranquility subsists throughout as you observe the evolution of one of the most interesting and provocative relationships you will ever witness in film. The subtlety and, yes, beauty of this truly throws you off bearings of any expectation.

Then suddenly, in context of genre, horror explodes that both redefines and extends the vampire myth. Most importantly, it scares the crap out of you.

The motion between these two moods really moves your emotions in ways you have not often experienced, almost never in a fright fest. Innocent sweetness. Sick pleasure in revenge. Longing remembrance of first love. Amazement at so simple special effects. An almost tear inspiring bloody kiss. Many others.

It all works because of the wonderful story, amazing performances from two first time actors, cinematography that rivals that seen in Bergman, and direction that drives this amazing sense of continuity.

I recently saw this film at a festival in Sarasota, FL. 28 films in seven days. I've Loved You So Long, The Wrestler, Waltz With Bashir, Slumdog Millionaire, The Class among them. This film was far and away my favorite and will end up somewhere in my favorite five for the year. I think that many film snobs like me who see this will be shocking themselves as they compile their personal end of year lists. Maybe end of year awards, particular considering the expectations of a genre that seldom delivers anywhere near the beauty you witness here.

Not convinced yet you MUST see this film and not the likely beyond pathetic US remake already in the works. Any film that can have you weeping at closure with the decision by an innocent yet likely sociopathic little boy running away to facilitate the life of a timelessly young, lonely, and vicious vampire has taken you to a place almost sacred. Go there.
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