A more mature X-Files
15 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to post a comment here because I think this movie deserves a wider audience than it has got so far.

No, it's not the blockbuster people were expecting, nor is it truly an X File in the mold of the first movie or TV series. But, it is a good movie.

Just as Christ Carter and the cast and crew have matured, so have the X Files characters and their story line. Belief in aliens has been changed to beliefs in religion, and monsters of the fantasy kind changed into monsters of the reality kind, in this case a pedophile priest and 'Frankenstein' like doctors. In many ways, it shows how the fantasy of the TV series plots isn't that much removed from the reality of what really happens in the world today.

As a story, it's intriguing and keeps you guessing, it well scripted and acted (although Anderson does over play it at times), and there are some nice cues to fans of the show. The development of Mulder & Scully's relationship is good to see although odd that, now lovers with a deceased child, they still call each other by their surnames? However, it's pacing is at times slow, because you get ahead of the story line and characters into what's going to happen next, and the finale is quite anti-climatic. It a good suspenseful movie, with a mature attitude and plot, but not an edge of your seat experience.

While on one hand a brave move and one to be quite respected, it does leave you, if your a fan of the show, quite disappointed in that you know these characters and have seen and done much more fantastic and amazing things that this seems like a walk in the park for them really. It doesn't really stretch them as characters or exponentially expand on our knowledge of them. If it was an episode of the TV series it would be enjoyable, but not a favorite, and not one you'll likely watch again.

The capper on this is the sequence over the credits, with long shots of vistas and then finally Mulder rowing Scully to an island and then waving t the camera - what was that all about?????
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