Sorority Row (2009)
It definitely surprised me.
12 September 2009
You know going into "Sorority Row" I wasn't expecting truly a whole lot, if anything. Because, although I knew it would be nothing I'd give a 1 rating too, somewhere inside me was ready to feel that feeling of infuriation. I mean coming into this one is kind of already expecting it to be a good for nothing movie with just an excuse to find ways to kill people and to have girls take of their tops, and for their to be a parade of unlikable people who you could care less if they lived. What I ended up getting, actually surprised me. I guess it's kind of redundant too say that "Sorority Row" isn't all those things I just mentioned, because it may be at some points, but in my opinion they handle it in a classier way than most if not all of the movies wouldn't even dream of going. For example there were many scenes where a sexual tension built up, but that all that happened. I really appreciated that fact. Also I must say it was kind of original, I mean sure they don't provide us with anything ENTIRLEY new, but at times it feels fresher. The characters, the moment I saw them I expected them to be the most annoying, under-written, horribly conceived, badly acted, and unlikable characters ever, they really wern't. I mean sure some of them may have been a little stereotypical at times, some of them may have been just like the girls in every slasher movie from the last 15 years, but the dialog is actually handled in a very witty way. This movie has a sense of humor, and I'm glad it did, otherwise I wouldn't have liked it as much. I mean sure if you've seen the movie I'll admit the humor(although I admire it) can be a bit out of it's league for scenes that didn't call for it. However when it's okay to have it, they use it, and it works well. I mean I'm just a sucker for a good sarcastic line, and "Sorority Row" definitely delivers that for me. Next the killings were actually really cool, and fits the slasher tone well. I also felt the film was very well paced, when it started (because they do jump into the story pretty much immediately) I feared that after-wards it would become mellow dramatic nonsense. Mellowdramatic, maybe, entertaining, most definitely. I will say that "Sorority Row" maybe should have given itself a little more credit in some scenes that were a bit sloppy joe, and I think the actresses(although they do a fine job) maybe should have all stayed on the same level of fear. Because in many scenes it's like they're not even scarred or sad yet Rumor Willis' character(who although IS suppose to be like she plays) kind of looks a little dumb, and over the top mellow dramatic. I also didn't particularly care for the ending, I didn't think it was well thought out, and it seems rushed. Plus they killed one certain character whom I didn't want to die, and who went out WAY too easy. I also think it should have had a really good chase scene, and I think the killer should have been a little more active and physical. I mean it's like okay we get it that you need to remain, for the first half, mysterious, but okay now were getting to the main climax come out of the shadows! Again on the VERY end, was it THAT necessary. If you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about, if you haven't and are going too see it, you'll see what I mean. Overall although "Sorority Row" does have it's fair share of flaws, it's actually not that bad at all. I expect it to not do so well, but I'm just saying out of the recent remake wave that's been happening this one was actually kind of above average. I won't say that as a remake it's great (although I'll admit I've never seen the original), I just think as a stand-alone horror film one would get some enjoyment. Even though the movie may look dull, I actually had a fun time watching "Sorority Row". 7.5/10
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