Good Tenchi movie, at times a bit hard to follow.
17 November 2009
I enjoyed this movie even though I was not familiar with the Tenchi Muyo show, it had a lot of colorful characters and was funny and had good action too. The story though was a bit hard to follow, it made a bit more sense when I had seen the Tenchi show, but it still has points that make very little sense. My guess is that this movie takes place in the realm of the show "Tenchi Universe" rather than the first show as this movie features both female galaxy officers that are in the "Universe" series while the original only featured the blond officer. Also, Ryoko is the space pirate she was in that series as well. The story is a bit of a time travel movie with a dangerous being escaping a galaxy police stronghold and going back in time to kill a member of a royal family that has the power to bind his almost limitless power. That person just happens to be the mother that Tenchi himself has never met. So off go he and all his little gang to try and stop this being from killing his mother. At times it is a bit tough to follow the plot, it was very hard when I had not seen the show, but it has such colorful characters that its story shortcomings can be forgiven. The action is good too, however, the movie is most certainly more comedy and such than action...most of the action comes at the tail end of this one. However, if you enjoyed the Tenchi Universe show you should enjoy this.
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