How could you call this boring?
3 May 2010
The one thing I do not like about A Clockwork Orange is how it reminds me how desensitized I am to violence. I should be horrified by what happens on the screen, I should turn away in disgust, but I do not. So, by principle, I will not allow this film to be called "boring." Do not misinterpret me; I legitimately enjoyed this movie. It is visually and audibly thrilling. Its surreality gives it a unique element rather than a weird flavor that leaves the viewer feeling confused and unsatisfied. Stanley Kubrick is a master at emotionally manipulating the viewer, and Malcolm McDowell knows how to bring Alex DeLarge to life on the screen and in the audience's world. Expect the unexpected with this film; I thought, for instance, that there would be know plot (which there was) and I thought the violence would be unbearable (which, with spiritual misfortune, is not), and I thought that I would hate Alex for what he does (I feel the opposite). Perhaps it is easier to understand if the viewer knows what was going on in England at the time the film was made (a near state of anarchy). Perhaps it is just one of those films that has to be seen. Do not read the reviews or the synopses or articles; just watch it, and see what happens. There is little else that can be effectively done with A Clockwork Orange.
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