Review of Stone Cold

Stone Cold (1991)
Brian Bosworth proves here he was a better actor than professional football player.
8 November 2010
My summary is not much of a compliment as the Boz as he was known as back in the day was a horrible NFL player and an over hyped college one. The Boz as about attitude and an image and college football recognized this by giving the Butckus award to Alabama linebacker Cornelius Bennett instead. That being said, Brian was not a horrible actor, kind of a Dolph Lundgren type where you put him in the right position and he will succeed. I am afraid his football career may have helped him get into Hollywood; however, being run over by Bo Jackson is an image that hurt his chances of becoming a sustainable star. This film has over the top action, violence and sparse nudity here and there and it failed during a time this type of movie should have done well.

The story, dude is a cop who is on suspension and he stops a grocery store robbery that involves like four guys and automatic weapons. Sure, guys with artillery like that hit the local supermarket for the big score! Well he is soon recruited to infiltrate a biker gang and take it down as they are out there killing priests for no real reason. There are big deals going down and stuff. Look, it is a brainless action film, best not to dwell on the plot and let the explosions make you say, radical!

As I said, Brian Bosworth did alright here, they did not give him too much to do as he mainly walks toughly here and there. Lance Henrickson on the other hand seems miscast as the leader of a biker gang. Why not someone with some size so you can have a decent fight at the end as poor Lance puts up a worse fight in this than the Joker gave Batman in the first Batman movie. Lance looks way more at home in the priest costume at the end!

So lots of explosions, lots of strutting around like one owns the place, more explosions, some boobies and even more explosions. Seriously, I do not think a motorcycle explodes upon impact in a fireball the size of some sort of C4 explosion. Still, that is what makes the movie sort of fun, makes it a bad movie that is sort of good at the same time. This movie failed at the box office, but a few changes and I think it could have done good, I bet if Canon had made this film it would have turned a profit as this is the type of film that was their signature. I do not really see it as an MGM film, even though that is who made it. So, turn off your brain and give it a view, it may be bad, but it is not boring!
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