An okay episode
1 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best of the series. I mean, I have to agree with the last poster that Agent Thorpe is kind of harsh, but the point is this episode proves that Monk is smarter than the smartest supercomputer (I sometimes even wonder if he's smarter than Deep Thought. That is, he can tell us what the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is, and not give us the vague answer of "42"). I could agree that Thorpe could have been made the killer. Sometimes, in my ideas, I often imagine a different concept that makes the Six Way Killer an actual serial killer, not just a diversion from an earlier murder, and which has Monk and Co. tracking out clues by themselves and sabotaging the FBI's side of things.

I do have to point out some other big issues with the episode: the first is Monk's ignorance to technology. He doesn't know how to use a computer. Given that he served on the SFPD for several years, Monk probably would have had to use a computer to submit arrest reports. Also, Monk has seen Natalie and Sharona use cell phones but when he tries to use one he can't do anything with it? Monk is a master of observation, and yet he can't recall one tiny thing about the operation of a cell phone? That's something I have a hard time believing.

The second thing is that in the tech van, Agent Thorpe and Agent Keao treat Monk as if he was a complete moron. They act like everyone would know that what Monk was writing on was a plasma screen TV. Well if it was off it looked like a clear blackboard, so Thorpe and Keao either have no respect for Monk or they are just plain stupid. Then they scream at Monk for using hydrochloric acid on the screen. Why in the world was it just sitting out in the open like that and why wasn't it clearly marked?

Also, all through this episode, Agent Thorpe constantly bellows at Monk, talks down to him, and in general treats him like a dog who just went poo on a white carpet. If I were in Monk's position, I would probably accuse Agent Thorpe of discrimination based on preexisting psychological disabilities. He would have as a result probably been fired and would have also been fined.
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