Stargate SG-1: Flesh and Blood (2006)
Season 10, Episode 1
How to start your season
3 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Camelot" left our heroes in a pretty bad place. Merlin's weapon wasn't found, they failed to stop the Supergate from activating and the Ori troops flooded into our galaxy; the Korelev was destroyed along with a bunch of Jaffa motherships and Tealc's ploy to bring the Lucien Alliance into the mix didn't help at all. Things are looking bleak indeed.

So the season kicks off with Vala giving birth to a child the Prior calls "Orici", which is basically the Ori equivalent of the Harcesis. Vala puts it nicely, "they used me to get one of their own across the border". The Harcesis story was very badly handled, so here's hoping they do a better job with this one.

It's actually pretty exciting to watch "our team" pick up the pieces from the end of last season, because they really are quite screwed (pardon the language). And in spite of their rather hopeless situation, they go after the bad guys, get the main characters back and flee with their tail between their legs!

There's so much good in this one; Mitchell's rescuing Sam (awesome flying!), Vala naming her daughter after her "witch of a woman" stepmother, the Ori incursion at Chulak, Adria actually being a really really creepy kid, and the overall ominous feeling throughout the episode. When the Ori storyline was introduced last season, I was thoroughly pleased. After 8 seasons of Gua'uld it was a welcome change. And at this point in the saga, they've become an even more tangible threat; they have troops on our territory, they have a superbeing on their side and their ships so far seem to be invincible!

This awesome season opener gets a 10/10 from me.
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