2 Broke Girls: And the Kosher Cupcakes (2012)
Season 1, Episode 17
Hilarious Episode
20 February 2012
Hilarious episode. I enjoyed it and was not offended, as others have been. Everything is made fun of these days. The kids were obnoxious, but were very funny, especially the dark haired one. Loved the doctor's wife and the mother (Love Renee Taylor). The Polish woman played by Jennifer Coolidge is always funny and of course her gay boyfriend was quite humorous. I do get tired of them using the words penis and vagina at every opportunity, but the show all in all is funny and well acted. I say lighten up and just go along for the ride...it is all in good fun. And if you can't then change the channel. It is ridiculous to think that all TV shows are tailored to no offend someone...if they were it would be so boring.
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