Miami Vice: Golden Triangle: Part 2 (1985)
Season 1, Episode 14
A great conclusion to a two part story
20 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the bombshell of learning that Lt. Castillo had a wife at the end of the previous instalment we hear that he believed that she had died several years previously when he was working for the DEA in Thailand. In order to find out where is old adversary Gen. Lao Li is Crockett and Tubbs bring in Dale Menton a sleazy ex-CIA man who had assisted the General in Thailand because it suited US interests at the time; he even goads Castillo by telling him how he'd set him up to be ambushed. When Castillo sees Lao Li he is told that he has moved to Florida to retire and has no intention of breaking any law; Castillo is unconvinced and remains suspicious so maintains surveillance on the general's family. A lead from Noogie sends them to a restaurant where they catch the general's grandsons selling a large quantity of heroin... now he just has to see how the general will act.

This episode was a great conclusion to the story which showed that rather than being a square by the book character Castillo is possibly the coolest character in the department; of course it helps that he is played by an actor as good as Edward James Olmos. Guest star John Santucci was suitably sleazy as Dale Menton. The story was great although it was obvious that the grandsons were wrong'uns when we saw them fitting a particularly naff musical horn in a beautiful Lamborghini! The ending wasn't what I had expected but the slight twist made it better... I won't spoil it by saying how though.
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