Review of Rose

Rose (2011)
A heart rending survival story
9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for an action movie look somewhere else. This is not the movie for you.

This is a very dark, life like story of hardship that pulls no punches.

It starts just after the end of WWII in 1945 and is a drama about Poles living in Masuria, an area of land the mostly comprises lakes and forests in East Prussia, which was part of Germany.

When the Russians took over the area after it had been liberated, they trusted no one and regarded the locals as Germans and treated them as such.

From the Russian's point of view, most Poles had collaborated with the Germans or mem­bers of the Polish Home Army (The Polish Home Army had tried to establish an independent Polish state).

The movie revolves around Rose, a Polish woman who was married to a German soldier. After he was killed during the the war, she is left alone on their farm to fend for herself. She like most single woman had no defense against Russian soldiers who raped the women as a form of revenge.

She also had no defense against her Polish neighbors and countrymen who robbed and stole to stay alive when they had no other way of surviving.

Rose's saviour arrives in the form of Tadeusz, a former officer in the Polish Home Army who has survived the war and is attempting to hide his identity. He helps Rose to clear her fields of mines and start growing potatoes again, but Rose falls ill due to the many rapes that she has endured and dies.

Unfortunately one of Tadeusz's corrupt comrades who has fallen in with the Russians betrays his identity and he taken away and tortured.

A very realistic movie that can be enjoyed if you are prepared for the no holds barred realism that must have been after WWII.
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