Ladies Who Do (1963)
Poor Script defeats great cast
9 July 2012
i didn't go to see this film when it was shown at the local Odeon in the 60s and now i can see why.There is a great cast.Ron Moody,Jon Pertwee and Graham Stark have small roles but even they cannot save the film which sinks beneath a sea of clichés.Clearly even back then the topic of insider dealing was an issue.however the message seems to be that it is OK provided everyone indulges in it.One of my biggest problems is with Peggy Mount.Her idea of being funny was to shout her lines as loudly as possible on the basis the louder her voice the bigger the laughs.Alas it just doesn't work.Margaret Rutherford i find hilarious but alas Peggy Mount leaves me cold as does this film
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