Resident Evil: Retribution is by far the best sequel in the series
14 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've followed the Resident Evil film series since it started in 2002. I am also a big fan of the video game series and have played and finished every main game in the series since it started way back in 1996. Trust me when I say I am a fan and take my word for it. This is the best Resident Evil film to come out since the 2002 original.

Now let me start by saying that I prefer the video games over the films. But I'm fine with the main character Alice being an exclusive character to the movies and the films being set in separate universe. In fact I've always argued against the idea that movies should be set out EXACTLY like the games. Where is the fun in that? These movies are meant to be a different version to the games universe. Comic books do it all the time.

Resident Evil: Retribution is not to be taken too seriously. The movie is meant to be fun and thrilling and it succeeds! It has the thrilling jump scares and tense moments known from the original and 'Extinction' and the campy fun factor of 'Apocalypse'. While the 4th entry Resident Evil: Afterlife's special effects, stunts and camera work were impressive, its story served as bridge between 'Extinction' and 'Retribution'. It followed up on 'Extinctions' main plot points while setting up the 5th film with a cliffhanger. Unfortunately I thought 'Afterlife' was the worst entry in the series though, even though i found it quite enjoyable.

Paul W.S Anderson takes 'Afterlife's direction and does everything right this time round with 'Retribution'. The slow-motion isn't over the top this time and the action sequences are so much better. The plot isn't AMAZING, but THERE IS A PLOT! MINOR SPOILERS: Alice is held prisoner in an Umbrella Facility until a a spy and a elite squad move in to rescue her. It sounds like a recreation of the first film, and trust me there is plenty of homage to it. But 'Retribution' is much more imaginative this time around as it uses more monsters from the video games and makes use of the quirks exclusive to the series such as 'the clones' and 'Alices Gift'. Characters dead from the previous films make a return. The whole film works so well as a sequel because it mixes elements of nostalgia along with fantastic stunt work and special effects.

This film rocks. Its the best sequel in the series! If you want to know how I rank them 1:Resident Evil 2.Retribution 3.Extinction 4:Apocalypse and 5:Afterlife. I'm a fan of great plots in films, and the trick is not to take these Resident Evil films too seriously. Give 'Retribution' a go its a lot of fun!
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